Community-Members missing

Hey, I know I might have caused you some… headaches… a while back and I just wanted to say that I’m sorry. My intention was not to do so. I hope we aren’t on bad terms.

Also, don’t feel obligated to reply to this post. You don’t have to.

So LenaOxton told me over Discord that she’s taking a break from the forums and wanted me to mention it here.


Getting called a Blizzard fanboi, forum warrior, forum mains and hivemind by 0 post accounts that was made less then 1 hour ago and by trolls with less then 10 posts that is secretly a LOL fanboi would make everyone leave lol.

Personally i had enough of it. Like Sami have also felt the consequence of posting on this forum. Have already recieved death threats twice on this forum and been silenced 5 times the past 6 months cause the flag system is the biggest joke on this forum and can get abused by people with multiple alts.

Meanwhile some people who just sit here to troll and call people for forum mains and blizzard fanboi just get thier post deleted with no punishment to them while other people gets target banned for much less lke Harbinder that got 4 days silenced for typing F in a thread. Flags properly never gets looked at by a real human. Its automated just like report system and will punish long time posters.

Meanwhile a troll that only has 20 lifetime post can call everyone in his tread a dog and he wont get banned at all.

Just like some people in this forum i will properly leave too soon. Its not a forum anymore. Just a big playgound for trolls now. The forum was nice 1 year ago when you only had maybe 1 troll that once in 4 months would pop up and make a mess and leave. Now those trolls we got now will never give up trolling this forum even if they gets flagged. They will just make a new account and do it all over again making us all waste our time with them as they all want.

I will still keep on playing the game but will not post here so frequenly as i used to to do in the past since 70% of all threads always end in a big fight between two or 3 forum members and the thread gets lost in the heat of battle.


It is sad to read this, I see also the same nasty posts, that go on unharmed leaving a battlefield in the forum. Where even long time posters argue with each others over voidness. I wish Blizzard would moderate the forum in a better way, by correcting the flood of false facts, flooding the forum (like every other media at the moment) by one-time-posters and Newbies that feel betrayed but are unwilling to realise that the problem are they self. I haven’t seen a green post (Forum-Moderator) in months!
The forum is nowadays just free estate to everyone posting the same stupid BS over and over again without posting any facts at all.


Do you know the state of the forums for the other games?

No, this is the only Game-Forum I post regularly.

Lol’s boards closed march 9 (of 2020)
Smite closed their forum on July 14
Playdota (dota 2) fell apart in 2014, had a kick to try to get it going again as the ‘official forum’ again in 2016, and died again later. Not sure at what point there, but I find some inquiries in 2019 asking the fate of dota forums.

Strife was shutdown in october 2018
Vainglory lost official support in April of 2020
– though I think both may still have fan/community ways to log in, but what relics of their fan forums (not official) are ghosttowns with bot adverts making occasional topics from what I found.

Some of the tencent mobile moba games I haven’t followed, and they probably don’t have a “forum” at all, but I didn’t look beyond the first non-sponsored search hits I got cuz I don’t care enough to think they would actually have forums anyway (due to forum decline of other games)

Most other communities (such as Lol and Smite) cited low activity (a big drop-off of forum usage) in recent years as the cause of them shutting down their community resources. More players are involved in reddit or discord groups which aren’t really designed for extended conversations or archived information, but part of the decline of forums is due to people not caring about that sort of thing anyway.

Games offered on steam have the product discussion page (or even a dev page, but that’s for bug reporting even if it looks like an old forum) and some try to use that as a replacement with topics commonly made to complain about smurfing, rigged matchmaking, and what others may call ‘low elo’ complaints that commonly plague the genre communities.

I could suggest that the decline in people being willing to have a communication medium that exceeds twitter’s character length as being related to the decline in a more formal/letter-like medium, and I could even suggest there’s a correlation with that decline and the type of complaints that commonly plague the genre by groups identified by similar ranges of ability (or elo/mmr) but it’s not like I’d have some sort of official data to impose and just like to assume there is a connection between people having more patience (delayed gratification) compared to those that don’t.

Or I could just say that “memes” ruin everything :smiley:
I mean, i’m not really making a statement on that, I’m just poking fun of social media trends cuz I’m an old forum grump and can be all “well back in my day” as a gimmick of making this post even longer to try to get people to suffer that much more if they look at the length of it exceeding the demands they have for just wanting the tl;dr on “other games” forums. :wink:


i know you want to be politely correct, not offend people etc. but let me translate your post to common language:

most modern players are low iq potatoes who cannot absorb more info than a one line tweet, making forums slowly obsolete

those same people are stuck in bronze and bomb the forum with 0 post hit and run classics like “gg blizz you ruined the game, nova is busted”

And they only say things like that because their arguments hold no ground, or they are upset that no one agrees with them.

When I barely started posting here, things were a lot better. Advice was genuine, people weren’t as toxic, and there was less spam. I’m not going to say that only certain mentioned people made the place nicer, because there are a lot of current people here that are still nice :blush:, but things here have gone a bit downhill over the past year or so.

Not sure about other blizzard forums, but if you’re an Elder Scrolls Online player, that forum is pretty good. The devs there are a lot more active in dealing with toxic, rude, inappropriate posts to the point that posts like that will be removed within hours.

The people there are helpful also. Its a pretty good forum in my eyes. You can’t really compare this forum to that one because this forum/game is a lot less populated (and a completely different genre so sorry for the off topic aspect of this post) and because of that should require less maintenance, but I digress.


ya know, I was about to be all “Egad! Not politically correct” but politely correct has a much better ring to it. (the irony of my outcry :open_mouth: )

Even then, I do have some misgivings since my MO tries to dispel the dichotometric demands of dandy discourses distilled by dreary dreams deriving dulcet deductions deliberately.

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Ive writting a lot of things that im suprised has gone past them. There are a few filtered swear words and you got banned because you talked to a 0 poster troll…

Its like they dont want to encourage a good community.


From what I understand from your message, all MOBA forums suffer. This is not specific to HoTS.

I only played some MMORPG for the other online games but I think these communities are nicer in general. Well, I don’t for now since I stopped MMORPG some 5 years ago but it was nicer than here.

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But still it would be good to contact with you somewhere else. At least here.

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I can’t post any texts

This is a large part of the reason why the MVP program was and still is a monumental failure.

Take time for yourself, Sami. It’s even worse when your text is green. Been there, done that, never again.

I’ve noticed a sharp decline in post quality even among regular posters.

I wish you luck, Sami. Breaks are healthy every now and then.


Droth, weren’t you the MVP/green for Hearthstone or HotS on the old forum?

I could swear I remember that. And you had like 20k posts.
Thankless job.

Also: Angry players constantly thinking green works for Blizzard and being defensive towards them.

Diablo 3, but my text was green across the board. Yes, my post count was very high as I was very active.

However, being in the MVP program severely degraded my mental health to the point where I could actually barely function. It affected me online, but also offline as well. I received death threats all of the time, was constantly harassed, ostracized, berated by my peers, and the list could go on and on. My contacts at Blizzard wouldn’t really do anything about the trolling, and they didn’t have the resources to offer any form of counseling or mental help. Eventually, many of the CM’s even had the same sharp decline in mental health that I had.

Something about prolonged involvement with the Blizzard communities is toxic, and eventually it will get to you. That’s why I take breaks every now and again.

I’ve been an active member of Blizzard forums for somewhere around 15 years now, I’ve learned to deal with it and I’ve hit my “forum zen” so to speak, but I can tell you from firsthand experience that prolonged exposure to any Blizzard forum is very bad for your mental health, especially if you have notoriety or some form of elevated status, such as I had with the green text from the MVP program.


Speechless. That hit even harder than Sami’s post.

I wish you all the best in recovery. And now I am sure anyone who voluntarily wants to mod or mvp must be delusional or insane (not referring to you, but those people who think it’s something to look forward to).

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Idk but one person on the forum who questions why I’m here must think the forums is amazing

This confirms for me, that a closed discussion board, that you can only access by getting invited, the only solution against trolls is.