[CDC] Toki, time tinkerer. A time Based Healer

My entry for (CDC #11 - Pint-Sized Palooza)

My Toki is a high skill healer who loves cooldown
reduction and good timing. She uses time magic and gadgets in tandem to help her friends.

Health: 1860
Mana: 500
AA: 90 per second

Trait: Time heals all wounds

Toggled on and off, range: 5, mana: 8 per sec
Cause time to behave differently around Toki. Toki’s cooldowns recharge 20% faster for each ally in the area.

why Time heals all woulds provides a massive hps increase during team fights. youll want to be close enough to have as many allies in range as you can but still keep a safe distance from enemies. can also be used in between fights to recharge your cooldowns faster. keep in mind that you are also your ally so time heals all wounds will give at least 20% faster cooldowns.

Q: Wound Warper 3000

Cd: 6 sec, range: 6, mana 25
Heal target ally for 230 after a 4 second delay. The heal comes 50% faster while the ally is with in time heals all wounds.

why This is your main heal. Its delayed nature means that during fights your gonna want to look ahead just a bit and time and manipulate the duration of your heal so that it goes off as damage comes instead of 4 seconds later. The mana cost is fairly low so use this often.

W: Chrono Cog

Cd: 10, range: 6, jump range 3, mana 30
launch a chronoaly unstable cog at a target enemy dealing 100 damage and restoring 15 mana if it hits a hero.

the cog will stay with an enemy for up to 3 seconds.

casting a non activatable ability will cause the cog to jump to the nearest enemy dealing 80 damage and restoring 15 mana if it hits a hero.

why new W. functionally different but serves the same purpose.

E: Timey Tricks Trinkets

cd: 14, range: 6, mana: 55
Has different effects depending on what you target

Allies are healed equal to half of all healing received in the last 2 seconds after 1 second. Up to 400

Enemies take damage equal to half of all damage taken in the last 2 seconds after 1 second. Up to 300

Toki’s cooldowns recharge 50% faster for 5 seconds.

why An extremely flexible ability. Use this when something big happens to have it happen again to some extent or on your self during down time to regain your cooldowns, especially your long cooldown ultimates.

R1: Time Adjustments

cd: 75, mana: 60, range: 8, move range: 4
place target ally in stasis and move them to another target area over 1.5 seconds.
(the ally will be placed in to stasis then moved over 1.5 seconds, then unstasised)

why Is your ally not where they should be at this time? feel free to make adjustments. yeah, there is some trolling potential but from my experience abilities that CC allies but with long cooldowns are generally not wasted on trolling.

R2: Race Against Time

cd: 90, mana 80, range: 8
all damage and healing the target ally takes is delayed for 6 seconds after which it all happens at once (healing is applied before damage). During this time the wound warp has no delay when used on the target and toki’s cooldowns recharge 50% faster.

why when using this, special UI will appear over the target showing how much damage vs how much healing they are about to take. The effect wont increase your hps by all that much so be prepared to put all your heals on the target so that when when everything hits at once, you come out ahead. This will also take the targets self healing in to account and has good synergy with E.



note that talents that say all cooldowns will include your activatable talents as well.

Level 1

Ripple effect: If wound warp heals an ally who is with in time heals all wounds then all allies with in time heals all wounds are healed for 85

Ultra undo 6000: (activatable, cd: 20, range: 8, mana: 40)
Heal target ally for 350 after a 5 second delay. The delay is reset every time the target takes damage.

The best time: when any of toki’s ability complete their cooldown the most injured nearby ally is healed for 50.

why talents that increase your healing. ripple effect will give you the most aoe healing. ultra undo will be the way to go if you plan on taking the other activatable talents. the best time will give you more single target healing and will work well if youve got a tank who will be on low health often like a garrosh.

Level 4

Chronobauble: using timey tricks trinkets on an enemy who was recently hit by chrono cog will also slow then by 40% for 2 seconds.

Time Gear: Each time chrono cog jumps toki gains 5 armor for 2 seconds, stacking up to 25 armor.

time and space device: (activatable, cd: 20)
Your next ability has 30% more range and time heals all wounds has 2 more range for 4 seconds. (Dosent change the distance Time Adjustment moves an ally)

Right now!: the cooldown of wound warper is reduced by 1 second.
using wound warper while any ally already has a pending wound warper heal then the pending heal is triggered immediately.

Level 7

Accelerator: allies with a pending wound warper heal gain 15% movement speed.

Just in time: using a basic ability reduces the time on all pending wound warper heals by 1.5 seconds. Additionally, wound warper heals 30% more when it heals an ally with in 1 second of them taking damage

Hack time: (activatable, cd: 12)
Reduce the cooldown of your last used ability by 4. (Not including hack time)

why I diddnt want Toki to be super synergistic with dive heroes, and shes still not, but Accelerator should give her some way to contribute to a dive.

Level 13

Chrono boost: the cooldown to toki’s ultimate is reduced by 1 when ever she heals an ally.

Synchronize: if 2 basic abilities do effective damage or healing with in 1 second of each other then all basic abilities cooldowns are reduced by a third

Gnomish inventor: time heals all wounds now also reduces the cooldown of your activatables.

Level 16

Timeline twist: Rin:
(Activatable, cd: 60, mana: 100)
Summon Rin who will chase down the nearest enemy hero and hit them with Demon Fire every 1.25 seconds which deals 100 damage and adds a seal stack to the target.
Rin lasts 14 seconds
The first time an enemy reaches 5 seal stacks, a powerful demon is summoned who will chase the nearest enemy hero and attack them for 270 damage each second.
The demon lasts 8 seconds
rin health: 300
demon health: 600

Timeline twist: Kelsey:
(Activatable, cd: 60, mana: 100)
Target an area
Summon Kelsey who will move to the target area and then set up a proximity charge over 5 seconds, then become invisible.
When an enemy comes near the proximity charge it will explode, dealing 210 damage to enemies in the area and Kelsey will attack the enemy for 90 damage a second.
Kelsey lasts 60 seconds or 5 seconds after proximity mine is triggered.
kelsey health: 250

Timeline twist: mekkatorque:
(Activatable, cd: 60, mana: 100)
Summon mekkatorque who will rocket jump towards the nearest enemy and deploy exploding chickens every 2.5 seconds.
Exploding will walk towards the nearest enemy and explode, dealing 180 damage to enemies hit.
Mekkatorque lasts 10 seconds.
mekka health: 400

why Heres your "pulling from other timelines" stuff : p Quick explanation for anyone who decided to only look at my entry. These are simplified summons of some of the other cdc entries.

Thanks everyone who let me do this.

also if any other other contestants want in on this just let me know! :smiley:
Just keep in mind that I dont want to have more then 5 talents on this tier.

Level 20

The way back machine: for up to 10 seconds after using Time adjustments, time adjustments can be reactivated to put the previous target in stasis and move them back to their original position over 1.5 seconds. Allies affected by time adjustment gain 50 armor for 3 seconds.

The essence of time: Race against time also grants protected for 2 seconds and allies affected by race against time can be targeted with wound warper from any range.

All of the time:
(Activatable, cd: 80)
Increase time heals all wounds’ cooldown recharge rate by an additional 1% ramping up to 70% over 10 seconds.
At the end of the duration or toki has less then 25 mana she is super stunned for 5 seconds.
This super stun cannot be cleansed.

Timeline twist: Infinite:
(Activatable, cd: 60, mana: 100)
Summon Infinite Toki who will cast evil clock shock every 2 seconds on the nearest enemy hero and reduce all your cooldowns by 1 for each enemy hero she hits.
evil clock shock deals 130 damage in a small area after 1 second.
Infinite Toki will count as a ally hero for time heals all wounds.
Infinite Toki lasts 20 seconds.
infinite health: INFINITE (untargetable)

patch notes wow! everything is just as it should be! never mind, everything is wrong! talents added Q heal 200 -> 230 infinite toki added at 20 added some better explanations summon healths new w talent changes

What exactly is Toki? Google only tells me it’s an arcade game and a brand of japanese whisky.

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Toki is a legendary minion from Hearthstone who was also a playable hero in the Monster Hunt PvE mode. She’s a gnome engineer/mage who uses gadgets and magic to manipulate time, but is not a Bronze Dragon in gnome form like Chromie.


Week 1 Judgement

Catagory Rating
Creativity 5/5
Cohesiveness 4/5
Thematic 4/5
Interaction 4/5
Overall 17/20


A Hearthstone card, and an interesting legendary to boot! Full points here for that.


Toki fills the role of a support very neatly and encourages teamplay, but discourages allies from diving. I don’t know whether this is a good thing or a bad thing, but I’ll dock a point just in case because I feel like it could potentially restrict how someone wants to play?


This is exactly what kinds of abilities I expect from a time mage! It would have been interesting if you explored her ability to pull from alternate timelines.


All of her abilities flow together really well. It encourages and rewards her to stay close to her team. Her ultimates in particular are incredibly unique, and feel like they would be extremely versatile. Her Q feels weak however. For example, take Anduin’s flash heal, which heals 260 and only takes .75 seconds to cast. Her timed Heal takes 2 seconds to take effect, and heals for less. I feel like a slightly shorter cooldown (maybe 4-5 seconds) would fix the issue.

Additional Feedback

It would be interesting to see some intractable arcane devices as talents.

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Creativity: 4/5
A time-based healer is a really fun idea, and it forces you to play healer in a different, anticipatory way. But there are a lot of abilities that have the same effect of reducing cooldowns, or making things come of cooldown sooner. It’s a decent theme to build around, but a little variety would be appreciated, if you can think of other ways to express the twisting of time.

Thematic: 5/5
No issues here. It’s a thematically solid concept.

Cohesion: 5/5
I like the way the abilities interact with each other, and there are some clear build paths and interactions in the talents. I particularly appreciate The Best Time. Since your skills will be coming off cooldown constantly, turning that into a heal was a clever choice.

Interaction: 4/5
There’s a decent amount of counterplay available for the enemies, but some of it would require either deep character knowledge or very clear graphical indicators. Burden of Knowledge for this character is definitely high.

Overall: 18/20
I really appreciate this concept. Gotta love a healer who works a little differently. There’s some redundancy in the kit, as you went all in on the CD reduction, but the overall concept is pretty solid.

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Overall Score

Creativity - 3/5

Cohesiveness - 3/5

Thematic - 5/5

Interaction - 4/5

Total - 15/20

I just want to say before I get started that some of the numbers look a bit suspicious, and that none of her summons have any health to them. I’m assuming they have health?

Creativity - 3/5

The ideas behind the concept of a time based healer are something we can both get behind as something that would be very cool to see. I do have some issues about implication, however. Primarily, although I’m not deducting points for it, I am a little disappointed you played the concept mostly safe in the base kit besides the heroics. For a character who is a Chromie substitution, I find the trend of keeping time mechanics out of the basic abilities a tad unfortunate. That being said, she does have to do with time a lot more, so I am grateful for that. I just think there are targeted ways this could be improved outside of simple cooldown manipulation. One problem I had with the kit is how W seems very much like an old Chromie W, but it restores mana per enemy hit. For such a close subject matter, it is extra biting to have a similar ability here. Furthermore, the talents have a few talents that could use sprucing up, such as Fast Clock, Instant Replay, and The Essence of Time. The rest of the talents are alright individually, but paired together many of them lack that sense of excitement that talents should give the player, and don’t seem to push her playstyles into new territories as much as I was hoping after the promise to make her talents more focused around time. I also see a lack of Week 3 fluff. I won’t penalize too hard, but please add more to the fluff for next week.

Cohesiveness - 3/5

There are a few key issues with the character in terms of cohesiveness. Some are numeric issues, which I won’t put much emphasis on, but some are pure design flaws. Starting off, I think the E of the character could be interesting, but at the moment it seems to dull down the character a little bit; I’m afraid it won’t be as exciting to use as other characters, and be incredibly polarizing in its use. Another issue is with the Q talents; first of all, Toki numerically will almost never be able to benefit from any other them with how the cooldowns work out. The % boosts need her to be near her allies, and still cap at a minimum cooldown baseline on her Q of 2.6 seconds, which doesn’t break the 2 second threshold you need to benefit from many of her talents. The very way her trait interacts with her Q is antithetical, as you need to CDR from the trait, but getting it makes her heals proc faster. It just fails to function effectively in this gameplay loop. Furthermore, the order at which the Q talents are placed creates strange gaps where more often than not, you won’t be able to benefit from her earlier talents until you get her later talents. Perhaps take a look at the order here. Another issue I found is the lack of meaningful build paths and gameplay divisions within the talent tree. Though I see some attempts of inter-ability talents such as Chronobauble, there is a distinct lack of it that should be remedied. The most interesting talent build you have here is the active talents. There are some shabby talent bleeding here and there that could be easily patched up with some extra work, such as in Tier 2. Tier 1 also has some effect bleeding with the talents; I would reccommend switching around the effects and eliminating one of them to make each feel extra distinct in a different circumstance. The Ripple talent could be removed and one of the others could work better with AoE heals, for instance.

Thematic - 5/5

This is an interesting take on Toki; I like that her talents allows her to pull in other heroic characters (like with her card effect), and the use of time to give us another interesting hero is spot on. I would have liked to see some more representation of her engineering side, as she seems to be dedicated almost exclusively to her time mage half; this is a bit unfortunate.

Interaction - 4/5

Overall, the character does not lack many major Interaction flaws, though I do see a couple. First of all, the E is a very volatile ability that would be difficult to pin down. As it is now, it can be a point and click major damage ability with an added ability cooldown speed up. If you made it a skillshot, however, it would be prone to missing and delay time, which would create aggravating situations where you can miss after an ally decides to hit with a big ability. Perhaps you could try making it a proactive mark-type effect that the enemy has a chance to react to, which would also increase teammate interaction? Secondly, the summons in the talents don’t have any health or leash range, and seem to just be DoT’s with (presumably) health bars that carry with them all of the usual issues with non interactive, undodgeable summons. Having an entire talent tier dedicated to them is a good idea for cohesiveness, but since they all have long cooldowns, it forces Toki to be more bursty in her character design than I think you might have wanted her to be, as she can go from strong to weak at the flip of a dime.

We do need some Hearthstone presence in HotS.

Waterlong - 75/100

Creativity: 6/10
Cohesiveness: 8/10
Thematic: 7/10
Interaction: 4/10

(+0 Thoughtfulness, +0 Game Fluidity)