[Concept] Rory Swann


Chief Engineer

Swann is a Melee Assassin who uses two-stage abilities to summon turrets that have abilities of their own.

Swann is pretty tough and hits pretty hard, but lacks any form of sustain or mobility. He does not use Mana because of his reliance on setup - he needs to have his turrets out and active before he can use any of their abilities. Speaking of Turret abilities, they replace the Turret ability in question on the ability bar when the required Turret has been placed.

Turrets last until destroyed and their placement abilities incur their listed cooldowns when the Turret in question is destroyed. Turrets have a placement range of 2.

So let’s talk Mechanics, since Flaming Betty works in kind of a weird way.

Figure 1: Flaming Betty has been placed near an oncoming minion wave. It remains burrowed because no enemies have entered its search cone.

Figure 2: When an enemy unit enters its search cone, Flaming Betty unburrows and begins dealing damage in the area it is oriented towards. An important note is that Flaming Betty will not automatically attack Stealthed enemies (as noted by the tooltip specifying “visible” enemies).

Figure 3: Flaming Betty will not rotate to attack enemies outside of its search cone even if they are damaging it.

Figure 4: Activating Roast 'Em Good will force Flaming Betty to attack, regardless of if there are any enemies within its search area.

Flaming Betty’s primary use cases are area denial and waveclear. As the toughest Turret in Swann’s arsenal, it can also be used as a damage sponge against Non-Heroic targets such as Mercenaries, Minions, or Towers. However, it can be unreliable for this purpose due to only drawing attention when attacking or using Roast 'Em Good.

Spinning Dizzy’s primary purpose is to be an early warning tool for Swann, similarly to how Flare works for Rexxar. Outside of that, it provides a good damage supplement in the form of Missile Strike.

Blaster Billy is Swann’s main source of DPS, nearly doubling his damage output when attacking targets within its range. However, Blaster Billy does nothing on its own, so Swann must place it carefully and mind his own positioning to get value.

If you said “Hey, that’s Tychus’s!”, you’re correct! The Drakken Laser Drill is very much on Tychus right now. However, I don’t think it should be - the only tie to the Laser Drill that Tychus has is that you encounter it on one of the missions that you do for him. Swann is the one who turns it into a signature weapon in Co-Op Commanders, so if Swann gets added, he should definitely have it. As for Tychus, I’ve written up a Rework for Tychus that replaces the Laser Drill with something better, but that’s another story for another time.

In terms of gameplay, it’s a super-Turret calldown that doesn’t require any special hoops to jump through to contrast his more mechanically complicated core kit, making it a straight “more is more” kind of ability that ties in nicely with the rest of Swann’s abilities.

In the mission Belly of the Beast from Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty, Raynor took an elite squad to crawl around in some caves and blow up some Zerg. Swann carried and deployed the Seismic Charges that accomplished this, and so Swann’s second Heroic is an homage to that.

In gameplay terms, Seismic Charge is basically a D.va Self Destruct that scales in damage over time and can be destroyed. Its primary purpose is teamfight burst, but it can also be used for area denial and ambushes.








Note: This means Roast 'Em Good, Missile Strike, and Concussive Shell, not the placement abilities.


I love this. I had the same basic idea as far as abilities go. I didn’t bother to come up with all the talents though. Thank you for this. It must have taken you some time and it’s very much appreciated. Too bad Heroes is in maintenance mode and unlikely to get too many new characters because this would be awesome.