Community-Members missing

I’m Arthas main. :sunglasses:

Then I want an oath pledge handing me your Frostmourne. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Dear Mumrah, you get back your TL3 too?

Does anyone know, why Sami has stopped posting in the forum?

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I know.

So many have left the forum in the last weeks. It makes me sad.


Reasons of leaving:
HotS makes him feel sad and he doesn’t get fun anymore + he got tired from cancer in forums.
Forums now days are full of cancer and trolls so he has just stopped to care about that place because he got he can’t change things there by himself no matter how hard he tried.


He must have loved to be here, otherwise he hadn’t written over 16k Posts here.
If you have contact with him give him my best regards.


I have linked him your comment.

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I’m not missing…


I hope more regulars (not sure on a definition, but let’s say 2k+ post) don’t leave, or it will just become an unchallenged playground for trolls and it’ll no longer worth be using this place over reddit.

Many of the people in this thread who left, make up the backbone of the forum. Without them there’s usually just random spam or whining on the front page.

Oh well, can’t force people to stay :man_shrugging:


:thinking: yeah Sami is indeed missing.

I also miss Minky…


I’m not sure how long I will stay here in such case.


pfft, we just don’t have enough meta-chlorians and Kathy Bates’ films yet. We can fix that, and then…

They’ll stay away forever!


Am I a regular?

I think I am.

Sami last post was in September 27 last seen was in September 30 that same sadly about what happened to Catherina which couldn’t returned in recent months.

People make threads about them missing but just give them months/a year. Odds are they will be back. If not, then you probably won’t remember them unless you see an old post or you were close to them

I am honestly struggling between whether should I post this or not in the first place, but I guess with a few recent incidents that I will not quote on, you probably know what am I talking about, I believe it is time for me to put in context of my recent unusual absences.

Simply put short (and even more detailed than what has someone said few posts above me), I do not feel comfortable to post here anymore, in the last 6 months, I’ve been stalked and harassed which has dramatically impacted my mental health that has been slowly degraded until now, personally, I’m not an innocent person to say the least I’ve had my share of mistakes that I’ve learned upon and improved but also I do not and nor does anyone deserve this.

This game, but manly this forum, is radiating bad mojo, a lot of it the past few months

There’s actually a lot of awesome people here, don’t get me wrong, I’ve met a lot of friends that I still speak and chat with till this day, play other games with them, even doing a “Stardew Valley” runs or sometimes play “Among Us”. But honestly, I’ve reached a point where I’m just having a headache with a bunch of complainers that barely even understand or just complaining for the sake of complaining or just have such incomprehensible logic over the game that I still don’t understand how they reached this conclusion in the first place, ironically some of them are also in the high posters of 4 digits, as I’ve frequently and will say and do so again, I will not mention names no matter how much you ask.

I also simply do not feel comfortable with a few users here who certainly are still wandering around with 3 - 4 alts as accounts and doing abusive flagging and still be privileged with TL3 ranks, because someone not only playing the anonymity card but also playing multiple alts is “trustworthy”, I honestly final took the bullet to say that the Trust Level is heavily flawed when moderation is poorly done especially when those same people use a software that can identify alts or poor usage of the flagging system.

Other than that, there’s barely any reason for me to keep up with the forum as I simply played less and less to a point where I played about 4 - 5 games in the last 3 months so for me, I don’t feel like the game isn’t going in with me anymore, I would love to open up again but its just not clicking that I missed the nexomania 2 rewards, fully (maybe? I’m not sure I forgot).

This is not a goodbye, but more of a long indefinite break from here, I will be back one day but certainly not sooner than you expect, not when the place is like this where it is worse than ever on top of the negative experiences I have to experience that actually reminds when I almost quit the game back in 2017 for the same exact reasons above, stay safe everyone, “least toxic community” as a sentence to specify this is such a lose ended string when people think its a competition whether which game is more toxic.

If you want to stay in contact with me, maybe say hi or chat idk, you are free to add me on Discord @ SamiSha#0001 or Twitter which both I use every single day frequently, otherwise my btag: Sami#22329

I will certainly not play HotS though because like I said, I got burned out to a point of just not even bother thinking about the game.


Aw, you seem nice
Whether you take a long break or leave, I say best of luck to you either way.

edit: oh idk why it only took a segment quote pff

I really appreciate your answer Sami!

I have alwas enjoyed your posts and our discussions. I understand your struggle with the forum. As you know I’ve had my own problems with some of the Posters here that let to a kind of grudge. But I have still the opinion many things that happen here help me personally in this very awkward and painful year.

I don’t know if I stay here for long time as so many regular posters which I always appreciated to be here have left for better and as you mentioned by yourself some of the new posters bring the same problematic ideas over and over again which are just painful to read and I’m thinking more than once ok, next please, burry this annoying thread in the depths of the forum.

I wish you luck and joy outside of this quite tiny place! It’s better to keep sound than grinding yourselves with some of the posts here.

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