CDC #13 Professor Putricide

Professor Putricide
| :-- | :-: | --: |
| Health | 1670 |
| Health Regeneration | 4.95|
| Auto Attack Damage| 57|
|Range| 5.5|
|Attack Speed| 1|

Hey people! Good news! The mucus flowed again!

Abilities (D) Oh, look what happened!:
You press (D) and your next ability will give you a flask of slurry, maximum 2. Your (Q) - gives you "Green slurry", (E) - "Red slurry". You can click (1) on the additional panel and mix them. Then your next ability will have an additional effect.

(Q) Caustic:
Creates an area (3.5 yard) that deals damage to everyone in it.
While the target is in this area, it takes 65 damage every 0.5 seconds.
Cooldown: 10 seconds. Duration: 4 seconds.

(W) Mutated Abomination: You raise (1.5 seconds) Mutated Abomination. He will try to capture and attack the enemy hero, who was nearby.
The captured enemy cannot move until the mutated abomination is destroyed.
Cooldown: 25 seconds. Maximum 3 can exist simultaneously.
| :-- | :-: | --: |
| Health | 5 auto attacks |
| Auto Attack Damage| 56|
|Range| 1.5|
|Attack Speed| 1|

(E) Toxic fumes: Throws a flask into a selected area (5 yards). Toxic fumes (5 yards) form in this area. Enemies in it miss each 3 auto attack.
Cooldown: 14 seconds Duration: 6 seconds

(R1) And what if you mix this …?: For 16 seconds, you turn into a mutant with 4 arms. You gain 250 additional health, and the attack speed is reduced to 1 attack every 2 seconds.
Each of your auto attacks on the target creates a Malleable Goo under it (1.5 second).

(R2) Initiation into assistants: you make an ally your assistant. An ally gains 200 additional health and restores 154 health each time it uses an ability.
Buff duration 25 seconds. Cooldown: 60 seconds.


Level: 1
•Special diet:
Repeat quest: Each time enemies die while in your (Q), its damage is increased by 1 unit.

•The bigger the better: Your (Q) damage is increased by 10% (30% maximum) for each enemy that is in it.

•And who will clean it?: Radius
action (Q) increases by 1 yard every 0.5 seconds.

•Master of his craft:
Repeat quest: When Mutated aberation deals damage to an enemy hero, its attack power increases by 0.5.
Reward: After additional damage increases by 10 units, the Mutated aberation capture range increases by 1 yard.

level: 4
•Shaka-Lak Boom!: When there are 3 enemies in your zone (Q), it will explode and deal 127 damage. (It works once)

•Caution!: When there are 2 enemy heroes in your zone (E), they gain silence for 1 second. (It works once)

•I hope you are wearing socks: When there are 2 enemy heroes in your (E), they will get root for 1.5 seconds. (It works once)

•Hey! Don’t stand still!: Enemies take x2 damage from (Q) if they move in it.

Level: 7
•Thick fog: Allied heroes that are in (E) take 25% less damage from abilities. It works once for each allied hero.

•This is certainly not healing mucus, but still: Allied heroes located in (Q) restore health half as much as the damage done (Deals 56 damage every 0.5 seconds, and heals 23 every 0.5 seconds)

•Can’t you see what I’m holding?: When stunning Putricid, he throws himself under his feet (E).

•It will be more useful to you: While you or your allies are within the radius of Mutated aberation, all auto attacks against you, it takes over.

Level: 13
•What sciences am I a professor?: When your (Q) or (E) touches Mutated Abomination, it charges with this ability and spreads the effect of the ability around itself within a radius of 3.5 yards.

•Oh, this is chemistry!: Your (D) combinations get better.

•Breathe deeper: Each time opponents miss while in (E), they take damage equal to the strength of their auto attack.

•Do you want to do something? Prepare in advance!: You can prepare a bottle in your (Q) or (E) and put the finished bottle in the selected place, enemies within range (1.5 yards) of this bottle activate it. The bottle becomes invisible to enemies after 2 seconds.

Explanation Explanation: On the additional panel, the “Empty bottle” ability appears, you click on it, then on the ability you need (by first pressing Q, E) and then put it (by second pressing Q / E) in the selected place.

Level 16:
•Festergut: You are replacing the mutant with Festergut. While Festergut holds the enemy hero, he (the enemy hero) takes 15% more damage.

•Rotface: You are replacing a mutant with Rotface. While Rotface holds an enemy hero, he (Enemy Hero) receives 80% less healing.

•Seems to have gone too far with mucus…: After death, the Mutated Abomination explodes and inflicts damage to the enemy of which it held at a rate of 12% of their maximum health.

•Feugen and Stalagg: The maximum number of Mutated Abomination is reduced to 2. Now you summon Feugen and Stalagg. When they both die your next (W) will call Thaddius. Thaddius deals 30% more damage and has more health for 2 auto attacks.

Explanation First, Stalagg is in line, and then Feugen. When using (W) and if both are alive, the oldest of the 2 called ones dies and is called in the chosen place.

level 20:
•(R1) Look, he liked you!: Malleable Goo moves to the nearest enemy hero at a speed of 80%.
Passive: Malleable Goo exists for 3 seconds.

•(R2) Yes, very good assistant!: An ally also restores health every 5 seconds.
Passive: Buff duration increased by 5 seconds. Increased additional health to 350.

•Storm charge: When used, teleports to the selected area Cooldown: 70 seconds.

•Extra Financing: Your (Q) has 3 charges.

Hero Spotlight
*Professor Putricide stands before us and shakes his head *

-Interesting place … Only now, a little not comfortable. But this thing is fixable.

Professor Putricide, a brilliant scientist who created all kinds of mucus and rot. While he was in the service of the Lich King at Icecrown Citadel, his abilities were in high demand.
And do not ask a question, as he speaks without a lower jaw. He is a very genius scientist!
Strengths Weaknesses:
+ Good opponents zoning tools. -Silences
+ Debuffs -Mobility

   Professor Putricide learned a lesson after the heroes of the horde and alliance captured Icecrown Citadel. And for this, he is trying to stick to the “Unapproachable Fortress” plan. All his abilities are aimed at ensuring that opponents do not feel as comfortable as possible and take not so good positions in team fights. He reveals his potential very well on maps with objects that need to be captured and held, because the smaller the area, the more mucus in it, isn’t it?

  His (Q) ability gives him the ability to take a solo line, and not take much risk in trying to kill minions. In fights, she helps to check the bushes for the presence of enemy heroes and knocking out enemy heroes from their heated places, or cutting off their escape routes. No one wants to step on a foot that can dissolve that foot … Right?

  His (W) gives him the opportunity to feel calmer on the lines by the fact that you put him in the bushes, in the camp of your mercenaries, or simply put him insolent in front of an enemy hero. Your Aberation will cover your back from killers who can take advantage of the fact that you do not have mobility. In fights, you can use Aberation as a trap to initiate a team fight, and to protect your allies in the back-line, from enemy heroes. But just remember that Aberation is not well stitched, and breaks easily. Try to fantasize and place them where they are most difficult to see.

  What? These 2 abilities seem to you a little and you consider yourself still not toxic enough? True, no limit is perfect … Toxicity! Your (E) makes your enemies miss their auto attacks (and as a small bonus they are still angry).

  (D) Professor Putricide’s ability is connected with his love of mixing different elixirs and watching what comes of it.
You can always heal yourself, which is quite useful because you are on the battlefield. Slow down opponents if your allies completely refuse to press their buttons. To poison his minions against enemies. Believe me, if the goal of the minions is not Stitch, then he will not be very pleased.
I’m serious, don’t apply on Stitch, only make it worse!

  Did I mention that Putricid likes to mix all kinds of different things? Yes?
  So, in the second place of his favorite pastimes is drinking, all that he mixed.
  His (R1) is a transformation into a monster that not only instills fear in enemies, but also shoots slugs at them that slow their attack speed After you throw the slug in the enemy, he stays in place for some time and also reduces the attack speed, all the enemies that fall into him.

  Yes, the Putricide is quite toxic, but it will never give up a couple of new assistants (R2).
P.s. Dismiss if you hear that he has “Good” news. After that, new helpers are required.

  All assistants should be in good health (and not smoke, tobacco is bad for slugs).
And if you do not have much health you will receive it on the first working day.
  Also, since you are an assistant in the destruction of all life on Azeroth (Or the Nexus?), Try to use your abilities more often and be healed for each used spell!

See you soon in the Nexus!

*Professor Putricide in one hand (left) holds a flask of red liquid, and the other waves to you goodbye *

-See you soon!!!

*Aberation catches Azmodan in the background *

The end.

Skin 1)Ice cream seller. Instead of flasks - horns with ice cream. Instead of Mutant Aberations. A huge cup with ice cream, the head of which consists of different varieties of ice cream. (Chocolate, Lemon, Strawberry)

2)Dark Samurai Priest Putricide.
Instead of flasks - bags.
Instead of Mutant Aberations. Fallen Dark Samurai.


So, before this saturday, I suppose


Start your work my friend,I had many wait for you,show yourself,I have hope you will get a good place in this CDC.


As long at it matches the Cult idea.

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Xavius ​​maintains the line of the Cult. His followers are Satires. Although he himself is a follower of the Legion and the Old Gods. I think a flexible mind and treachery is what makes satyrs so interesting.


i think the 11th is the last day to enter and have your basic abilities ready to show
also xavius is totally a cultist. Its hard to find an old god related character that isnt.

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Especially EN stuff because it’s alot of creations and IMO not quite so much a cult as a force.

Sorry, but it looks like I changed my concept to a more fun and interesting one. Profeccor Putricide!


oh MR lalution it is really a good choice,you show that you are a smart man…


greet to you MR lalution,now I am going to work with you,I start my work soon after getting some rest,as usual I start my work on your abilities and then I’ll have nice note about your Talents.


Thanks. I hope our joint work will be effective.


Sure,I will do best for you,dont are still my best friend in this Forum.
My note
1.I consider your growing number with 4% increasing per level,you also do it.:smiley:

2.Define cooldown and mana cost and also duration for mis atttack.

3.decreass number of this abomiation like as 3 to 2 or maybe 1 and then,empower it in your talents.
4.Increase damage of abomination from 45 to 57.

5.I like this ability but I prefer to Increase it’s width to10% smaller than Tasadar ability and also reduce it’s duration by 1 second.also I suggest empower it in talents for example in your Quest increase it’s damage and range or duration or reduce it’s cool down.
6.I also have an another suggest for your Q if you accept that reduce duration of it to 3 or 2.5 second,
after it’s duration is finished,remain the plagued gas in this area and deal 17 damage every 0.25 second last for 1 or 1.5 second.( in order depend of your choice).

7.and the attack speed is reduced to 1 attack every 2 seconds. edite this sentenses to it,reduce profeccor attack speed by 50%,but Increase basic attack damage by 50%.

8.100% slow is in really root and This type of naming is less well known.I prefer to define 75% slow amount for 1 second.

9.I suggest you do limite for this bounce damage limite it to 1280 as base amount.

Due to lack of time, I didn’t have much time for this part of the project and worked more on the Commykins project.
I have a special and good program for your Build’s Talents, and since I don’t have much to do with Commykins , I will spend most of my time on you.

10.I think this ability will be buff,do some change for as restore health equal to your Current health or restore x% of your maximum health.


I think this build (lalution) is one of the chances for the professor to win good place in the CDC. It is very attractive and different.


Thanks for the help. First, I will add / correct all the numerical values ​​and nuances of mechanics.


Mr lalution, please start for working of your talents sooner,so we can have more time for Analysis and Improving it.good luck.

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This isnt marked as any role but it matches my definition of a support so thats what imma go with.

Creativity: 3/5
I really like trait and I like seeing more supports :D. W is a unique way to root people and R1 is very unique in its entirety.
Q and E are whats holding the score back. They are both very basic AOEs with a small effect that you need to use twice before they get any additional effects or have no additional effects beacuse you chose to heal yourself instead. Some level 1 talents that affect both of these abilites would be nice.

Cohesiveness: 5/5
Whats there is not bad. Seems like a decent toolbox style kit.
If you dont mind, could you clarify a few things for me? Im assumeing most of these are damage over time and last 5 seconds or so
Q - does this deal damage once the first time a hero steps in it or is it a damage over time like deathwings W (Lava Burst)?
W - do the abominations have a duration? Do they deal 45 damage once or every second untill the abomination is destroyed? How much health does it have or how many hits does it take to destroy?
R1 - how long does the Malleable Goo last? does the Malleable Goo deal damage once or every second?

Thematic: 5/5
very good here. I can confirm that professor putricide does all of those things.

Interaction: 2/5
For most damage heroes, W is probably not a big deal but if any low damage hero like most healers and some tanks get grabbed by one of these things, they are going to be stuck there for quite a while. If it does damage over time then it could easily do huge ammounts of damage to those heroes.
R2 just has no relevent counterplay. Its just a free kill if you hit someone with it, walk away, then just press random buttons for a while. You could even choose when to oneshot the poor guy by not casting anything untill its time. It being a psudo DoT that lasts forever is just way to crazy aswell.
Toxic fumes usefulness is very narrow. If the enemy team dosent have any auto attackers this ability is almost useless. Haveing it also reduce spellpower by a little bit might be a good idea.

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Total Score - 10/20

Scoring note: 5 points have been deducted from the total score (15/20) as a late penalty.

Just a warning before I get into the review, you haven’t updated your concept for Week 2 but are still considered as entered. If you still want to participate, please make sure that you catch up with adding talents and Week 3 fluff in time for next week’s deadline! Otherwise, you’ll be considered dropped out at that point.

If you do want to continue participating and add talents in time, I’ll add the talent feedback that I would have included in this review; it won’t make a difference on score, but it’ll hopefully be helpful for you going forward.

Creativity - 2/5
Starting with Caustic, it’s not a very interesting ability as a basic AoE DoT. However, if you lowered the cooldown (and maybe effects) a bit it could make an interesting consistent zoning tool. Toxic Fumes is also not a very interesting ability, as a basic AoE Blind. I think that it could use some extra effects or a more unique targeting scheme to make it more interesting to use. For both of these abilities though, the trait Oh, Look What Happened! does add some more interesting side effects. The variety of extra effects to pull out are nice, but the E + E effect that summons a slug to attack is significantly less interesting than the other two and I think you should replace it.

For the last abilities, Mutated Abomination is pretty interesting as a Root that needs to be broken by damage. I think that the Abomination’s Health should decay while he is holding a hero, so that they don’t need to attack him to break free; it would still speed up if they attacked the Abomination, but it wouldn’t be able to keep them trapped forever and it would be more fair to low damage heroes. And What If You Mix This…? isn’t too interesting of an ability, but it might be fun to use and definitely fits with Putricide’s boss fight. Mutated Plague is definitely a very unique ability, but it has problems with Interaction (same ones that waterlong pointed out).

Overall, I think that Mutated Abomination and maybe And What If You Mix This…? are fine, but Caustic and Toxic Fumes both need something more to make them more unique. Oh, Look What Happened! is definitely interesting overall and I like it; I still think that the slug effect should be replaced, but if Caustic and Toxic Fumes are both made better then Oh, Look What Happened! will be perfect. As a result, I’d say that the base kit is a little below average overall in Creativity, with some good potential to raise the score.

Cohesiveness - 4/5
Overall, I see Putricide’s kit as a ranged mage who can apply lots of zoning and disruption to the enemies; since he doesn’t deal much damage, I think that would give him the Support role. Like I said above, Caustic is a good step toward achieving this goal but I think the cooldown is too long; it would work better for Putricide’s playstyle if he could have 2 or more pools set up at a time to zone enemies. Also, Caustic and Toxic Fumes having lower cooldowns would give Putricide more control over which effect he gets from Oh, Look What Happened!, which would be good for his cohesion.

Otherwise, Mutated Abomination does a good job of disrupting heroes and can discourage them from approaching since they’ll be rooted. Toxic Fumes has a nice synergy with it, since Blinded heroes won’t be able to attack the Abomination right away to free the grabbed hero. And What If You Mix This…? gives Putricide a more imposing teamfight presence, which is good for his kit, and the Malleable Goo puddles further the zoning power his other abilities have. Mutated Plague doesn’t quite fit into the kit, since it’s a lethal single-target effect, while most of Putricide’s abilities have to do with zoning and disruption.

In conclusion, Putricide is a good start for a zoning-based Support hero with some useful synergies in his abilities, but I feel like he needs a little more to fill that role. Caustic could use more power, and Mutated Plague doesn’t fit into his kit.

Thematic - 5/5
The various plagues, slimes, and mixtures all fit Putricide perfectly. The reference to his Enrage form from Icecrown Citadel is also nice and on-theme. As for the contest theme, Putricide counts as a member of the Cult of the Damned, so he fits for a Cult hero. Full points here.

Interaction - 4/5
I have a couple of problems with Interaction, but waterlong addressed them already. Some heroes have a really hard time escaping from a Mutated Abomination, and Mutated Plague is way too strong and almost guarantees the target dies.

Lol. It’s my fault, the end of the semester has taken too much attention from me. Since I have 3 weeks, I will redo (D) ability, R2 and E + E. And I’ll try to make the abilities customary by adding interesting talents for each level. Let me tell you a secret, I wanted to make a long-range killer out of Putricide, but it seems that I played for a long time on support and was reflected in this concept when I myself did not suspect it. Although, honestly, my opinion is this: Support is the largest canvas for HC.
PS: I made changes to the basic abilities. <3

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Hey my dear friend mr lalution,I’d like to say you dont force yourself to take part in CDC if you have not some time for it,this CDC is defined more for fun.
do your studies for your exams, I hope you can get good marks.

we’ll start work on Support later,like as past that we did work together.

Hey. Everything is super, the hardest part behind and now, I can have fun in the CDC.