nice,I thought you left this cause you rename your link from CDC to HC.
these problems is okay,I say you as old friend eighter in CDC or not,think about yourself and not force yourself to doing a thing…
Hey Lalution! I’m happy to hear that you’re intending to continue participation. I just want to clear one thing up, just in case:
Sorry if it wasn’t clear, but you have until the end of Week 3, not 3 weeks. That means the current deadline is Sunday, April 26, at 11:59pm EST (convert to your local time zone). I hope that this doesn’t cause any problems for your plans.
Also, don’t forget about the new restriction: Classic scored higher so your team has a new challenge to work with! It’s posted on the main thread, and if it’s not clear, you can ask Bliztron and he’ll explain further.
Sorry for my English. I didn’t write correctly, I wanted to write that I have the final week in reserve and this is more than enough. I will also ask Bliztron about the new requirements.
No need to apologize As long you’re not confused it’s good, and I understand that there is some difficulty in the language.
Mr lalution please some times enter in my Concepts and do a little or summariz idea and oppinion on it because I have not any especific friend or follower in this forums that help and attention me,thanks you.
Yes, I’m still participating in the competition.
It remains all that I did translate into English and lay out.
anyway it is no problem all people are really their brothers and sisters and do kind and respect together and nationality is not important that want to make sad some one or will be a tool for annoying people,any way sorry my dear friend.
Overall Score
Creativity - 3/5
Cohesiveness - 3/5
Thematic - 3/5
Interaction - 5/5
Total - 14/20 (5 points dedicated to the Week 2 penalty)
Note: I know there is a little bit of a language barrier. If you have trouble understanding anything, please let me know.
Creativity - 3/5 (2/2 for Week 2 penalty).
So to start off, the trait has the potential to be quite interesting, offering either damage, disruption, or sustain depending on what Putricide needs at the present moment. I’m not sold on the actual delivery of the design, however. From how I understand it, you need to wait an effective 20 seconds to actually create and deliver your Q? Or can you create “Slurry” at any time? If you need to wait for the Q cooldown to generate Red Slurry, I think you should think about a different way to acquire the slurry. If you can generate it whenever, I think you should make generating slurry have a short 4 second cooldown for each ingredient. I have a large issue with the Q, as it is dreadfully boring. The W is kind of interesting, but the E is once again a little lackluster. I think you should add something to make the Q a bit more interesting, even if changing the targeting scheme. The E is more interesting than the Q, but the limited duration makes the effect feel lackluster. Perhaps make it infinite duration, but you can only have one active at a time? This would make it a much more interesting zoning ability. As for your heroics, the first heroic is an interesting attack steroid that reflects his raid fight while also offering a unique support ability. The second heroic is unique, but not that exciting for either player. I think a shorter duration, more impactful buff would feel better for all players involved. For the talents, I’m seeing some repetitive talents here (more on this in Cohesiveness), such as “Special Diet” and “The Bigger the Better”, as well as “Caution!” and “I hope you are wearing socks”. There are some interesting talents in the character, such as “Shaka-Lak Boom!”, “It will be more useful to you”, and “What sciences am I a professor?”, so I know you have the potential to make a cool talent tree. I think you should identify a few build ideas, or playstyle loops, and work towards bringing those out. As a side note, I like Tier 6 (Level 16), but think the effects could be a little more distinct. I also don’t like Storm Charge (Bolt of the Storm), as it is just not interesting, nor does it make the character feel more fun to play. As for the trailer, it doesn’t exactly match a trailer or even a hero spotlight, and the lack of visual direction is a bit lackluster. Still, I can see that you made an effort to bring together this trailer in the allocated time, and I will be generous. I will suggest you add more visual direction and perhaps even musical direction for Week 4, or you will lose points.
Cohesiveness - 3/5
The character has multiple tools that come together to make Putricide a potent area denial support, and I can respect the external cohesion between the abilities. The heroics offer different ways to bring out this gameplay style (though the first heroic does a far better job than the second). As far as talents go, there is a lot of talent bleeding going on throughout the concept. Many talents feel the same as others on it’s tier, and I am failing to see many interesting or exciting build paths throughout the tree. There are several interesting talents overall, but they all seem disconnected. I would recommend looking at characters such as Lunara, Qhira, Hanzo, and Diablo for examples of talent trees that feel variant, but still have build identities to them.
Thematic - 3/5 (1/3 for Week 2 penalty)
Overall, the character captures the feeling of Putricide quite effectively, and I enjoyed the various allusions to the ICC encounter, such as Rotface and Festergut, the different slime combinations, and the first heroic. The reason why you lost points here is because in your skin section, you lack master skins and recolors, two requirements for the Week 2 penalty. Look here:
for reference.
Interaction - 5/5
The character isn’t necessarily that uninteractive, with all of his abilities having prolonged effects that allies can move out of, and little in terms of personal defense if enemies can effectively close in on him. I think his W ability would have some minor concerns, but the fact that the grappled enemy can free themselves, and that it is based on basic attacks (like Lunara’s Wisp), make the ability manageable and good. The heroics are also pretty fine. As for talents, there are some weird fringe cases like “Seems to have gone too far with mucus”, which could be oppressive, but mostly the kit seems reasonable.
Thanks to everyone for the ratings: Waterlong, Nortin, Bliztron it was an interesting contest.
I was interested in reading other concepts and doing my own. Waiting for the May contest
p.s.:Now, I will not rush to choose a category of concepts. I do not like to do additional tasks
I don’t think many of the newer characters have had proper master skins, I know Qhira and Deathwing didn’t have them. I don’t know if you should deduct points for a lack of these. I know I forgot to include master skins myself.
The deduction was because the master skins were a required element of the Week 2 penalty, just as recolors and the storyboard are. The penalty was in theme of classic, as it was a throwback to earlier character releases.
got it, makes sense, sorry haha