The problem with being either a moderator or an active member of the community of… well, any game forum, is that dealing with trolls is extremely unhealthy for one’s mental state for longer times, especially if one doesn’t have incredible mental fortitude.
The fact that the forum almost supports trolls with zero control over accounts doesn’t help. (IE; players can create and have multiple accounts with no problem). The fact that accounts are not linked to one’s actual ingame profile is a huge flaw to me, as we don’t who a person commenting on x hero is, and that person could for all intents and purposes be some guy with an account level of 60, with 4 matches played on the hero they’re whining about.
I’ve seen players complain that Qhira+ABA is OP, because with Aba copy, that means 2x Final Strike ultimates!
I’ve seen the same player complain that Time Trap Chromie was OP, because she could do a double-time trap reset-triple combo by picking the upgrade to Temporal Loop and time trapping it twice, which was just completely impossible to do.
I’ve seen players claim that the only viable talent for old Chromie was Bronze Talons, where their hotslogs profile showed them as having a total of 10 matches on Chromie, with 2 being wins and 8 losses. What would he know?
I’ve seen players say that the ingame reporting system is fine because “they play 10+ matches a day in ranked and never been silenced”, but when asked for proof, turned out to be more like 10 matches a week. If not less.
We have people who are just ABSOLUTELY CRAZILY CLUELESS about this game, who probably only play 10 matches A YEAR, tell other people about balance! It’s absolutely preposterous.
I have probably said this before, but my perspective is that most of humanity is very dumb, egoistical and ignorant. This perspective of mine just gets stronger and stronger the more I read these forums.
The fact that asking for proof of rank or for people to share a replay usually results in either of these 3 scenarios:
- They completely ignore you, even if you repeat yourself, while they focus on trolling others (common)
- They completely disappear from the thread (common)
- They provide the replay/other info that proves they were wrong. (EXTREMELY RARE)
Like with the “i’ve never been silenced but play 10 matches+ a day”-- guy.
Or another scenario where a Murky main (100+ level on Murky or so) complained that the Matchmaker shafted him by putting him on Braxis against something hard that resulted in a very quick stomp, but in the replay, he was the one making all the wrong decisions completely throwing the match.
Both I and other forum users could focus more on not letting them troll so easy. A pretty typical scenario that happens, if you imagine that this entire long post you’re reading now is a post on the subject of “Genji is not OP” or something, that they quote just a single line of the entire post and then make a dumb point about that, completely ignoring all the other arguments in the post. I as well as others make the mistake to keep arguing with them and the small snippet of thing they quoted instead of just going “Hey, you ignored 9/10 of my post, respond to that first”
How often do we see people ever admit they were wrong or they were overreacting or whatever? Extremely rare.
Forums will always be inherently negative because it’s where people come to complain when they feel frustrated at the game. The problem is that these ignorant people expect sympathy from their illogical rants, as if they were whining to their friends or family. And when they instead get told to git gud or that they’re just plain wrong, their frustrations at the game is instead turned towards us.
I for one intend to change my ways, if I can stick to it, from henceforth, and just stick to certain points or ask others to not “feed the troll”, where it makes sense.
Although it might get me banned, and that’s when I say goodbye to this forum.
People tend to get pulled in, even when there was a big flaw in an earlier part of the thread. Like when one troll claimed that Ragnaros wave is OP and it alone managed to create a comeback from a 4-level difference, I asked for replay, and the OP vehemently denied sharing the replay, which always means that they’re exaggerating to the extremes… but still, one forum user got into a huge, dumb and pointless argument.