Devs - Please return "damage taken" stat to tab screen

Wait, what?! Damage taken stats is removed?!

I’m sorry dev, but wth? Why? The more stats we have, the more information we have to know if we do good or we suck!

Game yesterday.

So much missing numbers…
Game before patch

Sorry, but I’m starting to lose my faith in Hots…


The real question is why is this under bug fixes? Should have been with the main General section of the patch notes.


While they’re at it introduce damage mitigation stat, so I actually can see if my armor appliances are doing much.


Wait it was under bug-fix? Lolwhat


They always put the weird random stuff under Bug Fixes. It is kind of misleading, but it has been like that for quite some time. It is one reason I typically read all of the patch notes while I am waiting for my potato internet to download the thing.


The, uh, “justification” I got was that it’s mostly bug fixes under bug fixes.

Maybe I misinterpreted it, but yeah… it was and still is bizzare.


Better yet, why don’t they let us pick the stats we want to see in the tab screen :stuck_out_tongue:

They don’t foster any good will with the community over changes like these, ya know, the nonsensical kind.


You may be correct, but there is sufficient space for the damage taken stat without any visual clutter.

When I’m tanking I want access to know how much damage I’m taking. It can help me to determine if maybe I’m taking unnecessary damage, or if it’s too high, what hero is focusing me. I’m not dismissing the new self healing stat, but given the choice I’d prefer to know how much damage I’ve taken on any class of hero over my self healing numbers.

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so why is self heal important to be even displayed . Score screen what fine but i guess he needs that rework too :smiley:

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Dayum boys your stats in the second game are nice.

Also it’s fun seeing how much damage you soaked without dying much when you’re a non tank melee fighter like when butcher or murky or Uther have to step up to play the role of tank in qm


Probably to prevent heroes like Yrel to have higher healing stats than healers. :confused:

when was this removed? I still saw it on Tuesday

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When they make these unwarranted changes with little regard for the community I start to lose my faith as well. :frowning:


Um, the community has frequently requested that the healing numbers be broken down. Sure, I don’t think anyone wanted to replace the damage taken stat, but add it on, but to call it unwarranted and disregarding the community is a bit of an overreaction.

I like the idea of having the stat screen be customizable, so we can choose which stats we feel are relevant.


More official stats in general would be nice. I really think this game would have done a lot better if they threw comprehensive stats at us like Overwatch does.

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Because this is simulation of work and Hots devs like “change for change” philosophy.


No reason not to have it.

I suspect they got rid of it because fragile people couldn’t stomach being told they are damage and mana sponges when the facetank all damage possible.

Doing a good job at tanking does not always means you have lots of soaked damage though. Juking easy damage is always better.


You want an ego-boost? Think of TB Varian’s self healing! This new patch has doomed this world!

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Adding a new pop-up window with stats specific for each hero would be useful. In example when you hover cursor over a hero in score screen you get a pop-up window with stats only for that player. I love Ana and I play her a lot and I would like to know how much healing I prevented, time I put others to sleep, time I slowed others, healing from shrike, dmg reduced/boosted and such things. Dmg healed is not the only stat that says how well you did as a healer. Every hero has a few specific stats that could be added in that window.


I didn’t even know it ever was taken away until I saw this.

As a main tanker, that’s a really disappointing thing to see getting removed. Are assassin players going to lose their killcount and damage numbers next? Or support players having their healing numbers and damage mitigation taken away?
That’s a bummer :frowning:

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