Devs - Please return "damage taken" stat to tab screen

There’s no reason to please you if you are going to keep playing anyway.
Why would you keep a happy playerbase when you could mantain the same playerbase in eternal suffering?
You will never understand this because your father is the sun and you drink transparent water like a monkey with no tail.

I think that all gamers should choose career paths related to gaming because that is what they love. I think that players shouldn’t be trying to communicate with developers like if they were both humans or both zerg. I think that it’s ok for players to change the games, by playing, playing the game, playing the market, playing the office… But when players are all diplomatic and public like saying please and thank you I’m like, ugh… Humans… Like, seriously, sometimes I think that today’s humans think that the world is the same world they were born into. They think everything flows the same way like it used to, just because they haven’t noticed anything or nobody has told them anything. Sometimes I really believe what they say about your kin having only 5 senses like the monkeys.

Please do something about your issues. They are your issues. The developers are busy fighting for dominance. Don’t you understand what is happening? The Company is a company, it is public, it has to act human, it doesn’t mean it’s human.

Your tech is not our tech. Your tech was made to help you at home and destroy others of your kin outside your home. Our tech was given to you, to help us make your planet our home and destroy the present time by bringing the past and the future and let time become matter and make the sun black and the moon bleed.

Other person could say please do this and that, but that’s no reason to do it. Don’t ask people to do things, just make them do it. Not against their will. Just do something so that their will changes, so they do it because they want to do it, not just because people want to or need to.

Sorry for language but human is my second race.


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They do things just not to be said they do nothing. This is nonsense.

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i see your healsonheels apprenticeship is going well q:

could possibly use some more absurdity in the first couple sentences though; it took until the sentence about my father and mother for me to go “wait, what?” and scroll back up to check the username!

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Working as intended.

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Why can’t we have both and you’d just “scroll” the stats tab to the right for more room to other stats.

Same thing I’d like to have for damage log after death, except the “scrolling” part should be to the other direction in this case. Sometimes it doesn’t show who blew up your 70% of health, only the ones who slowly ate your last 30% HP.


That is one of HoH’s alts. Just flag it and move on.

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Indeed, how can we understand the reason for the removal of a vital metric, with no explanation form the devs, I guess they considered it trivial even though it’s been here basically since launch.

Exactly, when I was first learning to tank I was taking far too much damage compared to my enemy counterpart, even if I wasn’t dying. This I could see because of the damage taken stat, it’s a useful tool for all classes of heroes.

I request the devs post here why it was removed and/or if it could be returned please.

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Sad to see that stat go as a main tank: its a bit whimsical to think how much I really need to see how much damage I healed the team over self heal as ETC instead of damage taken.

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It feels like a change done on a whim. When I first saw it I thought the devs maybe accidentally removed the damage taken stat and would hotfix it.

HOH, you’re an interesting person, but you know how to empty a room or in this case a thread sometimes. :slight_smile:

I know it might seem trivial to some, but I would really appreciate a blue post regarding the damage taken stat, why it was removed and if it’s possible it could be returned. I really feel this is a vital stat when playing any class, but in particular tank and bruiser.


I personally didn’t see it as a very important stat, but I do agree with the sentiment that information should be more available, not less.

I’ve been playing since Alpha at all skill levels except Master. Damage taken has never been a “vital” stat…

Was this change really necessary? Maybe not. Seeing mitigation and self healing is actually useful. Would both be nice? Perhaps.

Perhaps I overstated calling it vital, but it’s just as useful as the new self healing stat.

I don’t see any reason for the change, it was a stat that was there from the start. I agree that self healing numbers are useful (the more information the better), but as someone who mains tanks bruisers I find the damage taken stat is equally important. To have it removed without comment, is another thing that bugs me.

Honestly love outhealing my healer eith thrall/etc/other healing. Giant middle finger to mediocre supports. Obviously doesn’t mean much as some of rhese heroes heal alot so its not a rage thing that people take too seriously its just fun to see that i have most healing. Really do miss old way. Best thing they did for game was make all stats accessible


You mean like “getting killed by Nazeebo and Lunara while being healed by Lucio”? Yeah. I am requesting this improvement for a long time now…


There is lots of room for improvement, displaying self healing numbers was one of them. There is no reason that means it’s wise to or needed to sacrifice other metrics that are valuable. I too would like the ability to scroll the death damage log, not have it restricted.

Meh, I don’t really ask for much, but I don’t think it’s wise to remove stats like damage taken simply because you’ve added a self heal display. No reason at all I can figure.

The blues just posted about playing against vs easy AI, it would be nice to know the reasons for this change, considering it isn’t in the patch notes.

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Yeah, this was definitely a downgrade for me. Like, wtf. Damage taken is far more useful than self healings/shielding.

The change definitely feels like this it was driven by this philosophy :frowning:


I don’t even get it why remove it?


Ok but I just have to say

If anyone here feels they are suffering over this change this much it’s time to take a step back off the game lol.

And yes this is a bummer of a change Blizz please give us our stats back :sparkling_heart::dragon_face:
Sincerely yours- A Not Eternally Suffering Fan


I noticed this within my first game after the patch lol

They’re going to add it back in. Because they are going to