Devs - Please return "damage taken" stat to tab screen

Seems unlikely they will add it back, this thread had 56 likes so far and the only blue post is on something about AI. I hate this change, I don’t need to see my self healing and it’s bugged anyway, if you play a main healer it doesn’t show your own heal numbers.


Maybe it was too time consuming to add a column for self-healing instead of removing Damage taken for it.

Grids, fontsize, scroll bar, column length, auto size and all thoses things to consider.


Where are the blue’s when we need them


Is it really difficult to just add a second column for the self-healing number under the healing done? Great, so they added self-healing into a separate category. Yet if they worry about clutter they could’ve just squished the two healing values atop each other. It isn’t like the stat screen’s text is too small, tooltips IIRC are considerably smaller in font.
Alternatively they could’ve just had a mouseover function, you put the mouse above said stat and it shows the following lines

  • Healing Others
  • Self-Healing
  • Shield Others
  • Shield Self

There you go. If we are at it while they re-add the damage taken, it’d be awesome if there’d be a mouseover line telling how much damage was absorbed via armor or other means of damage reduction.

If my avatar isn’t obvious enough, I am a player and I tended to top the damage taken stat during a good match. This is without taking my damage reduction into consideration since that’s obviously not included there. It wasn’t the only statistic which stood out for my but told the others that I am quite tanky so in my eyes it helped healers to more easily adopt to my hit&run shenanigans. On the other hand has literally nothing which would count as self-heal so I predict this will impact my plays in the future.


How about a hover text?
You mouse over the “healing” stat and get a breakdown on total, self, etc.


they’re probably taking all of those “mvp screen” and “Guardian OMEGALUL” threads to heart, with all the complaints about Guardian. “What does Damage Taken honestly do besides give tanks some useless stat to feel proud of at the end of a game?” I think some actual uses for it have been mentioned in this thread.

If you consider which stat actually fits the description of “useless bragging rights” stat more, I would think it would be self-healing. Not much use outside of tracking healing-based event quest progress, or maybe if it counts self-healing from neutral camps (which would be :eyes:)


That’s still the problem. That’s a legitimate comment to make about it. Siege damage is still damage being done to the opposing team, regardless if it’s important or not, but something is getting destroyed. Hero damage can be stat padded, but even so you’re at least forcing some form of resource to be used.

And then the others are a bit more obvious in why they’re a good statistic, minus the new one.

The uses for it were mostly personal rather than actually useful. I would personally rather see both stats removed (or include both stats), but self-healing at the least demonstrates positive usage of a character’s kit, so it’s definitely more worthy of being on the screen than damage taken (if we actually have to choose).

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I disagree. Here is the information tracked by Heroes Profile when it comes to damage taken. The specific information is from a SL match I played over the weekend as Johanna.

For the red team, they had only one front line hero, and their back line was taking almost as much damage as their tank. The blue team had a tank/bruiser setup, and you can see that our back line were pretty much allowed to do whatever they wanted without worrying about their health bars.

As a tank main, I find this sort of information useful as it can tell me how well our comp worked, and if I am doing my job directing as much damage as possible to me. If I am the one taking all of the punishment, something which my hero is designed to handle, my healer can focus on healing and weaving in damage, rather than frantically performing triage, and my DPS aren’t spending the entire team fight running for their lives, but bringing on the pain.

Of course, the usefulness of data is fairly subjective, but to call it strictly personal is a bit misleading.

Edit: This kind of breakdown can also point out positioning errors. If a ranged assassin is taking a lot of damage, they may be constantly putting themselves in bad places.


This thread has a lot of explanations and statistics and numbers and opinions. It is very interesting.

You know that the blue screens were death screens for Windows, right?
So why are you all talking like if this was a Microsoft game if it’s a game of Death? Learn to talk like a real mage and stop talking like gamers. It is so F frustating to read all this yibber yabber. Do you really think that people that work in entertaining wants to read this? Learn to entertain so they can entertain you back. Please… Seriously, get a grip. Gosh… For your own sake.

Play different.

Your words are toxic for fun people.

I had to say mostly for a reason, as there are going to be situations where you might be able to pull something useful, but it won’t be very often.

To these I ask, without the data, are you unsure if you’re doing your job post-removal? You’re a tank main (more than most in this thread I would imagine), so your opinion would be more valuable than mine here. The question is 100% genuine.

I mean, if we live and they die, I can assume that something is going right, but the same could be said for not seeing healing or damage numbers. Where it does help me mid-game is when I see an outlier, like a healer or ranged assassin taking a surprising amount of damage. If they are playing a hero like Li Li or Uther, seeing them take a certain of damage is not surprising, but if it is an Ana, that tells me that either she is out of position, or is being focused and I need to make sure I have got her back.

I may need to adjust my position to intercept skillshots for her (her trait can make it harder for her to dodge), I may need to save CC to get a diver off her, or I may just need to stay closer so their melee think twice about trying to smack her. I can also warn her to be a little more careful about staying behind me and with the damage taken numbers available, she can see why I am concerned.

Without those numbers, she may not be dying, but I may be missing how much I am making her job harder.


I think all of them should be removed. just keep kda and possibly exp. Then maybe people will improve… Or just leave in post-game screen.

If you want people to improve you need to give them useful feedback. What can you learn from kda? That you need to kill more and die less?! We are not playing fps here.


How does having less information and statistics help you improve?


That’s exactly right. Kill more, do your job more, and die less is a great thing to be reminded of and to always strive for.

Played a game today and got bulwark reward absorbing 37% of my teams dmg. Shame I couldn’t see what that actual number was aye?!

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If you are a healer, heal more is part of your job, so why remove that information? If you are a tank, mitigating damage to your team is part of your job, so why restrict feedback as to how well you are performing?

I can see why this attitude is popular among assassin mains, but fortunately for them, not all of us see our number of kills as the most important stat.


Killing is not my job as a healer. I often have 0 kills and deaths at the end of match. And those stats are not much useful for me. On the other hand, healing is something i need to see if i want to improve. Also other stats specific to a hero i am using are also very useful but i cant see them. Like how much impact my support abilities had on my team/enemy team. This helps me to decide how should i build my hero against different enemies.


In a way, seeing damage taken also helps healers, as it can tell them what percentage of the damage they are healing. If your total healing is low, but no one is taking much damage, you may be doing just fine in your role.


Sure it helps. I play only healers for 3 years and i can confirm that i used that stat a lot. It helps me to decide which ability to upgrade. If dmg taken is low, i will try to boost my teammates or my own dmg. If dmg taken is too high i must build healing or disabling abilities. A lot of this could be told without looking at stats, but having more info is always helpful.


The more stats we are given the better I say. Blizzard just needs to find a way to make a UI which is neat with tabs and drop down menus to display things