He may have passed out when he read in the AMA about Tassadar being in the rework queue and being made a more of a templar, and being given templart talents.
wait its really coming ?! where can i read about this ?!
You can find it here in the thread I made under the heroes section: Summary of the AMA on March 6, 2019
It doesn’t have a date or anything, so it could be coming at the end of this year or next year.
Legend says he went for a drive to avoid getting seizures after the announcement and mistook a tree to be the overmind and launched the ganthrithor, i mean his car in it.
Hope he’ s still alive.
Oh lord, lol.
It’s ok gamers he’s safe.
its not surprising. they have been reworking and/or modifying a lot of talents lately to bring things in line with the newer role expectations.
It was close.
Really close one.
Pulse seems steady, expectations are in check, wait an see, I approve this message.
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