Bad people always blames others for their mistakes

How can something I no longer or very very rarely participate in bother me?

I’m having a great time with Quick Match 2 to 3 games every week or so. Some times I’ll even jump into ARAM.

Ask that to yourself. It is obvious it bothers you.

Nope. I’m saying your mindset for that came because you couldn’t win much in SL.

Name a game with ladder system that is different from that of HotS. Again, it doesn’t have to be this way, says nothing of how it is. It’s your desire vs reality. You don’t like how reality is set, so you resorted to wishful thinking, of how it should’ve been.

It really doesn’t. Morelike, you want to simply rant, but it bothers you there are people like me saying ‘nope~’.

You do know people congratulate people who go sober from drugs, alcohols or whatnot, right? People generally congratulate people who overcame their shortcomings. People generally trash on people with loser talk. Does that answer whatever, if any, that ‘bothers’ me or something?

No, I just have an opinion about Storm League, and like everyone else here on the forums, express that opinion. The problem isn’t me, its with all the players who get upset that I tell them that their Ladder experiences isn’t competitive. They also don’t like it being mentioned that tournament leagues are where real competitive experiences happen, probably because they know deep down that their ladder rating means very little in the realities of a tournament.

You know why it’s obvious? Avoidance is the symptom of bother. Not being able to rank up to SL it bothers you so much you avoid altogether. But keep telling yourself you’re not :rofl:

Not at all, since in the past I’ve manage to rank up fresh accounts adequately. More proof for the pudding that the whole thing is a false.

Denying it so vehemently is another obvious sign. :wink:

Nah. Feel free to join a tournament league and stream those results. That would be a more interesting experiment.

Sounds like a skill issue to me.


I don’t have too. I’m already ranking up on SL. AND I’m open to scrutiny too. I walk my talk

Sounds like you are afraid to test your skills in a tournament setting.

I would but you will keep deflecting zenaprime, at least I played with and against those players multiple times, both private games or SL/QM.

Like I said, skill issue.

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Then you should. Why don’t you?

I’ll agree to join a tournament if you’re in it, just so i can rub it to you how terrible you are

3 DnD sessions + job + off work stuff + a game I’m DMing + in war, so at best I stick to QM due my limited time


How terrible I am is irrelevant. What mattes is that you get the competitive experience that only a tournament setting can provide to you.

When I played StarCraft 2 in MLG back in 2011, I had a blast. Sadly I just didn’t have the schedule to do more. Everyone who is interested in competitive play should do the same. You’ll thank me for it… that is unless you are a poor sport under such conditions. I’ve seen my share of players breaking their keyboards when they don’t get their way.

Are you the kind of player that breaks their toys when things don’t go your way?

Good question. But I’ll add a slight tweak. I like to break other kid’s egos. I enjoy it far more

So you’re just being a brat here in the forums to make yourself feel better about it?

I’m not impressed. :man_shrugging:

That’s what they all say :rofl: