CDC Returns February 2020

Important Info At the End

Greetings once again to all of our lovely character designers and fans of Blizzard. The twelfth Concept Design Contest will be returning February 1st for anyone who wishes to put forth their concepts in a community judged contest to determine who has the best design, with constant feedback and some extra spotlight for the winner. If this is your first time seeing this contest, here is some information for you:

The idea for this contest is that anyone who wants to would sign up, and on the start of February, a thread would be posted with all the relevant information. Each contest will have a theme to it, and everybody that signs up is expected to make a brand new concept based on that theme. Anyone who creates a concept will have a week to finish their base concept and submit it to the forums with a link to the contest thread. This will start the contest. The contest will have three judges, who will each take one week to look over the designs, commenting and helping out with the design. The week breakdown will go as follows:

Saturday, February 1
This is when the concept will be posted, and anyone can sign up for the contest! The judges will also be sorted out on this day. Judges are not able to make concepts themselves.

Week One
Sunday, February 2 - Saturday, February 8
This week is for the base concept. This is simply the abilities and the role. A judge will comment on the Sunday that follows.

Week Two
Monday, February 10 - Saturday, February 15
This week is for the talents. This means a fully fleshed out talent tree set up with the tiers in order. A judge will comment on the Sunday that follows.

Week Three
Monday, February 17 - Saturday, February 22
This week is for the finishing touches. This includes fluff, stats, additional notes, skins, and whatever else you want to add. A judge will comment on the Sunday that follows.

Week Four
Monday, February 24 - Saturday, February 29
This week is the last week for changes to the concept. All major work should be finished by this week, and major changes are risky. The judges will keep a close eye on the concepts, coming to their own opinions.

Sunday, March 1 - Tuesday, March 4
All changes are closed. The judges will gather to determine who is the ultimate winner of the contest, announcing the winner sometime on Tuesday.

Important Info: For this contest, anyone can submit up to two themes to be considered for the CDC’s theme. The judges will have final say as to which theme is selected, which will be revealed the day of the event (as to maintain the minimal time to prepare). Even if you do not plan on entering the contest, feel free to submit your theme in this thread!



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I, Kyyteo, shall join in on this contest.

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Theme 1. Non Blizzard heroes

Theme 2: Big Boys (the opposite of the last one))

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My 2 votes for the contest theme are

Anyone who would have absolutly no chance of getting in to hots. Things like mario, someone from starwars, jhon cena, or a literal trash can.


Tanks, supports, and healers. A vast majority of hero suggestions are either assassins or briusers. Some if these other roles need some love :stuck_out_tongue:


While im already a contestant xP if i had to pick themes they’d be
1: Crossover! Recreate a character from another game franchise into a Blizzard character as if they did exist there using resources from both basically.
2: Missing Faction leaders and i dont just mean Horde and Alliance but i mean some Neutral ones that are just as big as well such as the Pandaria Pandaran, Mogu Empire and Ebon Blade.

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I would love to participate and make a character concept for CDC 12!

  1. Unique characters: ones that don’t share common traits with most MOBA characters, create and oddball like Abathur or TLV.

  2. An Overwatch character

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A cool theme would be of the supernatural/unknown, which could be space forces or magics, such as death, void etc.

I would liked to join.

My two theme ideas would be:

  1. I Said Science Again! - science based characters. Those who utilize science for power liked moira from OW or Winston.
  2. In The Zone - characters who focus on AoE/Zoning out areas.

Don’t count me in yet, buuuuuuuut…

  1. Elemental - Any character that revolves specifically around a certain natural element.
  2. New Battleground - As important as any soldier is the ground they fight on. Forge a new battleground with unique mechanics!

Hey guys, thanks to all of you for these wonderful themes! I’d like to get some more in the pool, so make sure to join up if you haven’t submitted any yet!

Additionally, Kethcup, your first submission is actually a contest theme we did already, so you are free to choose another. Secondarily, Waterlong, we already have Melke with the non-Blizzard suggestion, so if you want to change it to offer more of a varied pool, you are welcome. Duplicate submissions are essentially null.


Sacrifice - Make a character that hurts/hinders themselves for a greater benefit
Guest Stars - Make a non-Blizzard hero from a company chosen by the judges

Edit: since i apparently don’t read and guest characters has already been suggested like, twice…

Corrupted/Redeemed Heroes: What if your favorite good guy was evil? Or the bad guy was good? Both canon and theoretical characters are acceptable.

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So we have a week until the CDC launches; because we have not reached the destination theme pool, we will be opening theme suggestions to the judges now. They should post them here as per usual contestants.

Will we vote for the best one, or discussed between judges?

Judges sadly, im not voting for Nortins Crabs either way.

I’d also like to join in if I may.
Theme1: Bad Guys
Theme2: Incorporeal. Like a ghost. Or someone who’s just not present.

Hello everyone! I’m looking forward to hosting this CDC, and hope to see great concepts from everyone that’s submitted a theme so far. I’d be very happy to have such a large turnout, and the judges and I will work hard to give everyone good reviews and feedback!

Also, as Bliztron stated, I’ll be posting my own theme submissions here, and hopefully the other judges will too. It’s a little awkward for us to submit our own themes since we’ll be making the final decision, but we’d like to have a large set to choose from and so, here we are.

  • Theme 1: The Cavalry’s Here! - Characters who implement mounted combat into their playstyle, but can also go without a mount. Either the mount should feel like its own character additional to your hero (like Rexxar’s Misha), mounted vs unmounted combat should feel like significant stance changes, or both.
  • Theme 2: Overcompensation - Characters who wield an unreasonably large weapon, or have some component to them that is heavy/large/clunky. Their weapon or component should be built into their kit such that their gameplay feels unwieldy and difficult, but rewarding and impactful.

Don’t know if I will participate but here are my 2 themes:
Trusted sidekick: Hero and his companion (pet or another character) uses two bodies controlled by one player (kinda like Rexxar).

Adapt, improve, overcome: Hero whose key aspect is the ability to deal with different situations.

Good to see the large number of interesting theme submissions! As we’re to be submitting our own themes(that being the judges), here is my own potential theme:

A Storied History: The submitted character must have ties to Classical Mythos, such as Vrykul and Valkyr referencing Norse Mythos or several characters from Pandaria referencing Chinese Mythos. Additionally, the character must contain references to their Mythological origins within their kit.

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ok heres my new submissions


each judge create their own mediocre to bad concept (not including talents) with at least 2 or 3 things that are clearly bad. Then each contestant picks one of those 3 and reworks it as their submission.

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