Can the ranked system please be fixed?

I don’ know how I’m supposed to gain any ground as Bronze 3 if the best I can get is approximately 50 points for a win. At that rate, I’m going to be playing for months just to get to bronze 2 (especially since I don’t have time to play 10 games a day). How the hell am I ever supposed to improve?? I don’t know how more people are not complaining about this–seems SUPER unfair. Why did this get worse from the system it used to be?? Thanks in advance for your attention to this…

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I’ve experienced issues with league points too (Help me understand the ranked system) but didn’t get any decent answer. The problem is still there and i have another friend experiencing strange points ( he’s diamond and get’s or lose points from 350 to 500 any game vs other diamonds or even gold and plats)

You can find my video response on Twitch, look up TheMedivhShow. Responding to the storm episode 1

0 videos, 0 clip, no followers and the video in the home section goes in an infinite loop…

Ranked most certainly could be fixed and improved, I think the better question is will blizzard put effort into making that happen cause based on what I am currently seeing, I have high doubts they will do so.

Idk what Blizz plans are, i love hots su much and really appreciate all the work the team is doing despite the hard time this game has gone trough and i hope in a future “relaunch” of this game

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Make it easier, clear and fair re climbing out of Bronze. Something is off with the system.

Clearly not much they want to do considering the season just started and they barely changed anything, they did not fix match making, players are still smufing and boosting accounts and game throwers and afks are still flooding matches and not being dealt with.

YEA IT’S PRETTY BAD, this game is reliant on team, to only earn so few points is honestly becoming a waste of my time, win games to barely move exp bar, gives no real way of getting out of division, would have to win 15 plus games

Not including all the people who will not even try to win in ranked, they just pick whatever they feel like and goof off split pushing and feeding.

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