To be fair those extreme titles and claims get similarly cold corrections from the community.
Anyways, I am ambivalent of DW. What I am not that people pretend as if stats like this wasn’t a thing for some other notorious heroes. I can understand if somebody argues that high performance on these stats should mean he is OP. I don’t exactly agree given the method of gathering the unofficial stats but that’s another matter. I can’t bear manchildren who pretend Deathwing is some kind of anomaly (hah) that has unprecedented performance. What’s more I feel what happens here is confirmation bias. You face a new character, fail to adapt, get tilted, look it up online, see something about stats and then try to (badly) present your rage thread of the week as unbiased fact.
I deeply loathe this trend.
The fact that deathwing’s existence rules out so many heroes and counters them is the worst part, that includes almost all the heroes with skillshot CC like Muradin and Dehaka because he can just stand in front of his team and eat everything. He also does a lot in teamfight by cataclysm over the enemy team, he deals quite a lot of dmg to back line but since he’s unstoppable the tank can’t really get him off immediately. People will say oh just kill him but hello Deathwing has 4 teammates who are ready to jump onto your team! All the time I play Hots, new heroes like fenix, maiev, Orphea, qhira never gave me such problem and annoyance. Although I can say…my win rate playing AGAINST Deathwing is still more wins than defeats
Waiting for you to answer the dev who said DW needs nerfs and will get some next patch.
This gets misquoted a lot. DW is receiving nerfs but it’s likely on his overperforming talents and it’s even possible that he receives something new for his Worldbreaker form. Though most likely just few number adjustments so it feels a slight bit less underwhelming.
OP talents make a hero OP lmao.
Yeah, looking forward to seeing exactly what that means and how the peanut gallery will respond. In case your wondering, my position hasn’t change: you all over react about ever new hero that gets released.
I didn’t. This is literally the first time I say a hero is OP and needs nerfs after a release, and that is based on statistics, numbers, games, replays, screenshots, gameplay, streams and overall thought of the whole playerbase.
This is not just me crying DW is OP right now. I base everything on facts.
If you go back and look at the Qhira release, I was here saying she was definitely fine (maybe even kinda bad) and was just another QM stomp hero like Butcher.
It’s not. It’s based on your cherry picked statistics that you don’t understand the context of (nobody does).
You want to believe that DW is OP so you search for and find a statistic that supports that claim.
That’s been my point this entire time.
And you want so bad that DW is bad that you just deny every fact lmao.
Anyway, a Dev already said he is getting nerfed because melee form is overperforming and buffs on ranged because it sucks, as we all kept saying. So a dev confirmed what we’ve been discussing all this time. No need for you to go against that now since, according to you, they are the only ones with the true data.
No dude. I couldn’t care less about Deathwing. You think this is an argument about Deathwing, but it’s not. Its about your approach to expressing your opinion about how the game should be designed without any real understanding of it.
What I do care about is that when player point to “statistics” they have a base level understanding of what that means before making wild claims one way or another.
- How is the result calculated.
- What are the sources.
- Who are the participants.
- How does it account for bias.
- Have the results been duplicated by a third party.
- What is the context in which the data was collected.
- Have the terms been defined.
These are just a few of the questions that need to be considered when interpreting any kind of statistical data. Neither you, myself, nor anyone else who has made comments on this subject are privy to the answers to these questions, and as such, cannot make any kind of analysis based on this data.
So please, stop pointing at HeroesProfile as some sort of proof that proves your position. It doesn’t.
Argue all you want about your opinion. We can go back and forth theorycrafting about it all day and have a great time doing so, but none of it is in any way supported by any kind of real statistical analysis.
we can nerf him, or buff the others
No one is. It is ONE of the multiple sources.
If you want to discuss statistical analysis and all that you’re doing it wrong then, because all you’ve been saying is DW is not op lmao.
Go google the definition of cost efficiency
- How is the result calculated.
- What are the sources.
- Who are the participants.
- How does it account for bias.
- Have the results been duplicated by a third party.
- What is the context in which the data was collected.
- Have the terms been defined.
Have you ever read a scientific study? Go look one up on google scholar and read it.
Yeah trying to pass up by a smart person, but we know you’re just trying to go against everyone AND the devs lmao.
Just answer the questions. Otherwise there’s nothing to talk about.
Dude, this is not a scientific study
This is just an easy “look at the numbers, look at the context and balance accordingly”.
You’re just trying too hard. I want you to go to that dev post and ask all those questions to him.
Exactly, so stop talking about statistics.
Theorycraft all you want, it’s not supported by anything other than your own desire to be right.
This is literally how the devs balance things around. Should they stop as well?
Dude, if you’re so upset about how things work around here, just leave. There’s no reason for you to come here and say everyone is wrong and you’re the only one that is right if you can’t even prove you’re are right. In fact, why don’t you do a scientific study and show us how right you are and how DW is not op.
You have a couple days.
No, they don’t. A company like Blizzard utilizes data analytic tools and a data analyst to verify and analyze the data for observable and actionable patterns. They may use the forums to know where to start looking for issues, but they don’t make changes based on the opinions of a few people with a bone to pick because they lost a few games.
Because I’m not making any claims that require a scientific analysis and demanding action because of it.