Design AMA - May 9th, 2019

I asked 2 things there:

About heroes with low winrate overall but really good in high levels:

About Genji:

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that’s a BIG OOF…

's not like Reddit Karma means anything though, so it’s worth a shot.

Still, that’s an awful lot of downvotes for a question like that, jeez.


I hope the Reddit masses didn’t see your comment because its literally not relevant to the AMA/discussion because apparently they know how to use downvotes compared to the ones on the older shutdown forums but that’s a discussion for another day.

p.s i have nothing against downvotes

Not enough for asking irrelevant question.

You basically make everyone know forumdwellers have problems with reading comprehension (what is not exactl wrong). Gj :smiley:

You say that like there aren’t a ton of people who ask irrelevant or off-topic questions in these kinds of things anyways. Stop being so negative all the time.

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Oh I see. They do it so can I
except it still makes all of you look stupid


Sure thing, guy. :+1:

Unrelated, but does Blizz own the Heroes reddit? Why do I need trust level here if you can post fanart and stuff there presumably without anything like that?


Because that’s how the Discourse Forums prevent all but the most dedicated of trolls from abusing image-posting and website-linking for nefarious purposes. Unfortunately, like most anti-troll mechanisms, it catches benevolent users and content creators in the web as well.

Comes off as they don’t actually want people to use their official forums.

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Congratulations to getting your answer; let´s hope for some blue here in the near future.

Yes! Our forums were upgraded last year to have a lot of great functionality more akin to Reddit and our team is currently going through training to help prepare everyone for a greater presence on both our own forums, and places like Reddit. More info soonish®!




Thank you for your support, I couldn’t have done it without you :heart:


Gratz I guess, you received the same answer as everyone before.

The answer is linked and quoted in my post above, can not remember having seen that one.

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Something something we’re going to be more active?

Kinda the same as always for me

I loled at the verification photo

Lana B is there in spirit


You did it reddit.

Yeah, that was amazing :joy:

She was in the hospital to do a minor procedure when they took that picture. She’s okay btw and is answering questions while in recovery. She’s just amazing.


This time might actually be different, though - they don’t have any more AMA dates listed and the patch notes have been a lot more communicative.

Eh… take what they said how you will.