Bad people always blames others for their mistakes

Healers kit has literally nothing in common to even an average lane cleaner. You can argue Reghar is probably the only healer to come close to be a decent wave clearer, but even then you have to really find the right timing (which normally is very narrow) to engage on lane clearance. I had a kharazim just clearing lanes all the time and telling us he needed to complete the Insight quest. Bro… if you have to hit minions to complete the quest either choose another healer or do it with your team. Ignoring these basics (not even an advanced concept) is what’s holding you back and ruining the fun for others.

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It is very common for people to blame others for their bad plays.

last match i got reported playing naz on ToD for having top damage and top soak. I was rotating mid top as every other sane person would do.

As the rest of the team was utter crap and did nothing, they simply reported me for abusive chat for having the best stats only because they did literally nothing.

Deal with it, this game is as bad as the people that are playing it.

The way I used it is in the context of the whole of the reply I gave. You choosing to disagree is more indicative that you didn’t read it through and decided to insert your own post in it’s place and argue against that.

“Niche” in video games, biology, and other meanings, is going to involve ‘specialization’ so either something needs specific environments to succeed/thrive, or it is suited to particular tasks. Any hero can have a ‘niche’ (what they specialize in doing) or, the more confined the conditions for success, the more ‘niche’ the thing would be.

Your assertion regarding rehgar looks to decry ‘why’ you think he is successful and effectively deny that his ‘niche’ – generalization – demonstrably is less conditional than ana’s. The basis of your disagreement isn’t about my using ‘niche’ is on your appraisal of the heroes, so you’re arguing a meaning apart from what I wrote.

You might not care about the ‘semantics’ but I do care about people understanding the difference on what you claim compared to what you wrote :stuck_out_tongue:

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I read it throughly lol. I’m not a novice to the English language. Thank you for trying to inform me that the word niche can have multiple meanings as if I don’t know the definition, or how to use a dictionary.

If you had said Ana was a niche hero right after her rework, people would laugh you off. She was one of the most popular heroes because her skill floor was dramatically lowered. And this was true even though she had horrible ability to wave clear, and more “niche” as you might use. Because you linked your meanings directly with success, I was confused by your definitions which seemed to be ever shifting and also just incorrect based on how you saw the definition. There were points in time were ETC as a generalist tank was OP, and metas where he wasn’t. Your choice in words and the way you used them is what led to the ambiguity, so yes, I still think it’s a poor choice of words.

You can defend your choice, I just don’t agree.

Well yes people always blame other people first because its unthinkable that it could be your own fault.
However often times it absolutelly is the other players fault, in many many cases pointing it out absolutelly should be done because otherwise they simply keep repeating the exact same bad method/gameplay/behavior.

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TBH, I think you and Xen are mostly on the same page, so let’s put aside terms like niche or generalist.

This particular discussion was sparked by someone saying they feel less confident playing healers in QM, as they feel the need to cover all bases and think they can’t achieve this with most healers. On the old forums and here, over many years, people would suggest Rehgar (post healer nerf apocalypse) as an example of a healer with good wave clear, ability to camp efficiently while also being an all round strong pick in their role as a healer.

I agree with you that you can carry as a healer, I also agree with you that solo lanning as a healer is almost always a bad decision if by doing so it leaves your team vulnerable with no heals.

What you should keep in mind is most players can’t play healers to your high skill level, and so the perception of feeling “helpless” is generally more prevalent, the lower the player skill level is.

So I understand why in this specific context of an average/lower skilled player, queuing solo in QM, might feel less “helpless” and feel they can contribute more with a healer like Rehgar, compared to an Auriel or Lt. Morales even if that isn’t the case when those healers are in more skilled hands, or a more coordinated game mode.


It takes more skill to win with Ana then it does with Reghar. You cant compare those two. One can lane on his own and take camps (remember old Reghar) he was just like that.

Ana on the other hand cant do s…t and is a sitting duck hence she is forced to stay with her team.


I mostly did agree with Xen, but there are some things I don’t, some which I strongly disagree with. And then there are the semantic disagreements which I don’t want to get into it. Because he’ll think he’s right. And he kinda is depending how you look at it. I never said incorrect, but even still, I believe it’s a poor choice of words, which I feel even more strongly about after he tried to clarify himself.

I understand why a hero like Rehgar is more popular. I describe some of that in this thread. And some of it has to do with skill level, some of which I indirectly describe here too, bad players tend to fixate on soaking.

But there’s I’m unable to utilize my skill (whatever it is) because of poor choices that prevent me from doing so, and there’s bad because I suck even if I make the right choice. As I’ve said in the past, there are two things you can do as a healer that will dramatically improve your success that have nothing to do with your mechanical skill.

  1. Go to objectives with full mana.
  2. Don’t care about soaking.

The better you are, the more impact you’ll make, but as the saying goes, you miss all the shots you don’t make. Healers exist at all spectrums of skill levels, and they have varying degrees of success, but they will still be useful if played in their role for the simple fact that healer as a role is pretty crucial.

I’d argue that’s probably true, but not because of whether she can lane on her own or not (she actually makes a pretty decent solo laner if you’re playing double healer). As I said earlier, I too struggle with live Ana even as a seasoned healer comparatively. She’s bad because the actual healing part of her kit, where healers shine, is bad. She’s just way undertuned compared to the kind of output that a lot of healers have nowadays, similarly to how Rehgar is overtuned. If you look at her average heal output, it’s quite low. Even if you have the skill, her kit actually lowers her possible skill ceiling and also makes her lag in positioning and vulnerable.

A healer should almost always stay with their team. The sitting duck part is more a result of her lack of self heals and movement speed penalty in order to optimize her healing.


Karazhim players are notorious for this. For some reason it’s usually mostly kara healers that go off and just do solo stuff.

This is why I say it’s easier to win solo QM as a generalist. Exceptions don’t disprove the rule, while there may be a small % of players who can have a strong positive winrate in solo QM as a healer, id say most won’t.


Intel is a very powerful tool in team based games, almost any game you play knowing your enemy location are just flags asking to get wins, when an essential hero of the team designed to peel off (aka healers who are really good at this, better than Tanks) the other side is now 3 screens soaking top lane to defending the keep is just asking everyone else to get a kill to stagger their composition further, if not downright ruin their chance of victory.


The fact that a player can bronze to GM by using murky to cheese and game the system is proof that the ranking system doesn’t really mean anything other than a player that can win more than lose can get into GM.

I know a guy who did nothing but push lanes with Zarya to GM to prove that point.

The problem here is that everyone wants to believe in their own heroic narrative when in truth none of this nonsense matters.

Progression ladders are a fraud. Competitive minded players should play in a tournament league if they want a competitive experience.

That’s hilarious to do that with Zarya. As far as ladders being a fraud, I don’t think most normies here can handle that type of truth.

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Lol… then why don’t you become a GM then

Because I don’t care enough to cheese 20+ games a day like those guys did.

The real question is why you don’t since you obviously do care?

I’m doing it one or 2 games at a time. Now you go ahead and do it since you know how it works

He doesn’t need to (whether he’s a GM material is a separate matter).

Whether some people like it or not, whole PvP thing is about demonstrating me being better than the opponent. It’s some kind of human nature thing. Without having to actually kill your opponent, we devise a game where we compete with each other to show which of us is better. That’s how sports started, that’s how chess started, and that’s basically how pvp in vidya gaem started.

So, you see. If he can quench his whatever desire, it doesn’t have to be reaching GM for him. Master, Diamond, Plat, Gold, wherever is fine.

The problem with you has always seemed to be, you were not as good as you kept thinking. We all say enjoy the game, blah blah blah, but most of those enjoyment inevitably comes from winning (our human nature thing I guess). You don’t much win in a mode where things are set up more evenly. That is why you seemed to have problems with SL, not really about it being flawed. Every system has flaws. SL, not really the flaw you’re thinking.

For reference, QM is not set up as evenly as SL. ARAM is not set up as evenly as SL. While SL may not have set up things as evenly as one could, it’s still more evenly set up than other modes in this game.

Oh, also I am documenting my climb in twitch. So you can judge my skills for yourself. I leave no room for delusions. If you like you’re free to watch my VODs

Here’s the link: Click

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Well then we may see some results in several years. If anything, you will at least you’ll have a lot of content. Good luck and have fun.

Unlike many other posters, I couldn’t care less about your skills. Are you having fun? If so, good.

No. Despite your internal narrative you’ve convinced yourself of, it was always this…

The real question is: why does this bother you so much? :thinking:

lol didn’t take long for the emo backlash to commence hahahaha

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You’re projecting. It obviously bothers you not being able to climb :wink:

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