CDC #11 - Pint-Sized Palooza

Hi there!
Yes, small characters piloting large things are acceptable!


Seems like it might be fun. I’ll give it a shot.

Ered’achor! Havik! Galar!
Well. This was certainly an interesting CDC theme. Took some effort to think of an idea for it.

May I present Rin, the First Disciple of Azari:

This should be awesome, can’t wait to see all the great designs (looks at the Rin design while typing). Well here is my Concept.

I made it before i knew about the contest so it’s a bit more fleshed out than is necessary at this point but i’ll take all the suggestions I can get. Cheers all, and have fun. :slight_smile:

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Hey phlynch, glad to see you’re making a concept. I’ve always enjoyed your designs, they’re fun and cohesive. GL and have fun with it. :slight_smile:

Thanks for reminding me to actually post my concept. I had it written out on a text document since sunday.

OK, here we go. First time I’ve done a hero concept in a long time. Lets see how it goes.

Can we have more than one entry, cause I have another idea i’d like to try. :blush:

Haha, I like the excitement, but unfortunately you can only submit a single concept for consideration. If you have an idea you’d rather submit, you can switch to another concept.

Here is my concept:

So far just the basics, but if anyone wants to check it out and provide some opinions I will be glad.

Heres the zelda to my CDC entry
A good bronze is never late. They post precisely when they mean to.

Commenting just to appreciate this.

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Here’s my submission, I’m not too happy with it but it’s good enough for a first draft.

There we go after a hectic rush,

All the reviews are finally finished and are being posted. I truly apologize for the delay for all of you; life has not been fun to deal with. For my severe lateness, we will push back the due dates from November 2nd to November 5th (3 additional days), remaining at 11:59 EST. Good luck to everyone on week 4!

Ok, here are the standings so far.
1st) Kelsey Steelspark at 53
2nd) High Tinker Gelbin Mekatorque at 51
3rd) Toki Timetinker at 50
4th and 5th) Lil’ Deathwing and Ilumina at 49 a piece
6th) Noggenfogger at 44
7th) Rin with 42
8th) Rakanishu at 41

Just in case anyone was curious :slight_smile:

Although there is to be one more judging i’m Fairly certain the standings won’t change much if any.

Having three different opinions discussing something can lead to some realization about things that one person alone wouldn’t have seen sometimes. There’s a definite chance some standings change drastically on Week 4.

As a former judge of many CDCs i can tell you that a score can change around very heavily, like take that Rakanishu i might win with a gigantic score bonus from Week 4 due to bonus points for example whereas the Kelsey or Gelbin might end up last cause of it.

Is good to know where scores are pre-final week at least.

True enough, things could change. I based the thought that they wouldn’t off the previous scorings where there were some characters that started with good scores and just got higher throughout and some that started low and got better. Like my noggenfogger, it started with a bad score but has improved a bit, but kelsey steelspark has had good scores all along. So i was thinking that 1st place would have to REALLY screw up to lose their position. But it could change. It’ll be fun to see the final tallies. :grin:

Sometimes it does happen for sure where it stays the same, i remember Nortins first time running it and he knocked us all away and won it almost perfectly, think only one other person i can recall had perfect scores more than once.

Still wish they’d hurry up xP my mind can’t focus 100% on my next two concepts till i know the last results for this one.