I have played since alpha ( on multiple accounts ) and have NEVER seen a hero so overpowered as DW. Its sort of beyond a joke, play a hero with %dmg and with a good DW on the other side it doesnt mean anything.
Blizz you have brought a hero into the game and now you have made it pay to win, if you want to win you need this hero.
i guess that goes with your general philosophy at the moment though doesnt it?
HOTS will always be the game that i come back to and play on a regular basis, no matter how badly you decide to screw us over, the major thing that im disappointed about is that you have tried to give the people what we want, ( we have been wanting DW for a while ) and what you have given us is an overpowered hero that will win you any game as long as you play it well making it not competitive at all.
To those that say its a first pass and that they will retune DW, get a grip they have had PTR and heaps of time, they are doing this for 2 reasons-
Give us DW
Generate income by making DW expensive to buy.
Fair the retune will come but after how long? 3 months of generating more income?
define overpowered? enough that his team can’t do anything to help him other than fight by his side nothing more and you can ignore him wipe his team then he’s left handicapped he can’t 1v5 you clearly. he can’t 1 shot anybody. he can’t kill you easily unless you facetank him and eat all his flames to the face then sure you’re dead in seconds other than that nope you can’t call him overpowered at all if you aren’t the “problem” itself
well nobody said anyone can do well against him. you can’t be bad at the game and expecting picking a % dmg hero will work great against deathwing. if you’re bad you’re simply bad nothing can help you in that case only learning to get better and watch your positioning / focusing on targets rather than expecting it to be easy.
this made me laugh. if you want to win you need this hero else you lose. yet i barely lose against him while we have no deathwing in our team. so good joke!
again you can’t win if you’re bad simple. i have nothing to add to this honestly as it was already answered.
what do you mean retune him? he’s not broken or overpowered so? what are you saying here?
yes shame on them for bringing what the community asked for indeed. you just don’t appreciate crap honestly. even i don’t like blizzard but you’re simply annoying no offense.
And? It makes you special? Everyone must listen to you, because “I have played since alpha”?
All of you, “Alpha players”, came here only to talk about X nonsense without bringing something useful to talk about. And you are a good example of it - your first thread and posts are about “Broken DW”, what is ridiculous to watch on.
I never said that i was a grand master at this game.
The only thing that i said is that i have been playing since alpha and i havent seen a hero as OP as DW.
Those 2 statements are true.
Fair that this is my first post, i dont usually express my opinion but since the HGC went down i feel like this game is gradually getting worse and that disappoints me because i have always enjoyed HoTs.
My opinion may be completely different to some, i have played in amateur Aus HoTs leagues and have never claimed to be an amazing player and the majority of what i play is QM.
This post was purely my opinion and a way to vent my frustration about the state of HoTs as it sits today.
Agreed both were very strong, the main thing that i think separates them is the unstoppable no matter what, Maieve and Ming always had good damage and CC but you could always hold them down if you had the right combo.
Its fair that someone said before that if you are in teamed play DW is countered but i was purely talking about QM as i dont play competitively anymore.
Also as i said before, i was more concerned that Blizz has decided to make an OP hero that people want to play just because of how powerful he is… there is no HGC anymore so if you want to win then you need DW.
I also said that it was Pay To Win because this game isnt being supported by Blizz as much as it was / other games. Surely everyone can see that they are trying to make as much money as they can before it fully dies?
The game isn’t and never should be balanced around QM, for obvious reasons.
DW is ok on draft, since you can always ban or counterpick him. He still need some tuning but that’s normal for every new Hero.
Also you probably don’t understand what P2W is, if you think that HotS fall into that category.
The trick with DW despite having powercounters is really to just draft a sustain heavy team.
Wait for him to drain his energy, then go on a power initiate.
Though i would highly recommend banning him on Cursed hollow or Towers of Doom.
Much like you would/should ban Hanzo there in most cases, unless you want the constant “YOUWASHAGKAKKERIAOW!” Dragonspirit in your face constantly.
The only reason why i said Pay to win is that DW can solo group fights, you have a good DW either solo or someone else with him ( for arguments sake lets say chromie ) then that fight is done. Thats 2 vs 5.
The pay to win aspect of that is that you need to have DW, as it sits, in my opinion.
Drafts are a completely different matter and i cant wait to see how the division S handles it, it might even be after another patch who knows.
If DW is drafted in a storm league match then surely he can be countered but you would all need to be on comms and have a strat…
That’s true only if those 5 are literally
Every Hero can be OP if he fight against clueless people who just walk around like headless chickens, but that doesn’t make the Hero itself overpowered.