Kith's Tychus Review + Rework

It actually bugs me an awful lot that Tychus was given the Odin as a Heroic because it all but guaranteed that we wouldn’t be getting a Thor hero. It’s awfully hard to separate the two, though…

Honestly, I don’t think the new Tychus would be that much of a heavy-handed counter to anyone except Garrosh (and even then, it’s not like Garrosh doesn’t have methods of dealing with the big blue goon).

Which ratings do you disagree with, aside from the Laser Drill?

Thank you!

Once upon a time, I was the same way. When I play Tychus I want to play Tychus, not ride around in an “Odin”. However, the changes to his Attack Range and sustain made my old Rhythm/Laser build demonstrably worse than Bigger/Odin, and now whenever I give the old build a shot (or even just Bigger/Laser), it feels like I’m playing a handicap.

This perfectly illustrates my issues with the current Drakken, though.

  1. The placement is such a pain. I remember once upon a time when I could self-cast it reliably and it was basically like having an extra charge of Run and Gun because it shunted Tychus out of the way.
  2. You have to hide it. Drakken Laser Drills are massive mining tools that are basically siege equipment, they shouldn’t have half as much health as a Bunker.

The range is good and the damage is good, but I feel like it’s just not enough - and I say this as someone who used to swear by the Laser Drill all the time.

Technically I’m not advocating for its removal :sunglasses:

That’s a pretty reasonable use case, I will admit. I personally prefer to take Odin or Sizzlin’ Attacks because they’re more reliable in a Teamfight, though.

Alas, my ruse has been discovered - I only partake in Tychus casually!

The Bigger They Are… has such massive mechanical and statistical advantages over In The Rhythm that I cannot possibly understand how you would think this. Please explain further.

Are you going to share why you think this, or are you just going to make statements with no backing?

“Actively used”? Maybe, but not by skilled players. Picking Diamond and Master on HOTSlogs, the following talents have a sub-20% pickrate:

  • Combat Tactician (9.1%)
  • Master Assassin (18.4%)
  • Concussion Grenade (7.1%)
  • Spray ‘n’ Pray (15.3%)
  • Lead Rain (8.8%)
  • Focusing Diodes (15.2%)
  • Bob and Weave (16.9%)

That doesn’t say “quite balanced” to me.

We’ll agree to disagree.

I mean, he’s only my highest-leveled hero. I don’t know what more you want from me.