Design AMA - May 9th, 2019

He’s also been super banned ever since he came out. The design clearly needs some inquiring if a hero has been 1st ban material for 2-straight years.

Garrosh is banned right now because he is strong.

People wanted pull removed (which apparently caused the “unfun” danger zone) and it got removed.

I understand Tassadar case, but since i’m not in to Warcraft i lack the knowledge about Garrosh, could you explain me why Garrosh doesn’t feel well represented?

What does that have to do with source material?

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It’s a perspective thing. Warchief wants Garrosh to be a berserker. The team went from the perspective of how Garrosh is described as a brilliant strategist, which fits more with a tank that literally manipulates his enemies. I think they nailed the imposing presence when you’re playing against him - you feel like you can’t go anywhere near him, otherwise you’ll be thrown to the ground and killed instantly. I don’t think that translates directly when you play as him, but I still like his gameplay, and gameplay > flavour ultimately.

A lot of Warchief’s arguments tend to boil down to the trait, specifically it being named after Hearthstone. I personally don’t care - in flavour, it’s him being stubborn and battle-ragey as he gets tougher the more injured he is, and I like the nod to Hearthstone (although they really missed the mark on not calling Double Up “Tank Up”).

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The problem with Garrosh is he’s one of those characters who strongly leans towards a lot of things. He’s a berserker, but also an unstoppable mass of muscle as well as a cunning leader and so on.

That said, i agree with warchief that the kit doesn’t fit. He’s probably the worst hero in this regard.

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Read through a lot of it, and it is the usual, noncommittal fluff with nothing of real merit.

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The only reason he’s strong is cuz he’s bloody cheap. He isn’t strong because skilled players utilize his abilities to get the most value from them, he’s strong because he has a single basic ability that requires very little skill to use and can decide an entire team-fight if he uses it on the right target. It’s not skill that makes Garrosh strong, it’s one ability.

They removed it, and he became less cheap and almost 2 straight years later and he’s still one of the most commonly banned heroes in the game.

Your name implies that you’re familiar with Netherrealm games. If you’ve ever played Injustice 2, there was a character called Deadshot. He too was very strong, not because he required skilled use to get the most from his abilities, It was because the dude has all sorts of projectiles he could spam from full-screen which made it extremely difficult to get in on him unless you were playing someone with good armored, distance-covering, specials or a teleport, you were basically screwed.

It’s one thing to be good from being able to play utilize a character well. It’s another to be good cuz of really strong abilities.

Don’t forget unstoppable mass of old god body parts. His fight in Siege of Orgrimmar was pretty dang cool.

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Body check?

More characters

All it took is some pully boy and the anti fun movement started.

No wonder people made a tantrum about Garrosh when he got released back in 2017 on the forums LUL.

What about Body Check? Nobody picks it?

Icy veins have a nice sumary of the AMA
  • Definite new “different” heroes like Abathur, Murky and Cho’gal coming, with some pretty great community ideas like Vek’lor and Vek’nilash or 2 dark templars already coming in.
  • Leech effects like Nano Infusion will affect summons eventually, they’re getting to it.
  • D.Va is in line for a talent refresh.
  • The Chen rework is already looking good and might be in our hands “soon”.
  • No plans for HotS esports at BlizzCon.
  • The devs focus right now is: Heroes, Reworks, Skins, Skin packs and more.
  • Zagara has made things a bit complicated for future design because of the creep system.
  • Brawls will remain on the current rotation system for a while, but there could be a new one coming.
  • No plans to bring back Haunted Mines.
  • No plans for a map editor.
  • No new maps, but tweaks and overhauls to existing ones.

As in that’s the one ability that makes him op that you’re alluding to :grin:


Strongest lesbian in the world

  1. Will DVa ever be redesigned? She seems to be the only hero that doesn’t have any niche. Murky can do PvE, Tass can be Valla’s/Tracer’s shieldbot, Chen can hold a point, DVa has nothing. It’s not that you can’t win with her it’s just that there’s no situation where you would ever want her, nothing she does other heroes can’t do better. She’s a bruiser that can’t solo lane, duel or even properly jungle. On top of that she’s the single most CC-vulnerable hero in the game because everything can be interrupted. Her trait takes up E key and leaves her with only 2 basic abilities. Matrix is what makes her unique – no other hero has damage reduction baseline but currently the ability is clunky and unreliable. Could it at least function like Tychus Q?

[> quote]BlizzKyle

Blizzard - Senior Game Designer

3.) We feel the same way about D.Va. We’re looking at making some changes to her in the future but don’t have anything concrete to announce at the moment.[/quote]

Thank you. I think this person did a great summary of’s current state and I am glad Blizzard are aware of this. (I liked the rest of the question/answer this person gave but this was the part I thought was most relevant here)

I’m going to assume that this was a joke, and I simply didn’t get it.

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Real glad and relieved to hear that they still want to create wacky odd ball characters that push the boundaries. However they did say they don’t want to make more characters which don’t occupy a body on the field which makes me a bit sad as you won’t have anymore core heroes like mengsk or an overmind.

Sad that they won’t be making any more maps any time soon and that haunted mines won’t be back.

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