An internal error occured while connecting to Battlenet

Hi there, for the past month or two, I keep getting “An internal error occured while connecting to battlenet” while attempting to log into Heroes of the Storm. I’ve tried numerious attempts to fix this, to no avail.

Weirdly enough though, if I change my region to Asia or something, the game connects fine. This is only happening on US region.

I have spent literally thousands in this game (not joking) and it’s frustrating that I cant log in now all of a sudden.

I wanted to open a ticket but the system wouldn’t let me so i’m forced to try to get a resolution on here, hoping that a Blue will see this and take action.

I strongly have a hunch that this is an account related issue.

Please help, im desperate. Thanks.


Same here my friend. It is very frustrating. I’ve submitted a ticket and continued to update in hopes of getting somewhere. I would love some feed back beyond “they are investigating into this now” especially since am wasting boost time while I’m unable to log in.

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Hey there!

Thank you for taking the time to post here with these details. I understand how discouraging a technical issue can be when you just want to enjoy your time in-game, and we’re happy to help troubleshoot.

First, can you temporarily test an alternate network such as a mobile hotspot or VPN? This will help us quickly determine whether the issues are network-related.

If you are able to connect to the Americas region when using an alternate network, at that point we can be sure that the issue is isolated to the primary network. In these situations, ultimately we can only recommend contacting the Internet Service Provider (ISP) for assistance determining what is causing the issue to occur on that specific network. They might need to adjust network-level security/firewall settings or temporarily replace the network devices in your home to narrow it down further. I always recommend requesting to be forwarded to a “level 2 or level 3 technician” when contacting the ISP since the front-line representatives typically only have access to basic diagnostics and troubleshooting tools.

Let us know if you have any questions going forward. Cheers!

I have the same problem.
Anyone managed to solve it?

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I just switched from ethernet to my network adapter to try what you suggested, and the problem STILL persists.

Being that others are experiencing the same issue, I can attest that the issue is NOT on our end.

Please escalate my issue since I am unable to open a ticket on this matter on my own. Thanks.

I’m having the same issue with no luck being able to login. My son can log in just fine into his account. No issues at all.

My friend has had the same problem for 15 days and no solution has been given.
I tried to help him by following the blizzard support steps, but to no avail.

I think the game has been without proper attention for so long that problems start to appear and pile up one after the other.

Please give the necessary attention at least for the smooth running of the game, as we haven’t received new heroes, maps, updates for a long time.

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I’ve submitted a ticket and had the contact from your end try and access the account with the same results. My ticket is over 3 weeks old and I didn’t report it immediately thinking that the severs were just down. So I’ve lost a month worth of active Boost time with no fix in sight. So yes I’m very much having a “discouraging a technical issue” with the game that (in a roundabout way) I’ve payed for. At the very least an acknowledgment on whether or not my Boost time can be “refunded” (I just want the lost time credited to my account) or not. Every rep I’ve had contact danced around the Boost issue, carefully ignoring it. Gold for lost dailies would be a nice way to show that I’m a valued customer. Though I understand if that would be a step to far. But I personally feel that extending my Boost time would be fair, and at least it being acknowledged would ease my frustration with the whole issue.

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Exactly the same issue with me. I put boost time on and the next day I couldn’t get into my account, and it’s been 3 weeks now. Wasted boost. There should be boost compensation once this issue is resolved. Obviously this game is almost dead because it’s been at least 3 weeks for me with this issue, and it seems we aren’t the only ones having said issue.

Letting you know that this is STILL an ongoing issue for many of us. Our boosts are withering away while we wait. I’ve tried mobile hotspot and no luck. This has been going on long enough, it would be nice to have a resolution to the issue. Thank you.

Blizzard you need to fix this! I can’t log in anywhere. I’ve been on multiple computers and tried to log into my account and nothing works. People at my house can log into there account just fine, but I can’t log into my own account?

Fix this!

Hey everyone,

Thank you all for the information and continued reports. We suspect that the issue is account-related and requires a manual fix. That said, if you are seeing this specific error (“There was an internal error while connecting to Please try again later”), please submit a support ticket so that the account can be fixed manually.

We apologize for the disruption this error has caused and thank you for your patience!

Tried to submit a new ticket. That resulted in a new and different Error Message…

" Connection problem

You can’t submit this ticket.

An error has occurred. This may be a temporary error, so please try again later."

This is not a great user experience I must say.


Skelgarer, i’m the original poster of this thread.
I just submitted a ticket. The Ticket ID is US84323627.

Please look into this and take ownership and make sure my account is manually fixed.

Like everyone else here, I too purchased a stimpack. I paid for a yearly one and i’ve lost about 2 months worth of game time because of this issue. I’m hoping you guys can do the right thing and compensate me for that time lost.


EDIT Jun 3rd, 2022
So just wanted to provide an update.
I was able to get my ticket answered and after he verified the issue using my credentials on his end, he escalated the issue to network engineers.

As of writing this, I am still unable to log in but will continue to be patient in the hopes that the issue will be fixed soon.


Can we get some more feedback? This is not cool. Another full week and no end in sight. I really still want to support your game, but I can’t do that if for months at a time I’m unable to log in. Other than “This issue has been sent QA” what the heck is going on?

Yeah I’m having that legit problem now. I was playing earlier today for whatever reason, but now it doesn’t seem to work. Most days, the internal error on HOTS seem to not let me log on, however, other Blizzard games are perfectly fine. I tried logging on close to 20 times on HOTS with the same result of internal Blizzard error problem crossing between Bnet and HOTS.

I’m Just wondering OP, have you yourself or anyone experiencing similar problem changed your battle account names recently, or in the past few months by buying a battle-tag? I use to be Destroyer but then I changed account name to this name and coincidentally, I’ve been having trouble logging into HOTS ever since.

That’s the only thing that can come into my head when it comes to authentication problems since the ID and name change could be triggering the authentication/account login. Other than that, it might be something a bit more into the framework that only Kinabro or AZ can look into :d

Well another week goes by, and my stimpack continues to go wasted and im STILL unable to log in.

@Exp, yes come to think of it, I DID do a btag change a couple months ago. I wonder if that is indeed the issue thats triggering our problems.

Any news from the devs about the problem that still persists after so long?

Are there any HoTS devs left? It seems like no one is at the helm anymore.

Same error for me too. Specifically NA Heroes of the Storm, my account works fine on EU and KR, and also works fine in other Blizzard games. Skelgarer above said to submit a support ticket so the account can be fixed manually, but it seems that this isn’t possible after speaking to support and submitting a support ticket about this issue. My ticket has been closed, saying support has confirmed the issue is on their end as well (so its not an issue with my computer at all), with no ETA on a fix. This was 6-7 weeks ago now.

It’d be a shame if I had to lose my level 4400~ account I’ve been playing since Beta :frowning:

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