Help me understand the ranked system

so, While before with the old ranked system my medium points were +/-200, now they are +180/190 and -200/210, i’m plat 5/4 and play tank most of the time. Usually i play with my brother, he’s gold 1 and have the same medium for points, but sometimes he play with another friend of mine which is bronze 1 (even tho he doesn’t deserve to be in bronze and is stuck in a elo hello imho but that’s another story) and in this games the points are basically inverted: -180/190 and + 200/210. So why is this happening? How are the points calculated? Shouldn’t he lose more points losing against bronze/silver being gold? Help me understand all i have to know with the ranked system please, i love this game and i want to do all i can do to support the game and the community but honestly i’m not enjoying this situation…

Need… to… comment… about… bronze… elo hell… Passingout

Aaaaanyways, Help me clarify, when your brother loses with his bronze buddy.
He loses 180-190 points, and wins 200-210 points?

What ranks do the usually meet? bronzes? silvers? golds?
If people in my league(Diamond atm) brings a bronze with them, they usually meet diamonds.
If this is the case for your brother aswell, then i get why he gets more points than he loses, he basicly brings a handicap with him into his games, which he gets rewarded for.
Else if as you say your brother meets bronze-silver players, then i see a fault in the system here that needs to be met.
Would be nice with more clarification and info.

He meets bronze-silver people, mixed group usually, rarely some gold, and i (plat) meet most gold people while playing with him.

For what i read up about the ranked system is supposed to be pretty straight forward nowadays, so if what you are saying is true, then there is a huge fault in the system.

I would then just recommend posting it on the “Bug/Fix” part of the forum.
The developers are watching over this forum, they just rarely comment anything.

Sometimes you get more potatoes and lose, sometimes the enemy team has more and they lose. That’s the secret!

Then you haven’t read up enough. Sounds to me like the system is working perfectly for him.

The system nowadays will give you rank points directly based on the amount of behind the scenes MMR you earn. If you are platinum playing vs golds, the system expects you to win (as you are higher level) so you earn a little less MMR for your win, which translates into 180ish rank points.

Same holds true if you’re losing to gold as a platinum. You’re expected to win, so when you lose to lower levels, you’re going to lose more MMR.

If you want to earn 200 points for wins on a reg basis play against your equal level.

yeah but that’s not the point. Why is my brother getting the same identical points as me and (he’s gold vs gold/platinum) while when he play with the bronze friend he gets more points and lose less ?

Think you missunderstood both me and the one making the topic.

as he is saying, when he plays against lower ranks, he loses less points, and wins more.
Which is the opposite of how it works, as i said, it is supposed to be straight forward. so if what he is saying is true, then theres a huge fault in the system.

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Exactly, i tried posting it on bug report too (Bug in the ranking points? - #4 by Planar-11507) but the answers don’t solve my problems imho becouse even if we suppose that me and my brother have the same mmr, why he still get more points playing against bronze ?