@devs, can I get an option to lose my rank points?

Oeh what team are you in?

Division 3 (EU): Team Dingsitas. Not our best season so far, but this is our first season in Div 3 (played Div 4 last season), so I guess it is kinda reasonable. You play in the Heroeslounge, too?

Me irl:
By this action they make people, like me, who doesn’t want to smurf, to start to smurf!


Indeed, and people warned Blizz before they implement this change it would cause more smurfing, not discourage it. The change went ahead anyway.

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Yes and no. I was a stand in for when someone coudnt participate for the Nexus Junkies division 1 but then under my real account.
But thanks to the latest master changes im now playing lol and smite. But this game has my heart (also my job is getting in the way of me planning things more then 5 weeks ahead)


Because 99.9% of players aren’t 5 stacks. There are major imbalances if a master is allowed to queue with just anybody.

Ultimately, scrimming is a MUCH better way to improve than pubstomping 5 sl randoms who are allergic to teamwork.

Storm league was never designed for that kind of play.

the rule was to stop stacking, not smurfing
if you guys want to smurf is because you want it, not because a new rule, you have plenty of game modes to play in your mains

It was both. I can’t find the exact AMA with the answer but here:


If you look to the answer the “smurfing issue” of the change is touched upon.

Saying they were trying things to curb the smurf problem.

so if they let masters smurf and stack again what will change? what thing will be fixed then if this was the problem in first place? LMAO

this was the post where the devs asked the community about MATCHMAKER AND PART SIZE, yes people complain about smurfs because you cant deal with a team full of them when you have none in yours

smurfing is a problem even in dota, dont use it as an excuse to break even more our game

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That’s propably an exaggeration. Even though 5 stacks are propably a rare occurence there are still plenty of players that play in groups of 2-4. Not sure if they equal the amount of soloplayers, but I guess we both lack statistical evidence in that regard.

That is only the case for the very highest of grandmasters, as the system can’t equalize the odds through higher MMR on the opponents side anymore.
Teams like the ones I play in, which rank from Plat to low masters however are far from a 100% winrate and pubstomping. We encounter challenging opponents on a regular basis.

I agree, but like I said Scrims happen far less regulary, due to the difficulty of organizing them. Beeing able to hop into Stormleague, requires far less effort and still has the upsides of improving coordination, teamwork and beeing able to play comps that the team is not used to.

While I agree to that, I think it is not made for pure soloplay either. Otherwise they would have simply kept the concept of Heroleague.
I do agree that pure soloplay produces the most balanced matchups, but due to the fusion of Team -and Heroleague compromises have to be made to please both the solo and the group players. The current system excludes group players from the highest levels of play. It is suboptimal and only favors soloplayers. Thats why I think a different solution has to be found.


Eyy I got a smurf exactly for that

Rezing this topic, maybe devs will answer it. I see that they are active at this moment.

i doubt that they’ll care about it since they don’t want people to purposely lose their rank points rather than gain more. they wouldn’t agree that you should be able to lose points as the whole point of ranked is to try to win and climb in ranks only solution is to make smurf and that’s it

Well, there are already people out there intentionally losing at the Masters level just to get to where they can play with their friends, so Blizzard sticking their head in the sand and pretending it isn’t happening isn’t a good solution.

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I “lost” my master 5 times already. And i will do it again if I need.

so you actually think they would make it an option for the players to lose their rank on purpose without dodging / losing games? if you think that would be something good well you’re wrong. people are only dodging cause of this new thing where masters can only play duo hell people make it sound like you can’t win only when playing with friends in SL meanwhile i’m solo and winning solo more than losing

this new thing sucks nevertheless but it’s not an excuse to drop in rank you can make a smurf instead of acting like this pretty simple everyone made smurf why is it hard for others? want to play with friends make smurf ezpz no need to throw your rank on your main just for the sake of it cause it sounds ridiculous

The problem with “Just make a Smurf” is then you have no heroes.

Yes, I realize you can grind and get the new heroes on your Smurf, but why bother when I can just intentionally lose a few games and then have all of my heroes available?

So no, it is not “ezpz”

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most dont want to smurf, most didnt bother grinding event lootboxes unique mounts/skins or to have some mastery rings just to trow it all away.


so you’re that type of a person who would throw the game on purpose too just for the sake of losing points? man this whole thread is a mess

I am not in Masters, so it is not something I personally have to worry about, but if I was, then yes, I would intentionally lose games to be able to play with my friends.

The “Masters can’t play with other players” rule was stupid for them to add, and if they REALLY want to keep that stupid rule, then they need to do something to allow us to work around it. Maybe a toggle that if you turn it on you can never level about Diamond 1?