Devs - Please return "damage taken" stat to tab screen

I’m not sure why damage taken has been removed from the stats screen. Could you please add this back, it’s useful for all classes. For me I feel it’s significantly more useful than what it has been replaced by “self healing/shielding” and there is no reason not to have both.


i promise you the reason is “something something visual clutter…something something at a glance…”

In the middle of a game sure, whatever, but please maybe after the match or during replays we could get a full breakdown…


One of the reasons I really like the damage taken stat is that it gives me an idea of how well I am doing on damage mitigation as a tank. Sure, it can be a bit of an ego-boost to see huge damage taken numbers next to a low death count, but if I can see that my back line is taking hardly any damage, I know I am doing my job.


Good thing is they separated healing and self healing.


This above is why I want this stat returned. It’s not something for ego, as you say I can see as a tank if I’m efficiently soaking damage and if any of my allies who shouldn’t be taking much damage are.

I would often quickly take a glace at this during the game and at least for me, it’s more vital than how much self healing someone has done. As I said though, there is room to fit both and I can’t see a reason to remove damage taken stat in the first place.


You can watch that on the other way. Some damage you take is from health which is healed by your healer. Self healing shows how much you contributed to your own sustain to take damage for team.

But on the other hand, position is part of the skill, and it will be reflected via damage taken, no matter from where health comes from.

Anyway, i will like damage taken back only if it means that self-healing stats will stay.


I agree, more information the better, that is why I see no reason to remove what I consider a vital stat.


I noticed this too and was like wth. I got confused and thought surely in this 20min game with 7 deaths the yrel didn’t absorb only 26k of dmg.

Dmg taken must come back. It’s one of the main metrics in which to see if a tank is doing its job.

I don’t know who asked for this change in the first place


Why did they remove this metric? There aren’t even any developer notes about it.


maybe they removed it to mitigate toxicity? Thinking players harass others based on high damage taken? aka feeding?

Just a thought.

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If you have high damage taken and low deaths as a tank it means you (or your healer) did a good job, I too would like this stat to be visible again.


I can’t see that would be the reason. Say it’s so, well people still use every stat available there to be toxic, it’s not a valid reason and wasn’t stated, the stat just disappeared without comment.


When I play a squichy. I love to see if I took the least


Same, I found this useful beyond just being a tank/bruiser.


My goal was take the least dmg possible as any non melee dude



I don’t see how having to expand the “purple box” it all sits in would cause aesthetic issues. But maybe on 4:3 resolutions or something it might?

agreed, it is a good thing, but killing damage taken completely was a bit silly.


Damage taken being removed is making me feel very lost in the game.
Its really helping me ajust my play stile so please for the love of god put it back in !


Just chiming in to say I also would like to see it added back:

  1. It let me evaluate how well I was doing as a tank
  2. It let me evaluate self-healing melee assassins and bruisers like Butch, Illidan, Thrall, etc, have to be stunned and focused, preferably after killing the healer first

The data were useful, as many others have stated. Please add it back.


It needs to return, I have felt a bit lost without it in my last few SL tank games. Maybe the devs could chime in and say why it was removed and/or not needed?

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Yep, feeling the same way. I no longer have a tab to show me how well I’m doing at soaking damage for the team. It’s especially hit heroes hard who soaked a ton, like Johanna or Chen. Now a lot of tanks look really bad with low numbers on the stat board - even when they did their job - since no one knows how well they did it.