Pretty simple actually: because having an OP ability on an underperforming hero is NOT how you do balance. You should stop looking at win rate alone.
And as you saw, from the clips I posted, it deals ~1200 + 4% damage, even if the enemy isn’t CCd. Perhaps it can’t 100-0 a hero, if they aren’t CCd, but it doesn’t have to in order to render them useless for battle and force them to retreat.
Keep in mind that it can have up to 100% uptime, so healing it up isn’t feasible either.
I get that but the problem I have is that the row isn’t supposed to be a game-changer row, but it becomes the big talent for every Vile Infection Naz. The other two talents cannot compare if VI is what you’re going after, even in Spider build.
You say it’s op, but it doesn’t mean it really is.
And you say that it isn’t, which doesn’t mean that it actually isn’t either. That’s not how you discuss things.
I provided numbers, I provided clips/examples. And PROVED that it’s broken. And you just say “no” and give no evidence to back up your claim in return. You just don’t FEEL like it’s OP.
If you’re gonna disregard everything I presented to back up my claims, then you can simply stop replying to this discussion, as you are not contributing with anything to it, and you are just trolling.
They still get empowered by Tyrael / Malfurion though. In fact. I rarely see Tracer picked at high level without Malf being too far behind.
Because ppl are lazy.
Though even without vile infection, it still does a ton of damage. Thankfully it’s a skillshot.
They could perhaps lower the slow on it a bit, like you I think his Q isn’t in a bad place if you want Naz to actually be competitive with other meta mages.
No, the slow is fine. The damage is the problem. They definitely need to nerf the damage.
In return they can do something I’ve always wanted and give his toads an “explosion” like a Greymane cocktail
And not to be a hypocrite, I’ll tell you why I think that:
As I already stated, the damage is potentially WAY TOO HIGH. It’s the strongest ability between levels 7 and 13, when Deathwing’s Q takes over (although it’s still much harder to get value out of).
Also, slows in HotS do not stack. While we have been mostly discussing 1 v 1 cases here till now, HotS is a team game, and ignoring team fight situations would be wrong. I’ve been doing that till now just to prove that IT IS PLENTY OF STRONG, even in isolated conditions, and that it doesn’t NEED the help your team’s CC to deal tons of damage.
So let’s imagine a teamfight situation now. If they reduce/remove the slow from the ability, in a TF, it’s highly likely that the enemy would ALREADY BE CC’d by someone else from your team. The current slow it has is mostly useful in 1 v 1 situations. So in the TF, it wouldn’t matter much if it has a slow or not - if the enemy is CC’d, they’d still take tons of damage.
However, if its damage is reduced, it will lose it’s 1-shot potential (which is what I’m asking for), and even if an enemy takes all of the hits due to your team’s CC, they still wouldn’t die to the spiders alone (they will still likely die to other stuff tho).
Yeah, your clip is indeed broken. I see “No video with supported format and MIME type found.”
If this turns out to be true, I would like to see a buff on Toads, it was my favorite build, but now it’s a no brainier to pick Q build. Perhaps they could reduce the amount of heroes that need to be hit to complete the second half of the quest?
If they really want to annoy people they could add back his old talent to Exploding Toads which on a hero hit they would release Spiders! More spiders!
Yeah, if it’s true I agree with you, but around 100 games and it’s already 50%, so it’s 3% behind trait and Q build and if that’s remains stable I don’t think he needs buffs to E-build.
i think nazee spiders need the zag treatment for her banelings, just because
And then he’s build wr goes from 53% to 44% like Zag good idea…not!
Sarcasm or irony without emoticons or other symbols is kinda hard to see.
was more of sarcasm, thought some ppl remember that i was against a hard nerf for zag q
y naz q build is good, but there are still plenty of heroes above naz. Here u can see a tierlist from a grandmaster na player (fan) ||
Sure his Q makes great damage with potencial one-shot to squishy targets (WereElf), but skilled Orb form Ming is able to do a lot dmg as well and it’s easier to hit a spammy giant orb than spiders from Naz. Another point to consider about Nazeebo that Naz is already around 53% winrate (lucifer) and if we nerf him, so he might drop below that, because his impact will be lower. Naz as a hero is already rather immobile and from all mages, he is the least damage poke hero that’s why I don’t mind that his spiders have some power in it.
A question to you: Why would you consider Nazeebo in your comp over Ming, Azmo, Chromie or other mages ?
And that’s why I suggested that they can buff another part of his kit in order to compensate. But even if they don’t, with a nerf to his spooders, I doubt he will drop below 49% win rate (which is also balanced), when he’s currently at 53%.
But then again why would you pick Nazeebo over other mages? A late game immobile mage.
Personal preference? More push power than most other mages?
It also quite depends how much they nerf the spiders. Even if they reduce their damage per hit by 4 (or roughly 10%), they’d still have the potential to deal 1155 + 4% damage (without Vile Infection). It will still have the potential to 100-0 squishies with Vile Infection tho.
So I think that a more drastic nerf would be needed. Like reducing the spider damage from 38 per hit to 30, but also increasing Jar’s break damage from 50 to 75.
This way his Q will be on the edge of being able to 100-0 heroes with 1300 HP. It will theoretically deal around 1328 + 4% damage, but it will deal it over 10 seconds, so the hero’s natural HP regen should prevent the hero from being 1-shoted.
Even with this nerf, it will be pretty powerful. It will just REQUIRE more out of you than just hitting a single jar.
They can also increase spooder’s damage to non-heroes. Or perhaps increase the Q slow duration to 2 or 2,25 seconds.
Or maybe the best thing they can do would be to replace the Q quest reward from giving spiders 30% increased damage to increasing the Jar break damage by 100%.
When we compare my 1-st suggestion to my 2-nd:
1-st: Jar deals 75 damage, spiders deal 39 damage per hit (with quest completed)
2-nd: Jar deals 100 damage (with quest completed), spiders deal 38 damage per hit.
Mathematically, the damage is the same. But with the 2-nd option, more of the damage is upfront, and it’s more reliable.
Also, with the 2-nd suggestion, his other builds will not suffer too.