Deathwing has broken an ulready unstable game

This whole post has just been my opinion and i do not want to get into an argument with anyone.

@drLogan i have been playing since alpha and have seen the game go through many stages, im sorry if i have annoyed you by voicing my opinion on the latter stages of the game.

@catherina obviously you know better on the current state of heroes and how to counter them, i never said that i know better than what you do it was just my opinion

i want to ask you a question pretty simple one. do you want to learn to get better in playing this game? and how to not actually struggle against any hero you’re facing? no matter if that’s a “pro” player “which is pretty rare these days to find” or just a normal one that at least understands the basics of the game. would you accept anyway of improving to become better?

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farrrrk me i forgot about KT

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To explain my feeling, I want to say that it’s bad idea to start your post by “I play since alpha”. Yes, you told, that

But you told, that you have alpha icon already. So question - why do you say obvious stuff? By saying it, you let people know that you are special from them.

Ok, backing to main post.
I heard your opinion. Here’s mine.
DW isn’t broken. He would be if he was faster on using abilities, or more mobile, or could be buffed/healed by his team. But in his current version he’s okay. That’s my opinion.

Of course, any coaching i can get would be appreciated.

I never said that i knew better or was a better player than anyone,

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DW is SLOW, DW canot regen health in base, it’s easy to kill him.

Dont cry. L2P your team and gang if you see wery slow DW.

DW in enemy team = easy win (yes if you is not a noob)


The only reason why i said that is that i had played since alpha so i have seen these heroes come and go and IMO deathwing is the most OP…

If you can counter him with a single hero then bro, you are a much better player than i am,

i assume you’re in NA region? or EU? either way this is my battletag. catherina#21588 send me request if you’re interested and we’ll discuss things when i’m on later / tomorrow etc. i’ll accept it when i login and i can explain things to you.


Kryptik#1619 is my battle tag

funny way to say Quira….

but what I actually wanted to type was “whahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahah”

DW really crushes teams that have littke way to counter him.
He feels like what C’G should be.
While DW will get nerfed in time i would so like to have C’G brought up a little considreing they require 2 players.

I think DW is really not that great.
I played some SL with my friends and we never banned him on purpose so that the enemy team can pick him. The reason for that is that there are a lot of counters to DW, we would just pick those for an easy win.
So far i won all SL matches vs DW but a lot of times the enemy team banned DW themselves while we had no intention to pick it :smiley:

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I only lose against a Deathwing when my teammates are idiots who stand in the very obvious wind up abilities.

Coincidentally, I do amazingly great with Deathwing when the enemy team is a bunch of idiots who stand in the very obvious wind up abilities.

Deathwing is a noob smasher. If you’re calling him OP, it’s probably because you’re a noob.


How much money do you have to spend then ?
How about 0.00$ ? Because this game is free to play but also , deathwing isnt broken at all . its just many playersrefuse to alter their play style to fit when ever certain heroes like DW are in the game.

I played with , as and against deathwings. And hes not OP at all . in fact you would be surpsided of how many hero can actually 1v1 him without any issues.
Like more than half the current roster of the game .


Right? If anything he should be getting buffed… but alas the only way people know how to playing is face plant and run away. Sooo I think ill explain heatwave for people here, at 1 stack of heat wave is 48 dmg for 5 seconds… and the stacks are clear if he cant land another shot, poke him down… dont stand in the fire =D

If he was that op as you claim him to be he would have 100% winrate in all leagues and not 62 % as he has now. Maybe yes he will gets some small nerfs to Sky Fall talent and some of his other talents so he goes down to 55 %. But he was and never been the most op hero in this game or maybe we should tell you how Li-Ming and Maiev was on release. Only people who cry about op heroes are bronze-gold league players who dont know what shutter-step means and stand in every dmg ability they can find and then cry about hero is op.

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I’ve played since a couple of months before 2.0, have nearly the entire roster (missing Blanduin) and ~44k gold in the bank after buying Deathwing. I play about 1-3 vs AI games per day.

But I pay attention to what daily quests I have, so I can make 1500+ gold per week if I want to. And until Deathwing was released there was nothing worth noting to spend gold on since the last hero was released several months ago.

In any case Deathwing is not close to being OP. He should be very easy for you to take down or bully out of the lane with a large portion of the roster, unless your mechanical skill level is around that of Beginner AI.

The issue is not that he is OP. It is that with one hero, you nullify something on the order of 1/3 of all skills in the game vs him, including a good number of heroes that their lvl 10s are utterly useless vs him. This is simply sh^t design.

“I have played since alpha” is just an auto skip for me these days. I won’t even read the rest of what they said and just skip to the replies.

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“played since alpha, i have never seen a hero so overpowered as DW”

Release Kael’thas and release Fenix but ok

PaY 2 WiN lmfao