Another Tracer Thread

If that’s the case she won’t be nerfed.
Qm perception may cause it though because nova was not almost deleted from the game because of ranked.

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You are very open to The facts MacWeak, that’s why I like you. I would like to see you play Zaratul and Illidan but unfortunately we play on different servers uwu.

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First off, you make some big assumptions. Second, if he dies while having his team nearby means said team doesn’t worth a damn. It only reaffirms what I said, if he and his team are potatoes then they’ll be rolled as one.

That’s too bad but may i point you to the community discords? They are friendlier and less OW biased than me and better players too!


Tracer has 55%+ winrate AND 82%+ pick / ban rate in masters, OP is an understatement

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Maybe OP just wants tracer to get nerfed , So he can go back playing squishy heroes again lol

But it was a valid reason to nerf garrote valeera instant wormhole zeratul and nova.
Nova was an over reaction sure .

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Leaderboard on Heroesprofile is the same as the leaderboard on with very little variation, seems accurate enough for me, given it is the best option available (as the company wont publish the full data set).

Their sample size is very large.

Cannot make a game for everyone. Cannot please to everyone. Need to focus on the best players, and the rest should learn from them.

P.s. And yes, Tracer is easy to counter. And if you have problems with this, then all the complaints are “please” to yer team.

I think that the main problem about Tracer - is stupid teammates.
Seriously, as soon as she attacks somebody, if the entire team just casts 1 ability or AA at her - she’s done.

What happens in reality 90% of times is that she dashes to attack a backliner, and the rest of the team IGNORES her and keeps jovially having their 4v4 teamfight a few merers away, while leaving the unlucky target to fend 1v1 vs Tracer which is practically impossible for a lot of characters.

The problem is not her kit.
The problem is people not understanding how to deal with her, and also being selfish about it. As long as THEY are not the ones being attacked - they prefer to dish out their juicy AOE and damage on simpler targets. As a result, Tracer just takes them 1 by 1 like ducks.

Yes, tracer is oppressive.
But she has a very clear and very simple counterplay. Which people just refuse to do.
If every ranged hero right-clicks her as soon as she is in range every time - she will be practically useless, and your fight will essentially turn into 5v4.5.
People don’t like doing that.
They like to cast their abilities where they would deal the most damage, and that means AOE the group instead of one-shotting Tracer.


Maybe he was 4k mmr master rank in his little fantasy world he lives in every day.