Health: 2316 (+4% per level) hitpoints, 4.825 (+4% per level) HP Regen per second.
Mana: 500 (standard)
Attack Range: Melee (1.2)
Attack speed: 0.9 per second
Attack Damage: 50 (+4% per level)
Strengths: Burst Damage
Weaknesses: Mobility, Poking
Trait: Evocation
Cooldown: 60 seconds
Channel over 3 seconds to gain back 50% of Khadgar’s mana.
This cooldown refreshes 175% faster if Khadgar hasn’t spent any mana over the last 5 seconds
Q: Arcane Blast
(Mana: 15 - Cooldown: 1.5 seconds)
After channeling for [0.8 seconds], Khadgar blasts a targeted enemy with Arcane magic, dealing 115 (+4% per level) damage to them, 65 (+4% per level) damage to all enemies in a small radius, and slowing targets affected for 20% for 1 second.
Whenever Khadgar successfully casts Arcane Blast, Khadgar generates an Arcane Charge. Each accumulated Arcane Charge increases the damage of Arcane Blast by 25%, the slow by an additional 7%, and the Mana Cost by 50% per Arcane Charge accumulated (up to a maximum of +10% damage, +20% slow, and +200% Mana.).
W: Prismatic Barrier
(Mana: 60 - 18 second cooldown)
Gain a shield that absorbs 550 (+4% per level) damage for the next 5 seconds. When Prismatic Barrier expires, deal damage equal to 20% of the amount of damage absorbed split among all nearby enemies.
Each accumulated Arcane Charge increases the amount absorbed by +10%, the amount dealt to enemies by +20%, and the mana cost of Prismatic Barrier by +25%.
E: Arcane Missiles
(Mana: 10 - 7 second cooldown)
Channel for 1.5 seconds, releasing a barrage of four arcane missiles. The first will hit the targeted hero, while all proceeding will hit the highest-health enemy within a medium radius around the original target. Each missile deals 45 (+4% per level) damage to whomever it hits.
Casting Arcane Missiles consumes all Arcane Charges, each releasing an additional missile during the 1.5 second channel, up to 8 in total.
Arcanic Barrier:
(Mana: 50 - 40 second Cooldown)
Khadgar and all allies in a small radius around him gain immunity to spell damage for 1.5 seconds, Khadgar gains 2% of his mana for every 5% of his health blocked
After 1.5 seconds, Khadgar fires forward a wave of energy foward, dealing damage equal to 25% of the damage absorbed to all enemies in the wave’s path, and knocks back foes hit.
R2: Arcane Orb
(Mana: 70 - 45 second cooldown)
Launch a ball of Arcane energy in a targeted direction. This orb bounces off of terrain, and when it passes through enemies it deals 220 damage and stuns them for 1 second. Passing through the ball a second time after being stunned will deal 100 damage and not stun.
The ball travels for a total of 4 seconds.
Whenever Arcane Orb deals damage, gain an Arcane Charge