Bad people always blames others for their mistakes

be me in Quick mattch…kharazim the only healer clearing big wave with giants on bot before they take down our fort 1 (nobody was in bot for at least 2 mins in game and thats a lot)… then the only enemy tank stitches. appears… he messes up with me in bot trying to keep alive the giants and a bunch of minions, (kharazim wave clear is bad but i managed to kill the sigue giants) meanwhile this battle happnes with sittches boy,… the obj appears in top… i didnt want to keep the giants alive so i kept in bot with the big bag of farts… i said its still a 4v4 , my team dont have their healer. but enemy team doesnt have their only tank neither… i said okay they’re even… my allies en up all killed even the tank johana… they ping me like crazy… start saying report kharazim… ur trash healer… report troll and etc… i said it was a 4v4 stitches was bot with me… my allies… they dont care… one go afk… the rest keep blaming me for the dude who went afk… after a couple mins all go afk and we lose in a 8 mins game… then i rewatch the replay… i saw the reason why my allies got all picked one by one… i laugh at so bad they were totally unorganized and even the nazebo died under enemy towers trying to kill behind walls… team totally bad at the teamfight but somehow they thought i could fix all their doo doo plays they did there… then its comes to my mind… that bad people always will blame others for their mistakes…

Don’t feel bad. You can be a GM and they would still blame you.
80% of the game I play as solo is AFK, bots, trolls and the trolls and semi afk still gonna blame you. The MM in HOTS only worked 4 years ago and it was so fun to play.
There is no chance to win a game even if you are a GM in solo.
But if you are a 4 or 5-man team, it’s so easy to level and win.
In solo, I’m bronze, silver if I queue with 4 or 5 friends I win 80% if I queue 1 man solo I win 40-50% and I need to take a champ I can carry with me.
If you are on a team with a muted player, I win more games probably bc they are so angry that all other don’t care about the game reported him.

If a person accuses based on the facts and does it after the match, he has every right to do so and if you report him for this, it will only show that you are not capable of accepting your mistakes
They can also type something during the match that you don’t do, because it’s right and necessary to do it, and he also has every right to do this. For example, the sololane on the tomb is on a bot, but you’re standing on top, and if he types “go bot” you shouldn’t get mad at it.

The problem is the reporting system doesn’t work,
all the team can report a person, and the next game he would be in it also.
The only report that works is you talk bad and get a mute.


Not always, there are also toxic players who play well. Plus, there are simply good players who, albeit in a rude manner, point out real problems. People simply refuse to admit them because they do not understand their own mistakes. The simplest example: ye say what we need 13, do not fight. Even without being rude, just a statement of fact. In response, they will simply ignore ye, at best, and in the worst case, they will report ye.

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i dont think u need to be toxic to play well… in fact i think the toxiticy leads to weak minset and this lead to a lose. for example if a pick butcher these dudes who selfproclaim smurfers in the draft lobby says dont pick butcher… and if i do… they say gg and will never make a play with me… in fact they hate and avoid me on purpose and prefer to see me die alone rather than be with me and get kills, to confirm their biased mentality that I should never have chosen butcher… intead i’ve encountered people who are not smurfers just humble fellow rankers… and if i prepick it… they said lest try to help to stack this butcher… and even if it is only with “positivity”, this makes them concentrate and work more as a team and helps me not to die and complete my meat quest… so for me… a good mentality wins over toxic tilted mentality… even if ur good… being easly entilted will hurt you more than it helps

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Sorry, they’re right to blame you even though they’re at fault too. Losing a fort is bad, fighting over an objective without a healer just means experience AND you get pushed on with objective advantage after your allies die. You just make a situation worse by volunteering yourself to do something super inefficiently in place of healing which your team can’t do at all.

Do you know what would have happened if you ignored the giants? You would have won 4v5 and got the objective, then kill the stitches after. And your allies wouldn’t have blamed you and afk’d.

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signs of bad players

Typically the way I see teams fail starts with a bad tank vs good tank. If you have a bad tank, that doesn’t understand their role (protecting the backline/engaging/CC) it’s extremely hard to engage in a proper way.

Also some players are not able to spot out an out of position player and can’t take advantage of it.

Due to the decreasing population, the MMR is all over the place and you can see them on your team or theirs even though your knowledge may surpass them by years of experience.

have you noticed you made a topix to blame others?

Well, so long as peope have somethinf to blame, they can drop selfawareness and refuse to learn anything from what upset them.

Functionally, stitches doesn’t do mich early game, so if he’s keeping the enemy healer in the offlane away from targets to aoe heal, he’s getting more value at the objective.

Tanks tend to “make plays” by being a body to lead the way, but a healer mitigates mistakes. Considering the matchup and time in the game, one is going to have more value than the other…

im not blaming them… and if even is that the case they started first…anyone im didnt blame anyone in that game… but when i saw the replay i had to because they played so bad lol but its okay…its legal to play bad… but its not to be toxic in chat

nope i dont think so… they are not my bosses nor are better than me… if so they woudn’t have died there

bad no, terribly bad at the start of the game

it was just the 1st obj and enemy team didnt had their tank. my team didnt had healer. and enemy team didnt had their only frontlane sititchs… t seems u haven’t read my original post explaining the original story otherwise you wouldn’t be saying such nonsense about people being right or bad when i NEVER mentioned anything about being right or wrong… i just said about toxicity (spam pings) or in chat like someone is trash just because ihedidn’t do what I wanted him to do. I can smell in your post an intrinsic, toxic and pedantic mentality of you are wrong and I am right therefore im going to go afk because ur fault… i believe ur one of those with the toxic mindset wich im saying here on my post… therefore i have nothing to speak with ppl of ur kind bc is just a waste of time… it was a 4v4 and no they would’t never have won ur so called “4v5” … also i think i’ve seen you in QM playing with ur nickname volum… ur not even too good… so better to no act like u know everything that would happen ahahah

I don’t play with Volum, so no. Context matters, and you gave it. I mean you can blame your teammates for their mistakes, but somehow, others can’t blame you?

You can use all the excuses you want, I’m just telling you as someone who has played healers at a high level, your intentions might be good, your actions actually make things worse, and you deserve the blame. Healers excel by assisting their team, voluntarily removing yourself from your biggest asset is just generally dumb even when other stuff is at risk.

To echo off Xenterex, trading a tank for a healer is pretty good deal because healers have a bigger impact on fights than tanks do. With a healer, everyone can tank. And to reiterate, tanks are important, but healers generally have a bigger impact in team fights.

Sign of a bad player is looking at the OP and thinking the OP isn’t at fault.


Unexperienced, stubborn or generally hostile players are the worst. A healer can probably spare a moment even to type out a suggestion, something others might not even be able to observe with their eyes focused solely a fixed camera position while dueling.

So what’s been happening to me at least while playing a healer is that I summarize my observations and ask my team to rotate around if someone is experiencing difficulties, but sometimes I don’t receive any feedback or acknowledgement until it all backfires in their face and then I get pointed at for not holding their hand while they’re being unproductive (wasting time with something that isn’t an immediate threat).

Ping me and I will come, ping your mana and it might even signal to someone ahead of time that you might need a replacement in the next 20 seconds so they can prepare accordingly. No, they just pick a random direction and draw as much attention to themselves without an escape plan so no one on the opposite end of the map has time to capitalize on the distraction.

They will always do that cause they cant see past thier own nose what mistakes they are doing themself.

Yea I can agree on that. But somehow its always the tank/healers fault you lost cause a
1-10 score idiot just want to mess around being dead meat for your team.

You cant teamwork with random clowns in this game. You need to prey you get people who has a brain and atleast know this game on a basis lvl.

Haha yes. Whining over 20% heal difference yet both healers in the match are second and third place in hero/siege after 25 minutes and I had to suffer through such a match the other day. In the end we didn’t win because we were better but our opponents were that much worse.

Other time they force a fight on purpose where one healer goes dry much earlier and the moment someone is seen retreating, you lose an entire fort.

Thank you for saying something, op made me feel like I was on crazy pills. Unless it was in agreement with everyone in group to let the enemy have the objective no contest, it’s not too wild to think their healer would be with them in the team fight. Why be the healer if you’re going to give into the siren call of the minions.
At least if you were on like Nazeebo I’m more prepared for you not to be there in a team fight then our own healer.

If dmg dealer was going thier job then tank/healers never had to go back and defend like I usual was forced to do in my own games before I quitted.

You ping them to defend or take camps what does he do instead ? Go die somewhere where they should no be going or stay in one lane all day.

Illidan trying to steal enemy camp and get found and die and instantly spam pings the healer that are on the other side of the map.

Tank getting instanly spam pinged cause he was not baby sitting someone who overexstended and got ganked in a lane. And even if healer or tank was there to help it would just mean you just gave enemy team two free kills cause you both out of position.

If you are playing in a groupe then it gets easier to cordinate cause then you dont got random clowns running down lanes alone that end the game with 15+ deaths and 0 kills.

Dont blame tanks and healer for what dmg dealers failed to do themself.

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(shakes head no) My teammates might be clowns but as a healer the lane isn’t my circus so it’s not my tiger. I will hold the lane if my dps is off to get a camp but once I see them run off to do w/e the lane is no longer my problem.


It’s always weird how you frame your mistakes as if you were “forced” to make bad decisions. As if the damage dealers were pointing a gun to your head to make you lose faster and harder.

To quote someone wise:

most people are unhappy, most of them on meds and the only outlets in life they can take out their problems is in online gaming and customer service at stores/on the phone…as the west declines, the problem will worsen

When someone makes a specific complaint thread, many will ask to see a replay. One of the reasons for this is the beauty of Hots is, there isn’t always “one” way to win, or a single “correct” strategy.

Sometimes people just don’t agree on which strategy will be most effective or “good”, so they will blame what they see as “bad”, when sometimes, it was simply a different, but valid stratagem.

Most of the time, when people are playing the blame game, the game is mostly likely lost as your team can’t get on the same page.

People aren’t always observant or rational, I’ve seen players blame someone doing no wrong for a loss, while not even noticing a player on their own team that is AFK or deliberately dying to towers, where in that case, the blame would be deserved.