Blue appreciation thread

mr jackson is okay in my book

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The you should have seen my thread about you getting promoted to senior lead designer :smiley: We love you.

Also can we soon have Yogg’saron. I want to unleash the full power of Frogsaron in the nexus. FEAR MY FINAL FORM QUAK.


Seems you need to become a master


Now I understand why it’s called “Blue”. It’s because they post once in a Bluemoon. I don’t blame them.

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Thanks for all your work both here and in game!


You already have the skill to bait people. I have seen that myself (not forum Myself)


Cheers for the Blizzard team! :+1:

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you may have been , but at least it was for some positive words for you and your team :+1: !
i think the fact that nearly every time you post a comment , soon after you get a bunch of up votes almost immediately , is a proof that you and the team does have people that appreciate everything that you are doing for us !

shhhh, just take the credit and dont tell Kyle :joy:

really ? thats nice to know !
i do have a question for you if you dont mind answering,

what do you think when you see people posting hero concepts( either full or partial ) or rework / tweak suggestion on the forums ?

for instance, not too long ago i posted a full hero concept about Karax as a new support ( skills, talents, stats range, cd and everything. ) .
is it a positive thing that you’d think we should continue to put the time and effort in doing ? many of us ( im assuming anyway ) are doing it in hope that it may give inspiration or possible original ideas as to what may be one day added or tweaked into the game.

personally i mostly just do it for fun, i get random crazy ideas in my head and i just keep thinking about it until i finally write about it on the forum lol

do these things help you guys and what’s your opinion about these types of posts ?


Sigh… Fine.

Dear AZJackson. I want to make you know that people appreciate your work and your communication with players.

We love you :blue_heart: :unamused:


Tell Kyle he had a tough job with lots of pressure and did well.


Kyle gets a pass for Zul Jin. But for KTZ and Orphea, I kind of hate him.

I would recalled for Kel’Thuzad in balance changes I expect that why this hero hasn’t more new skins which unseen them since released. also I want for some of Valeera changes.

Why? Orphea is in a fine spot and KTZ is a Hero with a steep learning curve, so you can hone your skills over months.

How come ? Although i dont play them , they are nice , balanced and original gameplay from many other heroes

I don’t like the “be useless or burst multiple heroes” design.

And Orphea is kind of weird as a mage with mobility and sustain. I feel she often survives things she shouldn’t.

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She has a pretty high skill ceiling and a steep learning curve.
If you don’t hit your Q, you are most likely dead. She can talent into spell armour on level 13, which is quite late in the game and you have to land your Q and the dash to get the armour. If you want the best self sustain, you have to know your stacks of Chaos.
You deal huge damage with three stacks and only then you get the most healing from it.
So, yes she can be oppressive but only if you have mastered her complete kit.

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I think that’s an exaggeration too commonly used. You’re not going to use every Q from point blank range. And you have “Back Biter” for added mobility.

Pretty much every hero get their spell armor/Shield at 13. Artanis, Illidan, Lunara, Zeratul , they all get it at 13. The one exception is Dehaka, who gets it Lvl 1, because he has to hit at melee range with dark swarm to get it. And the armor stops when Dark swarm does.

Other mages don’t get to heal at all. Except Gul Dan who has to root himself, but he has no mana regen as a trade off.


Back Biter is a two sided sword. On one hand it gives you another form of mobility on the other hand it is very predictable. It gets triggered automatically and propeles you always backwards and always the same distance (other than the dash after shadow waltz, which can be executed up to two seconds after hitting and in every direction).
Furthermore does Back Biter compete with Chaotic Assault which is a nifty finisher for most of the situations. Her AA hits, even when the Enemy is fleeing and has left the range of it. With one sequence (mostly E, Q, W, AA) you can get round about 910 damage and Q is likely off CD after the AA, which can deal another 165 damage.

I hate all Blue posters. I’m only saying this because the thread is at the top and I’m not bumping it.

Click on tracking at the end of the thread and mute it.

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