Deathwing has broken an ulready unstable game

Also a fair point but doesnt the armor and unstoppable features make it harder to counteract than a normal hero?

Also the maneuverability of the ults?

iā€™ll be the best jedi youā€™ll ever see in your entire life :sob:

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The screaming one? thatā€™s the one i teach.

I mean yea ofc you will, you are under my teachings *duh *
I donā€™t make scrubs, you already know this, or i wouldnā€™t give my number away.


First post and ive annoyed so many people :frowning:

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At least you understand your mistake. You did it first from all ā€œAlpha playersā€. Good start.

You can stay here and show people you are good by talking about something smart.

no offense but you could have asked for advice rather than calling him broken etc while he isnā€™t. itā€™s just about how you play around him no one is gonna flame you for asking for advice but you just said that heā€™s broken hero and free ticket for victory for who has him in their team which is wrong honestly.


The perma-unstoppable is balanced by the total immunity to recieve direct support from his own team (no heals, no buffs).

Also everything he does has a long wind up animation, making all of his moves predictable.

I understand that on QM, where you cannot counterpick him, DW is probably far more annoying but it can be handled anyway if players know at last what theyā€™re doing.


hahaha i played in alpha but can you imagine how much it has changed since then?

i wont talk about you anymore though bro, i gotta talk about ā€˜smartā€™ things

Hereā€™s some good info for you, may be useful.


exactly that. you should know what youā€™re doing before committing something thatā€™ll end up in killing you during the game. heā€™s pretty slow in casting his abilities and you should take that to your advantage you can take out his team and he canā€™t do nothing about it. all that doesnā€™t require a genius to do it trust me.

Its wrong in your opinion.

In QM he will destroy everyone, you have your opinion and that is you can coordinate around him and counter him, i havent seen that happen at all, no matter how much ive tried and shot, so call me a bad player thats fine.

it doesnā€™t require a genius to beat him. is what iā€™m saying you need to think before doing something. heā€™s Slow in doing anything. he cannot be healed / interacted with by his teammates AT All heā€™s a lone wolf in general and he canā€™t do anything for his teammates either just like they canā€™t do nothing to him only thing is they can fight side by side. but killing his team in front of him isnā€™t an issue. same for focusing him if you have enough dmg to kill him fast sure focus him since no one can save him.

i played on his release and i play SOLO most of the time. yet i didnā€™t have any issues with him. actually knowing heā€™s slow was amazing cause i can avoid all of his abilities which means he did nothing to me but i can hurt him instead.

Haha are you one of them?

Jeez id hate for my life to revolve around HoTsā€¦

You know this game is dying right?

Deathwing is countered by anyone in reality due the fact he can br avoided considering how many wind ups he has, heā€™s predictable.

Though Destroyer form is too good, and world Breaker is too weak so far.

Burning Rage on 4 is apparently too good to avoid considering the amount of damage it deals.

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and there comes the negativity. well i guess you donā€™t feel bad after all

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You must be a lot better than i am then, i never said that i was a amazing and this was always just my opinion

Sorry, but I think Iā€™m missing a joke. What is wrong?

One of who?

If I understand correctly, instead learning how to play vs DW you prefer you say heā€™s P2W and broken, right?

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you arenā€™t good but you can get better if you want to. i didnā€™t become good at something randomly. i wanted to learn it and become good at it

wait who are you talking about exactly? you lost me there

Really? Iā€™ve been here just after Alpha and I remember the horrors of release Li-Ming, Fenix, Maiev, continuous spreading Living Bomb KT, etcā€¦ Deathwing is very balanced for such a complicated hero and not once have I felt it was oppressive playing against him.

Do you come from the Prometheus school of running away from things? If so that might explain you feeling owned by Deathwing, when he has his 2 minute windups on his skills, just walk to the left or right of screen.