Am I the only one who doesn't like these new forums?

Sidenote? How do I qoute other users? Or can’t I anymore… I can no longer reply to multiple people about differing subjects in the samme topic because of this stupid “Give other users a chance to post before you post again loloololoololllool” restrction. This is just as stupid as the new Garden of Terror

Highlight the text and click the quote popup/button.

How in the Blazing Hecks was I EVER supposed to guess that?

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Others did. Now you know and quite frankly its pretty awesome feature.

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Yeah I just wish there had been a more intiuitive way to know that since no other forum does something like that…

You could actually do that on the old forums as well, I guess most just didn’t use that feature.

Well, no forum other than the old Blizzard forum…

There is no inherent or mutually exclusive positivity or negativity towards either upvotes or downvotes. It’s a general and quick system to view content as generally liked or disliked, whatever the reason.

You can upvote something that is factually wrong, you can upvote something that is negative, purely because you like the one who said it. Upvoting volatile content (such as factually wrong opinions or unhealthy but popular suggestions) is negative in the long run, because it will be hurtful for the organization.

There is 0 discussion value added by upvoting either, yet upvotes are still there. I agree, +1, great discussion value there! Why? Because upvotes are perceived as something positive and are addicting. Here we have come to the true reason: downvotes are removed because downvotes loses customers. Aside from die hard trolls who feed on negative attention, people who have ill informed or generally disliked opinions will stray away from the community as soon as they face a wall of buried posts or dislikes every day.

Now, these people who want to be an active part of the community, with their unhealthy discussions and false perceivances of the game, can still take part in the community and won’t be scared off by the huge amount of downvotes they get every day. They either get 0 stars, hearts, upvotes, whatever, and as soon as they get 1 or more, they feel the endorphines rushing through their head and want to partake even more action within the community, not caring what content they pour out, they just want those +1’s even if they have to post 200 threads a day and if they can’t get likes like that, they start to agree with others, voice it, and hope they get likes that way.

My main argument is, don’t just assume the makers of Discourse care about what you discuss on your forums and how this should be an inherently positive thing all aimed at civil discussion and bla bla, they have a good, solid, working business model that uses the addiction to upvotes as a core. This happens everywhere and it’s a nice implementation.

Don’t be fooled.


Strongest protection for trolls. Fixed that for you.


So: What protection against trolls does this forum actually have? I haven’t seen anything that didn’t exist on the previous one. And it’s clearly not working.

But as to the forum itself, it just seems cluttered. They seem to have tossed basically everything they could find in just because without thinking whether or not it’s a useful feature worth the UI space.
Plus the new reply system is just ugly. Either nest it and leave it at that or don’t nest it at all. Don’t nest AND have the reply in the general topic without a clear connection(the previous forum’s quote function) to the triggering post. It’s just messy.

Plus it’s a massive pain to use on mobile. The quote system is just painful.


not necessarily protection from trolls. But certain behaviors that might indicate trolls such as:

Creating a new account and creating a multitude of topics

Bumping threads by replying to your own messages

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God forbid some people might actually have to write out a reason instead of hiding in the shadows behind an ambiguous downvote button. It’s almost as if this is a “discussion” forum or something like that.

Such as having the exact same discussion over, say, the surrender button yet again? What new perspective can be added to that topic that hasn’t already be used over and over again?
Or should people just be expected to copy/paste their objections over and over again every time some pain in the rear gets upset that they have to actually finish a game?

Also, a simple question, why have likes then? What’s the difference between a simple ‘Like’ and 'Dislike" option that makes one stifle discussion and is bad and the other is fine? Don’t they serve the same purpose with the same effects?

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I think it’s dumb to ask such question. It’s almost impossible that you are the only one that thinks this or that. You can’t have original ideas.

By original I don’t mean that you came up with it without seeing it somewhere else, I am saying that you can’t think of something that nobody else is thinking of or has already thought of.

You are not Mei.

There is a small arrow on the bottom right of every post. Hit it.

The old boards were clunky and outdated, the majority of forum websites use this type because it encourages dialogue and things move faster. The white flash is gone, which is nice, and emojis/attachments are in. The old boards just needed an update badly.


I already forgot about the white flash. Didn’t feel good, since you would need sunglasses at night due to the brightness.
Thanks for reminding :smile:

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Or they’re just copying Facebook.

Not really.

The designers behind discourse have been vocal on their decision to omit downvotes.

They want their forums to be a place of discussion- amongst people who share, and don’t share, opinions

in their experience theyve found not having downvotes promotes and encourages people to actually discuss their different views.

To them, a little red number did little in the grande scheme of things.

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OP hero threads about heroes that have been the same for years is just trash, besides Blaze must be OP because hes in HGC all the time and he can do things hero X and Y cant.

At first I though that “what hell is this?!” but now as I’m more familiar with it I think I like it. We have to admit that the old forum was primitive and didn’t help to interact one another. We had to refresh a topic over and over again and browse our post history to check if someone answered a post during the night.
I really like the new features of this forum but I already miss the ignore user feature (thanks to Healsonheels) and the limited likes are kinda silly. As my trust level will increase I hope I get enough likes to spread the love :hearts: