For this to happen you need to stand without moving like comboed by Varian+Naz.
They are keep low because they can’t be buffed as long Aba still has his currect talents to help them become busted. Same goes for Illidan. You can’t buff him too much.
Aba/Illidan comps againts a team with no counters to them are hell to play againts.
its half a joke, i think she just really is good.
Here are few clips:
Zeebo against moving Hanzo:
Zeebo, with Superstition, against moving Hanzo:
Zeebo against Hanzo, who is moving, but not all of the time:
Zeebo against Hanzo, who’s standing still:
About as much as I expected. It’s a somewhat artificial situation though as I’ve yet to see QM Naz players have more than 50 stacks by lvl 20 so no Vile Infection.
Oh, please. That’s as realistic of a situation as you’re gonna get in a regular game, when the enemy hero has no mobility. Perhaps they will be running AWAY from you instead of TOWARDS you, but it doesn’t really matter. Also, in a realistic situation, zeebo would’ve also used frogs, maybe attempted a zombie wall, and he would’ve attempted to land as many basic attacks as possible. In the clips I showed, jar was the ONLY damage source.
Here’s one without Vile Infection:
And another one, where he’s standing:
Yeah, sure, he could’ve moved a bit more in the 1-st clip, but how much of a difference do you think it would’ve made?
Anyways… tell me a single (other) ability, that has the potential to 1-shot heroes. Bonus points, if it’s a basic ability and not a heroic one. And more points if it has less than 10 seconds cooldown.
Deathwings Q if you stand in it? Can also melt entire teams unlike Naz
Junkrat with spread volley in melee range
Nova’s triple tap, (never specified what health threshold is a 1-shot, 4 heroes can be 1 shot by this alone)
Gul’dan’s corruption build also does a lot of damage as well (can also hit multiple heroes too)
Kt’s exploding ball of doom is always memed for being just a giant nuke as well
There is also the main problem of infinite stacking quests, as eventually even Alarak’s Q, or Orphea’s W will one shot someone.
Yeah, that one can indeed 1-shot you, as well as your teammates. It’s just much harder to get a reliable good hit with it. But I’ll admit that it does indeed have the potential to 1-shot.
Guess this works too, although Spread Volley has 30 seconds cooldown The requirement to be in melee range could also be annoying.
Nova’s Tripple Trap deals enough damage to 1-shot only Murky, Baelog, Erik and pilot Diva. So it doesn’t really count. An ability needs to deal at least 1300 damage for me to count it. Not to mention Tripple Trap is heroic ability and has 100 sec cooldown.
Corruption deals 1001 damage, unless the enemy purposely walks into more circles than necessary. Can be increased to 1151 with Hunger for Power, which is still not enough. It COULD potentially 1-shot an enemy, if they stay in the 3-rd circle’s AoE until the 4-th one appears… I’ll give this one “highly unlikely”. And it also has 14 seconds cooldown.
That one deals 810 + 5%, which is insufficient. Even at level 30, it deals the equivalent of 1079,4 + 4%. With Fel Infusion, it’d be 1123. It also is a heroic ability and has 100 seconds cooldown.
Alarak doesn’t have infinite stacks. He can stack his Sadism up, but it’s finite and resets if he dies. So we can assume that him having 170 of it would be “realistic”. While he can theoretically get more with Rite of Rak’Shir, it’s highly unlikely.
On level 20, with the Q quest, he deals the equivalent of 717 + 4% damage, which is insufficient. His Counter Strike deals 742,5 damage.
As for infinitely stacking quests, we take a value for the quest count that is realistic. And within those, it’s hard to get any of them to 1-shot an enemy.
Zul’Jin would need at least 1000 stacks on his level 7 quest to 1-shot an enemy, which is unrealistic.
Orphea needs at least 50 kills WITH HER W in order to be able to 1-shot enemy heroes on level 20. While it’s not impossible to get ~40 takedowns in a game, and compensate for the rest via minion kills, it’s extremely difficult to make all of the kills with Chomp. So I’ll give this one “unrealistic” as well. Not to mention, that games with that many takedowns usually last longer than level 20, which would mean that she’ll need MORE than 50 kills in order to 1-shot the heroes at that level. She’d need at least 75 kills on level 30.
In conclusion: there are 2 basic abilities, that can 1-shot heroes with less than 10 seconds cooldown, and 1 other that can do it on 30 seconds cooldown.
EDIT: We also have Zul’Jin ult which can 1-shot heroes:
EDIT 2: Hmm, seems like I’m able to post Youtube links now, without needing to add ` s before and after them
I’m not going to say Nazbro’s Q doesn’t need to be toned down, but that isn’t a realistic situation in a normal game, a normal game can have healers for a start. Other heroes have damage mitigation that your Hanzo bot perhaps didn’t.
Like jumping over terrain to de-aggro the spiders?
I’m saying it’s rarely a 1v1 situation in HOTS, most games have a healer that could help the Hanzo for example, so it’s not “as realistic of a situation you’re gonna get in a regular game.”
Of course it’s not realistic in that context. I meant that the damage it did was quite similar to the one it would’ve dealt in a regular game.
Perhaps Danzo wouldn’t have died in the game, but he would’ve still taken 90% of his max HP as damage from spooders alone.
To be fair I played Nazeebo with the new Blood Ritual and I managed to get 175 stacks around 15-16 and I played him with spider build as a mage, who runs with his team.
And also you do less damage on a moving target…that Hanzo example is a bit weird, because he was in melee range, but a Hanzo player would never be near to Naz as this bot. After lucifer’s data that Naz sits on 53% I am not sure about nerfs, but I admit he might still need sth., because heroesprofile is great, but Blizz’s data is better. But my personal experience after playing one week with/against Naz that he isn’t a problem at all, not even a must as a pick, but just a better than before.
We don’t know, but I doubt it, because the Hanzo in your example was in melee range, where you run circles around him. This scenario would never happen, except you get a Varian/Murky to support you.
I intended my post to be a humorous one, implying that spiders do a lot of damage now and Naz players are generally pretty bad.
That being said and numbers coming in, I’m surprised that his WR isn’t higher than that. Still, I think spiders are a bit too good atm. The slow makes it probably more reliable than originally intended given the high damage potential.
I gave 6 examples: 4 with Vile Infection and 2 without. In 2 of these examples Hanzo was standing, and in 4 of them he was moving, or mostly moving.
In the ones where he was moving, he may have stayed in 1 place for a bit longer than a player would. But it was in the initial 1,5 seconds, during which he is slowed anyways and would’ve taken the same spooder damage regardless.
I want Naz to be viable, do you happen to know what pick and win rates his current builds have? I have still only seen one Nazeebo win with Toads and Zombie Wall builds. I feel the second bonus on Toads takes too long to achieve compared to the much easier to complete Spider quest.
Over 1000 matches hismost popular build is Q, but only with 53% winrate. It’s interesting that his trait build, where you have to kill 100 minions for 10% spellpower has also 53% but with only 100 games. Toads might be the weakest with 50%, but it also has only 100 games compared to Q with 1000. So I wouldn’t be too sure, if Q is that much better, even though it is obviously the most popular build right now.
Me too and the chances are there that he might be balanced right now.
If he has only 53% winrate why would you even want to nerf his spooders? It’s only dangerous, when you combine it with Varian or other CCs.
They can easily reduce his spooder’s damage and give him a buff elsewhere, if win rate is all you care about.
Spider Jar can do some serious damage to the few squishy ranged assassins, but overall I just view it the build as an all around weaker Hungering Arrow build (which continues to evade all the nerfs since Valla’s buff patch).
The actual change Naz needs is to make Blood Ritual’s takedown effect a baseline passive for Naz, and instead have Blood Ritual restore 10-15% hp/mana when it’s an enemy hero takedown to keep the talent competitive with the other two.
While I like the idea, but I also like it how the devs attached it to the least popular talent like they did with ETC to push Encore.