Bad people always blames others for their mistakes

No so, what people are calling out is the false and faulty equivalency of comparing SL to an organized tournament.

It goes without saying that SL, something that uses an algorithm to attempt to match players of equal skill, is not comparable to an organized tournament.

You aren’t wrong when you say this, but it still is not the reason you’re in Bronze 5. The algorithm does its job well enough and having the ability to draft for a specific map, pick and counter pick, is more competitive than QM for those reasons alone.

You should also keep in mind that QM is far more likely to average MMR than SL, so you will find yourself playing with an against players of far higher, or lower skill level than in Storm League.

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No, I just find it amusing you still cannot accept that maybe holding on the same take for so many years is just really being delusional.

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Iin SL they don’t say much of anything and it’s rare that you get much of a chance to be social except to be toxic in chat.

In a tournament league there is a lot more opportunity to get to know your team and opponents. Real human beings.

You know the definition of insanity? Im pretty sure this is a case


Its easy to blame the system than blaming doing extremely easy to avoid mistakes lol.


Kind of like you guys… desperately grasping at a delusion despite the evidence to the contrary.

In my experience, usually those Kara’s are the “Insight” variety, and they want to punch camps and such to quickly finish their quest.

i source the majority of my stuff with evidence which you fail to do almost every single time

bro it ain’t deep, skill issue

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It’s easy to believe in a system that feeds your ego and drops the dopamine hits on you regularly.

It’s much harder to compete in a tournament league that doesn’t provide you with either.

Soaking Khara makes sense with Insight otherwise he’s just a rotational threat with the Iron Fist ready to dive along another flanker.


Corollary: the ones who blame others for their mistakes tend to also congratulate themselves for any collective victoris, as if those were due to their amazing skills only

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Your opinion is trash so there you go.

Very true. The current ongoing conversation is indicative of a typical game in HotS. One guy who is intelligently soaking, while two others are feeding and blaming the guy isn’t the problem. The comedy of life.

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That sounds like how normies eat. Poison, poison, more poison…but it feels good.

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For someone who allegedly doesn’t play the game you sure do have a lots of opinions about it.

This i not the first time he does this and wont be the last time he do it. He is so fixated on that progress bar like it hurts him.

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I would say “most” won’t, but considering that healers generally only take up 1/5th of the team, that’s expected. Using the word exceptions is an exaggeration and QM rulesets always have healers match with healers, so like it or not, that healer is making an impact somehow someway whether you like it or not.

Healer win rates in QM aren’t significantly out of step, regardless of skill level. If yours is, that’s more a reflection of you than anything. The type of “skill” that healers require is debatable. Yes, it takes more skill than just mindlessly soaking, but it’s more really a mindset than anything. So when you see a thread like this and say this is why you can’t play healers in QM, instead of criticizing the player for abandoning their team in an important fight, you’re unfairly scapegoating the role rather than your own shortcomings. Your mindset is completely wrong.

Like when someone says this, where allies are correctly trying to do an objective, and then somehow in bizarro world twist the situation to somehow mean they’re “feeding” even though they wouldn’t be, if you were doing your job correctly is a prime example.

And exceptions by their nature do disprove the rule lol. You’re just arbitrarily making up a rule.

Insight Kharazim, you do want to complete the quest ASAP, so doing a siege giant camp if you warn your team to be careful can be a good thing. This requires communication though, and I would still rotate to heal in lanes as soon as I finished or ask to rotate if I can’t complete it fast enough so I could help an ally. He’s also probably the only healer I’d suggest avoiding the mid fight at the start, but I’d still show up for objectives like what the OP outlined.


People who have low pattern recognition love to point out exceptions to useful generalizations.

Did this really thread turn in to healers cant carry?

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No, it turned into a war with a troll that want to die on a hill with his opinion.