[AMA] Reddit AMA, 18th of July - ANSWERS ADDED

As the announcement on the schedule thread tends to be overlooked a bit, here a reminder for the upcoming AMA on reddit. Speed buff and hero balance will be the topic of this AMA.

I will edit this post with a compilation of answers once available.


[Chen] Bonuses based on brew level adaptions

[Ana] Stack progression on Vamipiric per upkeep

[Auriel] Possible adaptions in sight

[Medivh] Can Dust of Disappearance last unlimited?

[D.Va] Rework outlook

[Armor] Possible further buffs/nerfs for talents as need

[Stats] More stats in target info panel?

[Movement Speed] Details for Introduction

[Deathwing] Obligatory Deathwing question

[ChoGall] Mastery taunt missing

[Movement Speed] Broken speed modifiers

[Movement Speed] Changes and Skillshots (Jackice Megabundle answered)

[Mount] Nazeebra mount coming back?

[Tyrande] Talent Tree

[Bug] Force move bug canceling skills

[Samuro] Possible changes

[ARAM] Expectations and possible changes

[D.VA] D.Va to be classified as Bruiser after rework

[Voicelines] Missing Voicelines

[Tyrande, Hanzo, Diablo] Changes probably coming in next balance patch

[General] Removal of Generic Talents

[Mule] Mule on heroes other than Abathur?

[General] Make EXP importance more visible/clear

[Whitemane] Changes may come soon

Reddit topic:


AMA Schedule thread announcement:


i am replying to this to find the answered questions easily. thanks rcw you are da best.

EDIt: no news on Tassadar? today is a sad day,


There is a bookmark function on these forums though :grin:


AMA should start in about half an hour if i am not mistaken. I´ll start adding questions/answers from over there as they come insofar i got nothing else to do till then; otherwise i´ll compile it in about 2-3h when the AMA is over.


I look forward for that, get to read something while I’m working on something else completely.


Same here, currently learning Unity by creating a grid/tilemap prefab that allows me to confortably create/dynamically change hextile maps for easier level design. Pretty interesting stuff too that.


Today I started on my second map project and (I think) I finished the spawn area and the theme I’m trying to accomplish in it.


Songs playing are relevant, that’s not spotify or anything

Anyways I look forward for the AMA update just to get caught up with everything in one place.


Looks interesting, especially the mix of heat and cold theme.

Also there are a lot of links up already in the top post.

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Thx for your effort
Dva rework seems very interesting
Also Deathwing confirmed

Soooo same builds? She already have a pretty bonkers self destruct build on top of possibly mixing it up with pilot mode too.

Bruiser focused could be new though.

Well I’m pretty ok with the Big shot change too and thats coming from someone who was pretty scared over what they were going to do when it comes to D.Va changes.

This could be two things, a nerf for her stats but keeping the 15% reduction functionality, or no stats changed but the slow is increased heavily to compensate for the major buff.

Straight up buff but I hope we still have the ability to cancel it.

Micro missiles, mehhh.

Hope they didn’t kill Ablative Armor though its such a unique talent that I will be sad to see it gone.

Ok then, I look forward for it, my fears are no more haha.

I do think i got all that are up so far, if i missed one post ´em here and i´ll add them to the ones in original post later.

Getting a bit nervous about those possible WM changes, i hope they do not screw up my E-build. The guy asking about WM changes clearly has no idea whatsoever about the hero … Clemency a must pick, i am rolling on the floor.


Changes for Whitemane?


I play Q build WM, so i never take clemency
If they make it baseline her Out of combat healing will improve a great deal.
I would prefer if they let us use inquisition on mobs

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I hope they delete Q build :smiling_imp:

I hope they don’t cover her legs.


She’s a bunch of pixels and polygons y’all need therapy.


The sexiest and gorgeous pixels and polygons in the nexus. Also she has the best audio files, i can hear ojojo.mp3 all the day.


I’d feel bad for the people liking that build, even though i have a personal distaste against it’s non-interactivity.

I fear it will push W even more into focus and E out, as it is the only build without Desparation interaction.

Q talents should be utility based in that they only help spread her trait and give other buffs to those affected by it. Like malf’s regrowth talents. She’s supposed to heal through damage. As far as E build I’d like to see the lvl 16 talent made available earlier, and maybe a range increase on her abilities.

Something has to happen to High Inquisitor to make it less prominent. While I personally enjoy using W build to throw down a Fanatical Power enhanced Divine Reckoning and then root chaining two enemy heroes into it for a massive heal, most whitemane’s I see only grab W on 1 and 4 for cheap clemency heals and mana return, and then continue to play as passively as possible all game with Q talents and Scarlet Aegis.