ARAM - trolls/toxic players becoming more frequent - clip

You just have rose colored goggles then. The quality of ARAM players has ALWAYS been bad because there is no MMR. I would remember people afking all the time and people literally just moving into enemies without attack moving.

If anything, the skill level of players has gotten better over the years compared to when brawls were released as people slowly understand its own meta and have practiced with more heroes.

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I don’t really see being critical or calling people out as unprofessional. In fact, calling people out to prevent them from doing things in the future is exactly why you would do it. Ignoring it and thinking a different result will happen is the more insane thought process.

I mean I wouldn’t have said noob trapped, but what he said is so mild, and actually is actionable in terms of what not to do, compared to vague insults.

I see nothing wrong with how he conducted himself in the video. What I don’t understand is these long winded forum posts that keeps being surprised that bad people exist in ARAM, complain about AFKs and then AFKs himself.

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The Hanzo had the mechanical skill to be a decent player but was busy insulting me (from as early as level 3 actually). He didn’t like that I didn’t use my Anduin pull skill on someone in time or I took damage from Li Ming’s orbs. Anyway, he could be good but he lacked the intelligence to understand the big pictures of the game. I guess it’s all the same, a guy who has bad reaction time or little mechanical skill but understands how the field in a moba works vs a guy who has mechanical skill but no brains to assess the situation. Either way, they are both weak links.

Thanks for being objective. I was just frustrated with those 2 slowly doing mercs. Hanzo is pretending to do mercs but AFKing in first part of my clip. I’m not proud of having to insult my teammates but I was ready to alt+F4, if the Diablo (the player) was not good, I’d have left that game earlier. AFKing is also not something I’m proud of but I didn’t vote yes on 10 of the same. When it gets forced on me and it’s a hero I don’t enjoy, I just feel it’s a better investment of my time to dip.

I could definitely cut back on my posts now that Diablo 4 is coming out soon. It gets old I guess. I gotta apologize to the community for the multiple posts before I move on to the next big thing.

I said whining.

I don’t think what he said is “reportable” but it’s getting into whining territory.

Additionally, you need to read your audience. The Hanzo afking a lot is already a sign that he’s not going to take it well so saying the above is just going to set him off and cause him to go full turd when you could have just adjusted how you said what you wanted to say to make it amicable.

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Telling someone to stop mercing is I guess technically whining, but considering the Diablo echoed the statement, because you know, the Hanzo actually was literally doing nothing watching someone mercing, it’s a little weird someone would criticize tone policing words versus the actual person who is playing badly and affecting the game.

And someone afking doesn’t really have anything to do with how they’re going to take criticism. Sal did say the Hanzo was already complaining at the start for Anduin pulling, but saying something to knock if off isn’t some horrible thing. And even if they don’t take criticism well, it’s not like you’re in a great situation to begin with. I just think the idea of professionalism in a video game, and striving for whatever faux sense of “amicability” so you can be a doormat instead isn’t some virtue.

If I had asked people (just in ARAM) to stop wasting the time to take stupid camps rather than pushing the advantage, or you know, wasting 30 seconds to take a camp that is cleared by the enemy in 5 seconds, my account would have been silenced by now.

For some reason, these kinds of mercenary camp obsessed people can’t be persuaded, no matter how kindly you phrase it. Ayeziza might be a little harsh, I agree, but I’ve rarely seen a player like that Hanzo become more cooperative if they are called out.

The real problem with this post is the hypocrisy of the OP, who leaves all their mirror match games, so they are part of the very problem they are complaining about here.

It’s fine, we all have bad games, but how long do you remember them for? I’m sure in two weeks you would have forgotten this match, if you hadn’t spent time immortalising it in a thread.

I wasn’t trying to be rude, but I do encourage you to use the Salt Mines to complain about your bad matches. It’s a “no accountability, judgement free” area of the forums, where we can all commiserate with each other, without the need for making a new thread about a specific bad match.

I hope you have better luck in your Hots games moving forward.


How about, “core open, lets hit it”

Short and sweet without taking a critical tone. Your delivery matters because then you sabotage the game by getting someone butthurt enough to stay afk the entire game. I’d rather they merc instead of being afk to be honest.

When you speak to someone, your tone matters. Regardless of whether you’re at a store, restaurant, at work, etc. It’s called social agility.

If you want people to be receptive to you, then you need to know how to communicate. Otherwise, your valid criticisms will fall on deaf ears and now you’ve sabotaged the game because you can’t keep your mouth shut.

I’m never harsh, I’m the right amount of pepper :wink:

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LoL, I doubt it. If Sal hasn’t thus far, what makes you think you will? The rhetoric used would hardly bug most any sane person enough to actually go through with reporting. Clearly the Diablo wouldn’t, and there are a lot more silent Diablos, they just don’t say anything. And as annoying it is to see the frequency we encounter the Hanzos of the world, they aren’t enough of them to get you silenced, because thankfully there are more reasonable Diablos.

I just say, take your shot, if you think there is even a small chance of making a difference. Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn’t. Try not to be super rude about it, but if you don’t want to, that’s fine too. I just think it’s naive to think that if we all just sing kumbaya or ignore a problem, it’s going to fundamentally change a game state that is already in a bad place.

That’s not the issue, the issue was the mercing. And core wasn’t open. And your meme said calling them out, which is a totally legitimate thing to do.

Yeah, you can’t teach that to the low I.Q. normie, sadly.

I think it’s too risky to pamper a troll as you are suggesting. I gave him some good advice and he snapped. He stopped playing so I stopped playing and we let it end. It was over with. Guy tried to friend me afterwards but I declined.

Now if you baby him he might play you and make you think he’s going to cooperate only to pull out last minute and lead you into a harder loss. Why risk it? I wanted out, I had better things to do than stand around with Nova and Diablo while the bulk of our team damage AFKs at mercs. He either had to shape up then or there or I was going to let the game end or maybe even alt+F4. He went mostly inactive so it made my decision easier.

In general, talking is safe in ARAM when you are stomping an enemy team or if you want to instill confidence in your team so they don’t give up i.e “we are late game heroes” to avoid AFKers too soon.

However, if you are calling out a person who is ruining the game/mercing, usually it’s only going to be that one person reporting you. I recommend calling out big mistakes like that Hanzo was doing b/c with our comp it was worse than having a bot teammate.

I was silenced before but it’s because I picked Murky in ARAM and entire team ganged up on me and we went back and forth with the typing. I was mostly trying to justify my pick. They concluded we couldnt win around level 5/wouldn’t give me a chance to play Murky so I probably said some stuff that was reportable.

The players in ARAM have no credentials and usually are not half as good as they claim to be. If someone tries to pick out something you did wrong just don’t respond. Many players are just looking for someone to blame to explain away their losses. I would never recommend admitting any sort of fault or taking any blame in HOTS ARAM.

Calling out a turd is just dumb. You KNOW he’s going to get butthurt and not listen. All you end up doing is sabotaging the game.

It’s just really dumb. That’s why I had the bit in my comments about social agility. You need to exercise common sense. It’s not your duty to have to “call someone out” all the time. Sometimes, keeping your mouth shut is a more strategic move than flapping your gums when you know that guy will just go full turd.

If you want to call someone out, use some finesse.

Ok, then use “group up” instead of whatever he used. It’s a neutral statement and, if he doesn’t listen to a neutral statement then he definitely won’t listen to a critical one.

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I didn’t say you needed to pamper him. I just think you should use neutral statements or nothing at all.

That guy was definitely not going to listen and saying something just made him go full turd.

Of course, if you wanted to leave the game quicker, then you did the right thing because now he got butthurt and went afk which results in a quicker loss.

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They are ALREADY sabotaging the game, pretending things are going to get better by pampering their fragilities does nothing either. LoL, I find it funny that you think these linguistic gymnastics are going to do something when the main issue is the Hanzo. You can call it social agility, the extreme version that you’re advocating for, especially the meme that you created, is just empty cheerleading naiveté.

How is social agility “linguistic gymnastics”. Just be smart about what you say.

I never said Hanzo wasn’t an issue. Not sure how you arrived at that conclusion. I’m not advocating FOR hanzo at all.

I’m saying it’s dumb to make matters worse by saying something unrefined that causes the situation to get worse for your team.

Thinking you’re going to change something because you can’t keep your mouth shut is

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I don’t really know why you think that’s the case lol, as if I’m not present in my games where people actually do change their gameplay.

Geez, you’re dumb.

I said exercise social agility. That means, know what to say, how to say it, and when. Obviously, if this hanzo is acting like a turd as it is, saying something is not going “change their gameplay”

I don’t see how you can play as long as you’ve played and still not recognize personality patterns that would make saying something detrimental to the outcome of the game.

Look, your meme was dumb, calling out people can change games. It’s naive and presumptive, and has this air of pretend nothing is happening will be better if you nice someone to death.

If you’re saying people can throw games, they were already throwing, cool. You’re a genius /clap

Your posts did initially come across like you supported Hanzo. I thought maybe you digged his antics. I think you can understand this was one guy you don’t want to be friends with. He’s the kind of guy who tells you he’s got your back while driving a dagger into it.

Regarding the professional stuff you mentioned, sure it’s good to take it seriously but I only play ARAM and have a low threshold for calling it quits when someone is being a jokester. The trolls have all the leverage on any game I’ve been on. They have very little to lose. The only defense is being able to let it go. I doubt I’ll ever see that kid again but if I do I’ll not bring this up and what happens happens.

I never said you should “nice someone to death”.

I’m saying that you shouldn’t make matters worse. How is that so hard to understand?

Actually, it was hilarious. You may not find it funny because you’re in the meme.

Well, I consistently refer to him as a “turd”. I don’t approve of his antics at all. I think his performance was childish.

All I’m saying is don’t make matters worse if your goal is to win. If your goal is to lose as fast as possible so you can get in the next game, then keep doing what you’re doing.

You don’t get extra credit for losing harder lol.

What are they gonna do threaten me with a loss that was already happening? Oh noes! That’ll show me to use social agility!

All I can do is equip them with the knowledge to potentially turn the game around. Yes, it’s better if you can present that in a more digestible manner, but your “approach” is honestly silly.

What they do with that information is up to them. If they want to self implode, that’s certainly fine. People will report them, and they’ll be one step closer to being gone if they keep doing it. Obviously, people can play worse, but it certainly does involve a fair bit of calling people out. In fact, that’s entirely the point lol.