Deathwings Win Rate Continues to Plummet

According to the site that so many sited…

How could that be if this hero was so game shattering over powered?


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From from 61% to 60%?


Looks like 58.7% to me but don’t let me get in the way of your narrative.


Right? His winrate is around 57-62% for weeks now. Just because it went down 1% doesn’t mean he is not op anymore :joy:

Also, popularity and ban rate matters a lot. If it wasn’t for the bans, his winrate would be way higher.

Also don’t bother with this thread. OP is just a troll trying to say DW is not op so he can continue spamming him in qm lmao.


I think he will fall to 55% as he will be chosen more often (less often banned).

I wonder how blizzard will solve the 4th level talent problem and his playing style. The distance form only makes sense in a well-coordinated team.

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Ah, so now that the stats don’t actually back up your narrative, you are simply going to lie about it.

Good thing we have a change over time stat that indicates otherwise.

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Yeah, good thing we do. As I just checked to write that before :wink:

Also, why you try to hard to troll and force this DW not op? Literally 99% of the playerbase, including the highest level players in the game say that DW numbers are really high and he is tier S.

I really don’t understand why 1 guy wants to go against everyone else. Just accept the fact that his numbers are high and need a nerf, especially some specific abilities.

You also said that heroesprofile means nothing and everything is wrong there and shouldn’t be considered for anything, but you come here and use it to back up your claim (failing of course cause the website shows the opposite lmao). Are you a troll or you just have this big need to be against everyone?

I wonder if DW numbers were pretty low and everyone wanted a buff, if you would come here and say he was op.


Because you all pull this chicken little routine every time theres a new hero. I like pointing out how silly it is.

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Good, you have no arguments and you just want to go against everyone. Thanks for explaining why you do this.



My argument is the same as yours was: look at the stats on this website that prove me right.

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Except we can use a 60% winrate, 99% pop and 90% banrate on diamond+ to show how powerful he is.

You can’t use the same numbers and say he isn’t lmao.

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release -> nerf
67.03 winrate (2nd), broke popularity/banrate (7th pickate)
65.32 winrate (1st), 91 popularity (26th pickate)

nerf -> now
64.16 winrate (3rd), broke popularity/banrate (26th pickrate)
59.66 winrate (1st), 91 popularity (~39th pickrate)

fall or drop straight down at high speed.

Well yes, he plummets every game, from the skies.


I love how you folks are all “muh stats” when they favor your opinion but complete downplay them when it doesnt.

Exactly what I’m here to highlight.

Thank you so very much! :grin:

I mean, you brought them up yourself. Im sorry, is this some kind of joke Im too slav to understand?


OP is just someone that keeps saying DW is balanced. He is in every thread saying that but has no proof at all of what he says.

Probably just a troll that wants to go against fact for some reason. I don’t really know.

Like, what are you even talking about? What you brought here was even more proof that DW is still op :joy:

I think you should just stop for now, it’s kinda embarrassing.

With the followings I’m not trying to claim he is not op or that he is. That’s beside my point right now, but saying the high banrate keeps DW at a lower winrate is really farfetched.
It’s like saying the TLV or Probius would have a lower winrate if we’d ban them more. DW’s playrate is kinda low, so the bans actually make him niche-esque, and niche Heroes always have higher winrate than high playrate Heroes.
Because they’re played into their niche (and in DW’s case we can assume throws, trolling and other missteps and plays when a team starts to rage that why the banhat didn’t ban the “op dragon”) and because low playrate means ppl don’t know that deeply how to play against those Heroes.
So the picture is a lot more complicated and one thing is true even if DW is indeed op: his winrate wouldn’t be higher if he’d be banned less.

Thats actually not something anyone knows, not sure where did you get this idea.

Maybe release LiMing wouldnt be nerfed if bans existed back then? Because she would be banned in scenarios where she shines the most, thus lower winrate?

EDIT - this thread is mostly about wrong definition of plummet anyway lol

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The majority’s proposition is that DW is op because his current stats.
The same was true to Ming as well, ppl looked at stats, they considered those stats higher than they should be, so they wanted nerfs.
So I’m not saying anything like Ming wouldn’t be nerfed if bans would’ve existed. I’m saying her stats wouldn’t be higher just because ppl ban her less.
Because a low playrate actually helps Heroes maintain a high winrate, because it makes adepting slower and gives more ideal match scenarios for the Heroes in question.

There are still people with brain who ban heroes in situations they work best in. Im pretty sure Deathwings winrate would increase if he was impossible to ban on Alterac Pass, Volskaya or ToSQ.


I actually watch a lot of diamond/master/GM streams and I’ve never seen anyone complain about someone not banning DW though. Even in my games I don’t see people complaining. Sometimes there’s a talk about his numbers being too high, but that’s it. It’s not people raging or anything.

I said that I feel like his winrate could be higher if he went through more because right now when he does go through, usually there’s 2-3 people trying to instantly get him, which could result in a bad player picking him because everyone knows how good the hero is. Because you can draft level 1 heroes, there’s a lot of people picking something they don’t really play.

Anyway, even if he had 40% winrate in all leagues, he could still be OP. Take HGC for example, a lot of heroes dominated matches but still had a low winrate. Genji once had around 40% winrate in HGC but he still needed the nerfs. There’s just too many other things to take into account, not only winrates.

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