The whole point is Uther isn’t touching tracer
Calling yourself a great azmo player as a argument that tracer needs to get nerft, he was joking and you insulted him repeatetly. Before you edited this. Seems you are the one with a problem matey mate
That doesnt mean she has to commit. Pulse bomb is 3.6 range, your stun ult if you’re willing to blow it on tracer max range is 3.5 range. She can just auto you to death as Uther. You can say Uther counters tracer but I’ll say she’s gonna continue to wreck.
The whole point of Tracer is diving point blank melee range to do a full burst combo to be viable in the fight.
IDK about you but it sounds you don’t know her well or her actual counters that one of her oldest is apparently not.
Strictly Uther vs tracer, Uther is gonna either lose or stalemate by living forever. If you say Uther works then use Uther. I’ll just have to keep looking. I dislike point and click cc but against highly mobile heroes maybe the dev team has to give a long range hard cc which is bad game design. It’ll lead to an arms race like league has where mobility is gonna go out of control
3.5 stun range vs 3.6 pulse range doesn’t mean she’s not being countered by him.
This is nonsense.
At best it’s a stalemate for Uther. He can prevent Tracer’s full melee combo and force her to stick to auto attack kiting but he’s not going to win.
Don’t even bother. I have killed tracer solo for the past week just watching them cry or afk. In team fights its even worse. No tracer will kill uther unless they are just brain dead and 500000000000 feet out in the open and away from every person on their team for some god forsaken reason
“only tells me one thing, you’re out of position and don’t watch for her dive.” He literally says “she can harass me in lane, with my full team - chase me entirely into my towers - almost kill me, have no punishment”
You spent time writing a paragraph response but I didn’t read the OP.
Preventing a “”“fatal”"" combo is a win, you are countering her burst, what’s the problem here?
You are also putting her in a bad position for 1 second for attacks and engages, forcing recall out and make her start all over.
Heroes Profile is garbage and dosen’t actual have access to the statistics it says it does.
That’s the best data we have so might as well roll with it
In their world the tracer will only AA the entire game and will never dive once. So what we have is a tracer that has no W - R but can AA and E. AKA a hero that wont do any damage or get a single kill all game. Sounds like a hard counter to me but I guess not.
Its what we have.
Hotslog is small, laggy and the site is literally dead at this point.
Liming has some of the easier skillshots from any mage class ~ giant aoe and her missiles spread out making even bad shots get lucky hits. Plus she has a teleport, one of the most quick and easiest of the mage escapes. I doubt the OP was specifically harping on Liming but hey thanks for sharing your leet skills as her.
Looking at his 2016 matches, he never was close to being even master. He spammed suicide azmo in qm and had silver MMR in hero league. The only “Azmo God” we knew was Procraft in NA GM and he barely had over 50% wr.
So, of course he’ll complain about heroes being too annoying when the matchmaking doesn’t even give tanks and healers most of the time.
Uther can virtually 100-0 Tracer by himself if he takes Divine Storm. lol HoJ’s range is barely under her AA, so he can quickly juke back into her to start his combo.
Tracer’s weakest version yet, and she already had to burn Blink charges just to escape Azmodan’s All Shall Burn to fight back. To say she’s killing him inside a team solo is laughably unrealistic to me. Is team magically ignoring her, including autos and incidental AoE?
2 range difference between HoJ and Tracer AA
And then you are going to ignore her winrate going up.
Must be all those elite players bringing her to the high heavens.
but the Tracer winrate dropped to 51% uwu, and that is with the bug included.