Another Tracer Thread

Was 4k MMR, top azmo in north America 2015-2017, just wanted to chime in on the new tracer buff:

Like Blizz noted before, heroes with high damage and high mobility can be extremely problematic no matter how balanced on paper. The only way this was solved with Tracer and Genji in the past was the ability to swat them away - with proper skill shots, and if you weren’t already low health. This was a great balance because it meant that - Tracer and Genji could still be opportunistic assassins, but could be punished if they committed too hard on a duel or chase they shouldn’t win.

I understand getting rid of the range on tracer makes her more susceptible to AA damage - but with the increased tankyness, has made her impossible to swat away by caster or melee.

I have 12k games, and I’m finding unless I pick a “tracer counter” - from the very start of the game, she can harass me in lane, with my full team - chase me entirely into my towers - almost kill me, have no punishment, and just rinse and repeat endlessly.

This idea that a champ should have such profound mobility and dodge ability - engage/disengage, high damage, and high duel ability with so many heroes - absolutely ridiculous. I haven’t “sworn off” heroes in a long time - now I’m going to have to take a month break. When blizzard does crap like this, it really makes you wonder what they have going on in quality control. Or on the patch test server.

Also - please for f***s sake - stop trying to make two games - stop trying to balance pro play and casual play(this is how blizz has ruined virtually all their games - trying to make “e-sports” - keyboard olympics). Just make a game which is fun for all people - skill ceiling should be built into the main game. Stop trying to balance the game to cater to “pro, high level, and competitive play” - just make a game which is fun for everyone to play - thanks.


Were you also the #1 Whitemane of the world?


dude, FatE’s azmo is unparalleled. when he speaks, you listen.


Just stating facts. Carry on.


You are too young to understand that joke mate <3

Please don’t ruin thread with y our guys dumbassery. Its people like you who make the world a worse place. Please respond to the OP with substance - thanks. Giving my experience was part of my perspective. Have a good day.


I apologize for Harbinger being so out of turn, FatE. I agree with your comments regarding Tracer full heartedly. I think she is a menace to this game.


I burn Tracer just as fast with Li-Ming as I used to. It’s a match where whoever has the better position and preparedness wins. If I am caught flat footed she’ll tear me down before I could mount up a resistance. If have my abilities ready her 15-30% lifesteal won’t make any difference in how fast she dies. If she is lucky and survives my burst then she has 3 seconds before the next wave of hurt comes. Not many Tracers are gutsy enough to risk that. Is Tracer a trivial threat? Not at all. If Tracer is better than me, I can lose. But making bold claims like mages are helpless against Tracer makes me suspicious if your MMR even reaches half of the proclaimed 4000. Tracer’s sustain barring Total Recall is entirely useless against burst damage. You just have to land them. I agree that some mages have more while others have less success in dueling Tracer. They are also aren’t meant to do it. But again, proclaiming most heroes are boned against Tracer only tells me one thing, you’re out of position and don’t watch for her dive. Hence you get punished. Don’t blame your mistakes on the hero. Learn the game.


You think it originated from Australia or Canada? An island in europe wants to talk with you :sweat_smile: Europe is a big continent on the east of the states
I dont know why you decided to open up with this, im just gonna flag you. telling you your not the #1 azmo from 2015 and 2017, tracer isnt even strong if you pick the right heroes, and just go on with my living


Speaking of which I never dueled Tracer with Azmo. Is the auto-attack quest worth it against her? My gut feeling is that All Shall Burn opener, well-timed demons to block pulse bomb and dropping a Globe on your position followed up by a pair of AAs should scare away most Tracers. It depends on timing, though. I don’t think Azmo should risk dueling Tracer but if it comes to the worst this feels like an option.

It could be a pretty decent Azmodan (75% wr this year on azmo), but rated 4k MMR three years ago? He would have shown up in GM ladder on Platinum or diamond? Possibly.

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In 2015-2017 everyone sucks. Getting master wasnt hard. I have more trouble maintaining it now then in 2016. People actually know how to soak these days and KT isnt braindead OP

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Can anyone explain why I’m not allowed to post links. >.> Ugh

I am the AZMO GOD - GM know me and call me GOD AZMO - just please - tracer is broken - fix - have a nice day.

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Because spammers could join the forum and post spam links/viruses instantly.

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I actually agree with this. Yeah, it’s wonderful that Tracer is a little more vulnerable than before but now she’s so much more consistent…

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, Tracer is designed to be a hyper carry and hyper carries don’t work in HotS because you can’t build items to mitigate their chasing and burst. This is why the game virtually has no hyper carries outside of specific heroes during imbalanced periods, which almost always results in nerfs to turn them into carries.

Li Ming on release did this. Both Tracer and Genji a few years back, before their massive nerfs were hyper carries. Quira or however you spell her name on release was pretty close to a hyper carry (not quite though).

Tracer needs to be reworked completely imo but I’ve no clue how to keep her core concept without making her a feast or famine hero again.


Can you people stop attacking the great Azmo God FatE? your jealousy is showing. I’ve seen him play back in 2017, he was able to effectively 1v5 grand masters with his azmodunks. Frankly, if he says tracer is OP, that’s all I need to hear. REMOVE HER FROM THE GAME.


im not saying he isnt great but to call yourself the greatest because of stats of 3 years ago is a bit … meh, especially when we all know how season 1 in 2016 was

I’m not sure what “4k MMR, top azmo in north America 2015-2017” really adds to the topic but uh… ok? That was 3 years ago, times change.

Her damaged was shredded actually, so for you to be specifically being harassed off lane means you aren’t laning properly or you are really out of position in the process.

She lost a good chunk of burst and a good chunk of AA, 20 per clip, and almost 25% off of pulse bomb, which now deals less than a living bomb until level 10 (which at that point it deals the same damage).

As for the point over sustain? I agree, absolutely, its unhealthy and it should overall be nerfed, but compensate her damage currently she doesn’t consistenly provide the hypercarry role whatsoever, she survives, sure, but not the case of damage.

Her burst to even reach similar levels of damage like before requires her to commit over 3 seconds of melee range and combo ordered Melee -> Pulse Bomb -> Melee and some AA.

In other words, there’s such a massive counter play, its not even funny, that and on top of the fact that her Pulse Bomb was nerfed and by roughly ~230 less damage in the process if we compare pre-rework and post rework Tracer.

They should lower her sustain, increase her damage, if they want they can also nerf her health.


Then find some glue and repair her.