Caram/Karabot comic #168: Z stands for Storm

Time to rename the series. Asked for permission by the Carbot-team.

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My Comic AMA:


Is this an Anime reference?

Ze DBZeeeeee :wink:

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I wanted to use the Karabot name for the “Carbot” series made by Kara. :man_shrugging:

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So Carbot asked you to change it?

So I asked Carbot’s team because that felt as the correct approach.

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“z stands for storm”

pretty sure it stands for zoo
or zebra
for I went to kinder-garden

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Yes, but at the same time, I feel there is no need. You create the art by hand, and the name is different enough.

I’m under the impression they approached you to change the name or cease.

I just overcomplicating it, that’s all, I know it’s nothing extra, but still, I felt the need to inform them and even ask for permission just to feel right about it myself. I planned this for a long time, you can ask Logan, he might remember it. On his discord I already used the Karabot nickname.

When they approached me about anything, it was about them asking me if they can share my art (which I created in their style).


Someone might interpret that sole letter Z the wrong way nowadays.

:ru: :poop: :spoon:

\o/ Ztorm \o/

Good stuff mah dude!


Z stands for Zendetta ! Or maybe Zendaya I’m not sure anymore


Yep. Dragon Gallz.

Great show.