From last AMA dev team informed us that they work with Tassadar about his rework.
When It will come - nobody knows.
How it will be - nobody knows.
What he will left/lost/get - we don’t know.
So, I want to say, that I’m really happy to hear those news ̶T̶H̶E̶Y̶’̶R̶E̶ ̶F̶I̶N̶A̶L̶L̶Y̶ ̶D̶O̶ ̶S̶O̶M̶E̶T̶H̶I̶N̶G̶.
I would like to know more details. We all know that reworks can be good, or bad.
So now I’m going to hospital, because my doctor said me that I can’t be too happy, because I can catch a hurt attack. It’s too easy for me to overreact to something like that.
You know, doctors can go to other doctors to cure theirselfs, because other doctors know better how to heal you, because they are better specialized on this problem than you.
I love how one of the questions was that there were too many mages, and they answer the question about Tass by saying they’re going to make him more like a spell caster.
I don’t know why we can’t have our cake and eat it, by allowing us to choose either or being a bit of a hybrid by actually having choices instead of forced themed tiers.
BTW that apples to apples answer made me want to vomit.
couch , couch
Dr logan : " mr Logan , given the dry type of cough you have combine with the sore ribs following that fall from your chair after the excitement from the AMA with the dev, you are likely to have a cracked rib, x-rays will be needed to make certain of that , we will then consult again after this to confirm the results and how we will proceed "
Dr. Logan : " thank you dr. Logan "
Dr logan : " you’re welcome mr logan , it will be $278.99 for the consultation , the receptionist will provide you a receipt for your insurances "
Dr logan : " thank you !"
They’ve said for years multi class was a mistake. That’s why varian is the only one who can be classified as more than one role. Other hybrids are not going to happen.
Which is why it made me want to vomit. I think the themed tier design was the single worst design decision they’ve had in this game. Makes the game much less interesting, and heroes actually less diverse in play style.
I don’t think you’re wrong. In lore these heroes aren’t so rigid. Class structures and specs are generally just gameplay systems to simplify roles. The reality is Jaina isn’t strictly a frost mage, but from a gameplay design it’s easier to focus on that and allow room for a hero of the same class to occupy other spells and abilities. The multi class system could have worked, but they gave up on it almost as soon as it was introduced.
Haha what’s great about DrLogan is that he’s open to a more inclusive design in either direction.
Tassadar is probably one of my all time favorite heroes lore wise. I personally didn’t find his shield play style at odds with the lore, and I immensely enjoyed playing him as a solo support and proving my teammates wrong.
Honestly, all Blizzard needed to do was buff archon, and put more power into psi storm talents, and he would have been a perfectly valid hero. It’s amazing all the tweaks, and changes they’ve made to him all these years, and it still hasn’t really worked out all that well.
Honnestly i find its a great idea but personally i think its the power creep we got around the same period that killed it.
There was varian as the original multi class . but non official ones we had tassadar and tyrande , but the thing they lost relevances since they couldnt excel in either situation unless a specific things where going on .
Like the tyrandes best way to rack up damage and kills where through flare but if a player wasnt good with flare then the damage was borlderline useless.
Tassadars power also got nerfed which removed him from the damage categorie until he had lvl 20 with twilight archon then he could be seen as a serious threat again.
But i feel is worked right a large amount of heroes could had been dual classes and worked great. I think its the timing and excecution of things that didnt worked.
Some heroes i can think of multi classes.
Tyrael. Tank support
Raynor. Assassin support
Reghar support assassin
Junk rat assassin specialist
Abathur specialist support
Probius specialist support
And supporting could had been done in more than just healing but more original ways through lowering cd , providing more mana and so on .
Darling he won’t be the Tassadar I’ve had intimate relations with for the past four years. I don’t want another silly spell caster, let me have my hybrid support. Blazzard could buff Tassy hit points, regen, and play with his damage a bit and he would already be 50% more viable than he is now.
I think I’d almost prefer them to rework him into a stronger support/damage role like medivh, instead of going full healer or ranged dps. I have the least amount of experience with the starcraft franchise, but I am aware he’s the only protoss (or one of a few?) who can use both templar and dark templar powers. That should be drawn on when redesigning him. I believe there’s a rework concept of this floating around somewhere.