Heroes of the Storm Reddit AMA Schedule - Summer 2019

Are there any QoL changes upcomming/in-progress (or agenda) for improving/fixing controls (QoL changes) for Vikings (and Probius for that matter) ATM ?, many other heroes got the kind of QoL improvements but seemingly those that need it the most seem to be neglected !?


Why do all Vikes get selected regardless of what Viking the player selects (unless DOUBLE-TAP a number), yes I know it’s how WC3/SC2 works but isn’t the way Vikings SHOULD work tbh, furthermore there’s a horrible “self-override” mechanic (more like LACK OF), when your main/selected Viking dies but you had them all selected via single-tap of key now the both of others are UNCOMMANDABLE unless/until one of the others gets selected as well

Just fixing those two issues alone would make Vikings more playable (by quite a margin at that IMO), but still curious what devs might think of

Probius same = many other heroes got QoL changes but those that need it the most (seemingly Vikings and Probius) didn’t get them (in a what seems to be an eternity now)

Probius = put large combo stuff and voila someone stepped into the “danger zone”, only that shucks you have no mana what-so-ever to cast Q to ignite the explosion :stuck_out_tongue:

(IMO) His Q should not cost mana, at least do THAT justice unless/before doing some other (greater) changes and patches somewhat, in other words make Q available anywhere/anytime, won’t change the hero, would decrease the frustration of playing the hero though

Are they happy with some of the cheesy heroes’ current implementations ? (KTz and Hammer come to mind ATM


One has abusable almost 3 shot combo (unless someone intervenes) quite reliable while at it too, the reverse (chain hero first) Glacial Spike chain combo…, The other has seemingly “free out of jail card” of every situation possible, I mean = 50% armor, unstoppable, uninterruptible boost, you name it), are there any talks to addressing those issues and maybe balancing it out with something else possible ?

Yes I know these two are very “random” questions but have had them in mind for quite some time but always forget to post them for some reason…

Hi all,

The Reddit thread is up for people to leave comments on here:



At least I have mm2 and Three Houses to play while I wait for these.

If you guys are opening these days in advance why can’t there be a thread here to gather questions to be answered there?

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Mainly because we’re trying to keep the questions consolidated in one place versus trying to collect questions across multiple social spots. I know if you’re already here, you want to discuss here. I get it. BUT the Reddit path is the way we gotta go.


On the topic of Reddit AMAs, the next AMA thread is up on Reddit now: https://www.reddit.com/r/heroesofthestorm/comments/ce65hi/heroes_of_the_storm_ama_july_18_2019/

So add your questions!


This new data enlightens me.

That’s disappointing. Still, I appreciate the response.

Any updates on how “force move” works?

Thou working too much :stuck_out_tongue:

When are we going to see more skins and new characters this year? Thanks!

What happened to this game? There hasn’t been a new hero in months. We went from around every two weeks to hear news of next hero to every 2+months? No news on maps, reworks, nothing. I stare at a “mecha skin” release page every week I click the HOTS tab. What used to be my favorite game is embarrassingly dead now? Why? Really just why. Does it take that much of an investment to give players something to look forward to week to week? Or even month to month?

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It has been a good while now since Blizzard released info on this topic.
They said they wanted to dial back abit on the hero releases, to every 3 months or so.
So their team could focuz on other aspects of the game, like reworking old heroes, new maps etc etc etc(Not the hero obviously)

I am stil crossing my fingers to Blizz to actually come up with like HOTS 3.0 or something to try and retake the Esports stage yet again with HOTS, they had a good run but was abit late with the release, some due to the DOTA creators(I’ve heard).

But who knows what the future holds, i am just glad we can all enjoy the game today!

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I agree, i would love to see a HotS v3.0. Like other Blizzard games, they keep their content fresh with frequent updates. It’s a shame that their HotS Team has lost many of its team members not allowing enough dedicated work effort and time to keep content new more regularly.

I really enjoyed how frequent the updates were in the past. It kept the game exciting. Gave us all something to look forward to.

I too, am glad we can all enjoy the game today. However my fear is that with so many hours of play, the game will become stale quickly. Anduin was awesome and the rework of Chen was great! But why not make ARAM a permanent game mode and actually create some new Brawl content every 2 weeks? I miss the old Brawl modes. Now it’s simply ARAM every week. Which I really enjoy, but would be nice to see other game modes.


the only thing i want to know is are we ever going to get real solution’s for players feeding and players leaving the game

The recent announcement of Quira has been met with controversy. What is Blizzard’s stance on this and how do you think it will impact future decisions regarding which new heroes to create/release?

This thread is for the dates where AMAs are held, if you wish that question to be answered it is most probably be better to ask the question during the next AMA
on reddit (8th of August).


I see! Thanks for the tips.

Our last Summer AMA post is up and ready for players to start asking the team questions: https://www.reddit.com/r/heroesofthestorm/comments/cmf25v/heroes_of_the_storm_ama_august_8_2019/

Once we have the Fall AMA schedule ready, we’ll post about it in the forums with the dates of each AMA.


QHERA ITS BROKEN. OP:rage::face_with_symbols_over_mouth: