Brawl should have unique heros for all sides

Hahahahaha, yeah, that game still makes me laugh :smiley: Those enemy Nazeeboā€™s mustā€™ve been so freaking pissed :smiley: Just running around, eating toads, then bubbling away, completely removing the damage. :smiley:

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I intended that some of the Brawl maps will bring back and I fine that Valeera & Valla will buff soon.

As for improvements for ARAM iā€™d still vouch for removing TLV as an option.

Heā€™s just such a lackluster hero who is designed for multi lane soaking. Thereā€™s little he can do in ARAM and heā€™s not that strong in teamfights, atleast not until way later, and even then it doesnā€™t compare much to what other heroes get lategame.

My usual experiences is that if you get him on your team, usually because some guy was afk during hero selection, then itā€™s an a very likely loss, if on the enemy team, easy win.

It really irks me just seeing him take up a slot of the 3 potential heroes I can choose from. It just feels like you only have 2 heroes to choose from.

Might just be me, but I really feel like TLV is truly pointless on ARAM.

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The insanity the madness killer friends :smiley:

Auriel. Outside of the odd whip into a wall and save, she did not really add much to the combo and could have been replaced with practically any other hero with minimal difference to the outcome.

Anduin, Deckard Cain and Brightwing as well. Brightwing because she just keeps healing and Anduin because he has both good healing and play making options. Deckard Cain gives sufficient healing if allies accept how it works, but also brings a ton of zoning and CC which can allow for game winning combos.

That said it is most likely one of the ultra high tier heroes that really has the highest win rate. Like Azmodan or Zul Jin. Sure they still do lose but even the most messed up comp with them in it stands a fair chance of winning unless their enemies also have equally powerful heroes.

Not really given that he can ultimate out as soon as he sees it. He also does not get silenced by the level 20 upgrade.

I have never noticed this. I regularly see teams of level >>1,000 players being matched against level 30-200 players in Brawls. There might be some sort of newbie protection for ultra low levels (<<100) but certainly not after that.

Nova is high tier pick. Pretty much instant lock if she appears. Build for snipe and dominate with high tier damage. If your team has stun then ion combo as well. She is glass cannon so care must be taken to have some front line.

The problem is his pick is high risk. If you end up against a hero like Butcher or Alarak you can easily end up being close to throwing the game. Many burst heroes will have a similar result when against Murkey.

You had a Zuljinā€¦ Zuljin is ultra tier for a reason. The enemy team ran out of time to win.

Also Alarak was likely low skilled by how many deaths he had. No risk of him building up stacks using Rite of Rakshire.

Excuses, excuses. Murky #1 had more hero damage than anyone on the other team.

One Murky yes, but the other oneā€¦ :rofl:

Murky #2 was our sieger. It was a weird match all around, but we pulled off a bit of an insane comback.

*You stalled long enough for Zuljin to carry.

Also the hero damage comparison is not very fair. The enemy team did not have a lot of damage sponges to deal hero damage to. Murky has low health and high invulnerable time so is not a good target to run up a lot of hero damage against.

Sure, if that makes you happy. My point all along is that Murky isnā€™t a guaranteed loss. Not even when you have two of them against a stacking hero.

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I am ultra biased for obvious reasons but I almost dance with glee whenever I get the chance to play as Whitemane. A game mode which is about non-stop brawling in mid and a healer which thrives on combat? Sign me the hell up! You might think Whitemane could have mana issues but the maps have so many globes and you could scrape by just third your mana if you use that decently. Then again my absolute blast of a match was when we had two healers, me as Whitemane and Malfurion. CDR+mana on a constant basis for WM equals non-stop action. You thought W on 2-second cooldown on occasion is OP? Now experience the dread as I cast 3 Inquisitions within 11 seconds and your main damage dealers are hit with the hard nerf bat.
:joy: :joy: :joy:

Of all threads to receive a blue post.

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She is a very risky hero for Brawls. To heal efficiently she needs to deal damage and if you are losing you are not going to be dealing a lot of damage due to the risks from being at a disadvantage. This puts her in a similar position to Auriel and Tyrande which can either be very strong, or very weak healers depending on how the comps match up turns out and what team is at an advantage. To make matters worse she is also a channelling hero, which are hard countered by a lot of high tier heroes like Chromie, Li Ming, Kael and the like who also out range her so she cannot necessarily counter with damage reduction. For best odds you need a strong front line to keep focus away from her, possibly in a dual healer comp so she gets less agro.

DWā€™s ult has a really slow cast timer though. Like 2-3 seconds? So he has to use it very quick if he wants to have a chance for survival and even then heā€™ll still take a pounding for those 2-3 seconds. And trading Leo entomb ult for Dwings longer CD ult seems like a good trade to me.

And you just donā€™t upgrade entomb, then. Upgrade reduces teh duration anywho and you might as well pick the armor on Drain Hope or the other one.

Except outside of blocking him in with a Leoric it does not really make him take a pounding. Further more Deathwing has options to stall out burst damage so even using it to combo him might be worthless.

On the other hand it blocks him in with a Leoric. Now Leoric is stationary and ready to be comboed by Deathwingā€™s allies, unless he runs in which case Deathwing is free. Deathwing is far better suited at surviving an Entomb than a lot of other heroes are, especially those that might depend on abilities that can be silenced.

Except when DWing has a Leoric on him. That might even have the Drain Hope upgrade at 16 where it does another 15% damage at the end.

And how would Dwing ā€œstall out burst damageā€? What are these options? All he has is a short duration, uncontrollable protected if he picks that level 1 or a long CD shield talent at 16.

Why not? Leoric himself is pounding at him. His Drain Hope is wicked strong against DW, even more so if he talented into it. And if DW is caught in Entomb, it makes it easy for allies to throw skillshots that canā€™t possibly miss.

Why is Leoric stationary again? He can move if he reaaaally needs to. And if Leoric uses his Entomb on DW at a time where DW and his mates are on the attack, thatā€™s a noob Leoric that wasted his CDs. Entomb is the tool to catch people who are running.
I mean, ā€œthe enemy can combo on Leoricā€-argument can count regardless of whether itā€™s DW or someone else who gets entombed. Comes down to whether the Leo is a pleb or not and knows when to use it.

Entomb works wonders against DW if you know how to use it. Can create an easy kill where March of the Undead King or whatever itā€™s called would do nothing at all.

The protected stops him being nuked down near instantly. Unlike what can happen to entombing most glass cannon mages or healers. This is similar to entombing a tank or other bruisers, even Leoric himself.

Deathwing is already largest collision hero. Skills shots already seldom miss him, especially when he tries to cast anything due to the long cast delay. Leoric can already pound him with or without entomb, as Deathwing has limited options to escape.

Instead now what happens is Leoric has entombed himself, so Deathwings allies can throw skill shots at Leoric that canā€™t possibly miss.

Best use it has against Deathwing is to prevent escape. Such as an already wounded Deathwing that has gone too deep trying to flee behind allied lines to take flight. In this use case it is basically a force wall with longer CD and better block. As Deathwing is immune to normal CC, this does make it reasonably effective.

Actually that is just one use of Entomb. It can also be used to enable comboing of multiple heroes, similar to a mosh pit, and even to assassinate specific high value heroes as an engagement strategy. It becomes extremely strong when upgraded at 20, hence why it has to lose 1 second duration.

If all you want to do is stop enemies escaping then you should rather use a hero like Blaze or Jaina. Both have the same effect without needing to blow an ultimate. The exception being against Deathwing, Johanna or other heroes which can unstoppable, in which case Tassadar and Mia also have similarly effective options.

She isnā€™t that risky to use, actually. Sure, you have less opportunities to deal damage but you have slightly above average range and lots of panic buttons to not fall against the enemy. I think her poor winrate is just down to the fact not many players even know how to play her. Especially if you add up that bronze-gold ranks compose the overwhelming majority of the playerbase in a mode with (supposedly) no matchmaking.

For starters your primary healing tool in low levels is Clemency/Inquisition. You rely on your E for quick CDRs and just keep applying it while careful of your positioning. This has very little to do with your teamā€™s performance. So long you arenā€™t alone this will work reliably. Another clutch is Divine Reckoning which doesnā€™t even need you to land it on a 5-man for the duration to long be worthwhile. IIRC having 4 enemies stand in it for at least 1.5 seconds each is providing almost Ancestral Healing and recovers about half your mana. Which just means ā€œdonā€™t whiff your ultā€, nothing amazing. Especially not in a game mode where you barely have enough room to move. Then there are also other tricks like double triggering Radiance while your spell power buff is up or the fact you have the most oppressive damage reduction talents barring maybe Xulā€™s level 16. No, Whitemane isnā€™t a classical ā€œcombat healerā€ who needs to fight in order to be effective. She only needs a fight to exist, which Brawls constantly provide.