Design AMA - May 9th, 2019

I’d rather have hope. It’s more uplifting than being defeatist.

Not being defeatist, just being realist. Blizzard answers in those AMAs are always cool, fun, amazing that pass a lot of hope. But we usually end up frustated somehow because they don’t do as promised.

So, I rather just be realist, read the answers and wait. If we get something, nice. If we don’t, I wasn’t expecting much anyway.

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Gotta admit, I had two hopes for this Q&A and neither of them were really met.

  1. Nothing on grom
  2. Nothing really as far as hero release schedule goes.

I don’t want to commit to a standard timeline if such a thing ever existed.

That’s quite the non-answer considering we have certainly had a standard window between releases in the past.That said,I am optimistic considering Kaeo also said

Our next new hero is coming along great and is only a few releases away, so please bear with us and keep letting us know how things are feeling along the way.

Though I’m also not too thrilled with the idea of a non-standardized release schedule.

Are there any plans to show more developer activity on the official forums, such as seeing blue posts more often or hosting AMAs there instead of only on Reddit?

Yes! Our forums were upgraded last year to have a lot of great functionality more akin to Reddit and our team is currently going through training to help prepare everyone for a greater presence on both our own forums, and places like Reddit. More info soonish®!

She’s Redditing from the hospital, get well soon Lana.



Dammit Kith, you got all your questions answered, so proud. :heart:

Me no answer. :sob:

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And just to make you happy, our Dva rework went from “it’s coming around half of 2019” to “she is in the list to get something in the future”


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They also mentioned a complete talent overhaul.


You can take my Aggression Matrix BUT NO TOUCH ME ABLATIVE


Not all of them, unfortunately - no answer about how the developers feel about community Reworks. Still, I’m very happy with the answers that I did get - especially about the coloration of Percentage Damage!

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Also Chen rework is seemingly pretty close.

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Well, it’s pretty silly to expect anything about specific heroes. They did sort of indirectly say that he’s high on their list. They were talking about how community feedback is important for how they choose heroes to start working on, which was brought up in a question about Grom.

They gave a nondescript “It’ll be in a few releases”, which hopefully means sooner than it took for Anduin. However, they did directly confirm that they’re still working on new heroes, and not just heroes that were already in development in December.

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Of course. Never said it was likely. It was just what I hoped

That was the only question I saw about community input on the next hero.
Though I guess it could go either way :thinking:

Yeah, I’m thinking 2 months would be more realistic. Maybe 3, but it definitely seems unlikely for a gap as large as imperius to anduin. Kaeo said the same thing about Anduin’s release in february.

Nice to have some confirmation on Anduin’s silhouette. They actually had him wielding fearbreaker at one point with Shalamayne on his back, but he looked too similar to Uther I guess. Maybe they didn’t want another melee holy healer. Would look weird swinging bolts of light from fearbreaker. The removal of the mace and sash seems to be the only change they’ve done to him since this model comparison.

Oh man, that sash and cloth shoulderpads look is super neat. It’s a real shame that they didn’t go with that in the final design.

Right?? I like his Legion model more than his BfA model because it retains his iconic (at least since MoP) attire really well. It’s okay to be a leader in robes. Velen looks great while doing it. Would help with all the people insisting he’s a paladin as well.

I hope they add it as a skin.

still no word on the easy task of removing the report system SIGH

Look how gracefully they dodge the topic of balancing a character while keeping them in line with source material, by mentioning heroes who don’t have issues in that department like Ragnaros or Samuro.

Like, we get that they were very successful with maintaining the fantasy of some heroes, but what about heroes who don’t quite hit the mark for fantasy and pulling from source material like Tassadar and Garrosh?

Tassadar in particular who everyone knows as a High Templar who commands psyonic powers to decimate enemies, but in HoTs he’s a shield bot support with very little damage dealing capabilities, a design he has had since the beta, even though people have been saying for years that this does not feel like tassadar.

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Tassadar has been acknowledged as suboptimal and is currently getting a massive rework.

Garrosh doesn’t need a major rework, though - he’s been super viable pretty much ever since he came out.