Butcher is beyond broken

Not to you personally, but again, it should make you think about how your behavior is. Many people who have gotten into heated disagreements with high post count users are not trolls, but angry at the fact these high post users seem to think their word is law when it isn’t, and use that to make themselves seem above others. Its trashy elitist behavior.

I think you’re wrong on the last part. Its their arrogant narcissistic behavior. “I’m well known here so I’m right, and others will back me up, and I will fight you about it until you agree with me or ignore you when I don’t feel like being wrong”. That’s how these posters are. They don’t let other’s ideas be discussed because they don’t agree on it, and they’ll name you a troll, or a mentally unstable person for doing so. I have seen it here for a long time. Not you, per se, but there are others I am specifically speaking of.

They know you and like you that’s why.

You see, that’s exactly where I have the issue. They don’t tell you anything about it, not to the same extent at least, yet anyone else who says the same thing gets flamed. They can’t explain why they do that, because its hypocritical. And they just bully you or call you a troll because they don’t want that label. Its what they are and maybe one day they’ll accept it.

I know it is. I’m not saying it isn’t… but what would be the mature thing to do here (since people here seem to know a lot about maturity)? My guess would to be ignore it and let it fall down the general discussion feed. Do these “more mature than others” individuals do that? Hell no. That’s my point, and that’s why I call these parasites hypocrites.

These are two other examples of where Mr. Karabars complained about trolls, yet fed the fire by replying. Yet now he claims he doesn’t mind it being at the top of the feed… idk… if you can’t see my point on this person now… idk what will. These posts are not too far back. I’m sure if I spent hours I could find many more. This is the behavior I dislike from someone who claims to despise trolls and “immature” behavior.

Just watch this forum continue to defend his behavior.