Bad people always blames others for their mistakes

SL would be the best show case of skill in this game. If not SL what else? Qm? Aram? It’s random, SL atleast had some structure to the match from drafting and knowing which map you play on.

If you’re in a 5 man team yes you’ll have a big edge but solo a SL is absolutely a measureable skill.

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This is your guy since you played with him.

Doing on average 53k hero dmg and 71k siege dmg per games isn’t what is called “nothing but push lanes”. You are being ignorant and arrogant with your beliefs :-1:


Sniped :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

It doesn’t seem like it to me.

More than once you are imposing a context apart from what I wrote. “if he was talking about a hero from a time period apart from his reference then…”

why yes, different words do invite a different response. That seems like such a useful hypothetical. I’ll have to remember to use that one later :thinking:

It sure did and no doubt some rando individual will turn it into “Bronze five is unfair.”

Remote diagnosis of mental illness, isn’t considered valid or wise, even by those who have specialist training in that area.

Your reply was also rude, and unwarranted, perhaps that is something you should work on.


Nah. There is arguing on the forums and then there is an obvious personality disorder. The boy needs help. If anything I’m doing him a service.

There’s a reason why his other account got banned.

Who got banned ? Are you sure you even know what you talk about ? I have never seen Waterlong banned here. Just like you claim you played against me months ago when I have not played since last year.

You need to get your facts right if you really want people to take you seriously.


Attempting to defend your self on a random forum is a very strange service.