He’s one of the squishiest heroes, and I don’t see why. His damage isn’t that high, he just deals consistent area dps. he’s not unplayable but I think he could use a slight buff.
That’s sounds like an idea that just might work
Will it happen? probably not.
But good idea
I’m Sorry Doctor
2 years of waiting. None buffs.
Maybe we need wait more.
7 years later.
Tassadar was buffed/reworked.
“After 9 years in development, hopefully it would have been worth the wait.”
This is just an amazing response to a certain other thread… Can we get a longer CD on those walls for the HP Buff? Worth it to ya?
Maybe. But I’m not sure.
Not all games Tassadar’s team survives to 20 lvl to start to spam them.
It’s his late win condition, like Zeratul’s 16-20 lvl.
I think Khalas Embrace need more buffs so I can have an increased chance of Logan picking it instead of armor.
I do have to admit you’ve opened my eyes to how similar he is to Junkrat. Maybe I should start playing Tass. Would be nice to be on the right side of those walls for once.
Oh, new Tassadar player. Congrats!
It may help you.
This is just Protoss propaganda, dont listen to the bags of light.
Can we get permashields back though? After his rework i havent played him anymore, just feels like a lamp post dropping a shield every now and then on an ally who takes the shield and runs away st the same moment he gets it.
Edit: What i mean by a lamp post, imagine a lamp post next to a street at night just talking about Khalas light and tickling Diablo with the W dmg, trying to look threatening, tried to draw this but it turns out that i cant draw at all, the guy looked like a xenomorph had some fun with a protoss.
Kinda like Raynor was a glorified lane minion, Tassadar feels like a glorified streetlight to me. Its good that the lanes are well lighted but cmon.
Buff the dude.
I dunno about him needing any buffs. He has a lot of very powerful tools, just pretty niche and kind of needs all of them to be put to use (shield vs burst + nullification vs powerful dmg ults + wall vs heroes that can’t escape it + area control in team to maximize W damage). And I guess that’s the main reason why he’s usually top of winrates (but very low pickrate) in master and bottom feeder in lower ranks. Even a slight buff may just bring him back as ‘must-have every game’, so gotta be careful here.
I’ve played it some lately and I do tend to die a lot XD. I put it down to me just being a noob tass and not knowing the limits to how much damage I can actually take. The shields feel like medivh tho, just with added movespeed (that one seems to be the most powerful lvl4 talent) [the downtime between shields is what makes it medivh-like = it’s a much better mechanic than the old “keep tracer/valla shielded full time, ignore the rest of the team”; removing the 100% uptime on shield was definitely the right choice], which is always nice if you have anoyone that can utilize that. The walls are definitely game-changer, if used well, but archon is a monster too.
I guess increased hp by 2-3% would not make him too oppressive in high ranks and it may help make him easier to pick up for the uninitiated like me.
I’d rather have the double dimensional shift + heal on it back as an alternative build. Just need to balance it so that it’s not the only viable build again. More good talent options is what tassadar needs now, so that he’s not that super-niche and has options for different types of games.
As simple and easy as it may have seemed, the build actually made tassadar a pretty interesting hero - he was allowed to soak some damage (as a tank would) and he was rewarded for doing it if he managed to not die in the process (damage soaked = damage the team didn’t receive, unless that damage was about to miss overall). Without that heal, tassadar simply is never allowed to take damage = he’s pretty limited to what roles he can fill.
Shift talents would still have a hard time competing with double storm+nullification (which is still huge damage negation + main source of dps), so I see no reason to not bring them back as options.
Better less cd at Q.
Tassadar is fine, I think it’s a l2p issue. I have a great winrate with him because I know when to play him
Yes yes, of course, I don’t know how to play Tass.
Thank you for telling us that you “can’t”, can we get 1000 for Logan.
I almost catch you, however you have a bigger win-ratio.
I would be happy if you will have higher winrate
I made a tassadar guide a while ago , youre welcome to have a look and who know it might be helpful to you
us.forums .blizzard.com/en/heroes/t/how-to-tassadar/6080
( just remove the space )
I’m afraid that they won’t buff him because they plan to rework him sometime in the future.
“ After 9 years in development, hopefully it would have been worth the wait. ”
If they can replace archin with hallucination they have my attention lol .but then again given how most rework went… We can be worried. There is a chance is successful and balanced but there is also a chance it just messes up the character completely. Then again , dabiri is gone so it might be better