You’re still a bad person for ruining games for others that have the resolve to play the match with or without CC.
Balancing based on QM won’t happen . Adjusting MM based on heroes and their skills is a form of balancing. In other words a selfish request for you to not cry. This will only raise queue times, which time and time again, the community wants terrible matches for shorter queue times. Play unranked, or ranked.
Since you have admitted to ruining games on purpose, instead of just flat out not playing the game, lets see how long it’ll take for your account to be banned.
I became a level 100 Alarak player by playing solo QM. I think I’ve enough exp to talk about QM. And for improvement, I liked when we had one tank and healer per game, too bad that days are gone. But CC comps balance is a terrible idea.
Man I wish, because I also don’t enjoy going back in the queue just because some special snowflake is trigger happy with alt + F4 after seeing what they are playing with.
Fun fact, sometimes those who appear on your screen could be on your enemy team, not yours.
Well I have over 3000 games and a Chromie at 140 from QM and I disagree with you. If they aren’t ever going to bring back Tank and Healer, I think balancing out CC might be useful. shrug
Lets put a team with full cc with a team with without or
Lets add two tanks and 3 dps but lets give the other team 1 tank and 2 supports
etc etc
This can happen because of groups and just MM only see roles and not their kit on who counters who or if a team may CC the crap out of another or if 2 tanks are damage sponges and dps can’t get to the back line or that one team is full burst dps with another team is dots.
And how is the game supposed to balance CC in the first place?
are we going to put soft CC and hard CC in the same basket?
how about heroes who can get multiple CCs through talents or get any CC at all?
Eg: valla has no CC as a base but can get one with ult or hanzo who can get access to 2.
How are they going to count?
Imagine having arthas with a no CC team against multiple CC ennemies because the game considers he has 6 CC options through talents which poses another issue.
-having CC spread among several heroes against one or two heroes having most of the CC.
how about abathur? Is he going to count excpecting him to get evolution and always clone the target with most CC?
How about alarak? How do you classify displace into silence ?
how do you account for talents giving cdr or increasing cc duration?
I await for OP to provide us solutions.
Plus how about tanks and supports who have no access to cleanse or unstoppable? Are they going to get screwed further just because?
QM is supposed to be a pretty randomized match and therefore it’s not very balanced/competitive. QM is like gambling - you know when you queue up that one team could be favorable and your hero will also work better/worse on different maps. QM is a practice mode for practicing the mechanics of a specific hero because you can get into a match quickly with every hero you like. On top of that you get to practice your adaptation skills / flexibility because most QM’s aren’t really representing the ranked meta.
Eventually players can get frustrated about QM because they want to experience more balanced matches. The problem is that those players are not willing to do something for it. It’s a compromise - If you want balance, you can’t just play whatever hero you like and demand the rest will be balanced around you. If you want to experience balanced matches then you have to be a part of the whole balancing process: play draft mode and pick the right hero.
Imagine being a player that complains about QM balance, making a forum post about dodging QM when the gambling is not going to turn out in his own favor… Would you be proud? It’s like someones competitive mindset is completely missing…
If you are taking the “quick” out of quick match by dodging games constantly to get team compositions that don’t suck, why aren’t you just playing Draft?
Like really… you’re going out of your way to be super complicated and try-hard in QM… This has to be one of the lousier arguments I’ve heard.
Quick Match is not Balanced.
Quick Match will not be Balanced.
Quick Match will NEVER be Balanced.
I don’t enjoy being blunt about it, but that is the hardcore fact that just is not getting through here. The problem is not that there are teams getting all sorts of CC while another isn’t, the problem is that the players are expecting all the benefits of drafting without actually drafting.
Seriously. Mobas with a large roster are designed from the start to go through a drafting process. You pick your team, you pick them to work together with each other, and hopefully develop some sort of overarching strategy to deal with the enemy team whether it’s hard lane pushing or dive compositions. In addition, you can also get the chance to ban characters that would pose a problem for your intended strategy.
That doesn’t take place with Quick Match. All that mode was designed to be was one where you could pick a character, and just be assured that you could play that character in the game that you got. It could be with a group of characters that work well, or it could be in a group that doesn’t. This also means that you get tons of players playing the characters that they want, rather than what the team needs… So you get a lot of hot-shot DPS players complaining they don’t get any help or healing because no one wants to go tank/healer.
Seriously, the problem is not the mode, it’s the people who don’t understand what the mode really is… Just a quick way to get into a match by completely bypassing the drafting process.
And every attempt to have the computer even attempt rudimentary drafting for you has just sent the queue times skyrocketing to the point where the devs revert them.
Repeat after me: Quick Match is not Balanced. Quick Match will NEVER be balanced.
Quick Match is not Balanced.
Quick Match will not be Balanced.
Quick Match will NEVER be Balanced.
Quick Match is not Balanced.
Quick Match will not be Balanced.
Quick Match will NEVER be Balanced.
Quick Match is not Balanced.
Quick Match will not be Balanced.
Quick Match will NEVER be Balanced.
Why is there always a dirty undercrust of people whose response to losing is “I shouldn’t have to play that”?
Come on. Just play AI if you can’t stomach a loss… right?
Or, God forbid, pick a heavy CC pick like Garrosh or Muradin. I know, I know, I’m suggesting you pick someone besides an assassin but c’mon, there’s a dead easy solution to a brainless problem here.
I will admit blizzard failed to realize something in their design philosophy: CC should be the expertise of tanks, not the DPS. Tanks should have low damage but be able to screw up everyone’s day with their large amounts of stuns/displacements/silences/ect., while its the assassins and bruisers jobs to bring the hurt.
They instead seem to have thought “CC sells! Gotta make our new heroes have lots of it” and so we have a real CC bloat in the game now. they seem to have tried to “fix” this with deathwing and giving lots of characters unstoppable, but its just making more of a mess honestly (Deathwing mostly, unstoppable on bruisers and tanks seems to be working okay)
Oh don’t you worry Monsieur Goat, we’ve tried to use the mythic fable of “logic” on these ones and it sails far overhead each time.
The fact is they want their cake and to eat it too. QM complaints never come from tank/bruiser mainstays who always bring that CC to their team…
When presented with the option between facing reality (that QM isn’t balanced, an expecting balance is to turn the game into unranked mode) or growing as a player to cope with and adapt to adverse situations, you’ve chosen to quit instead.
Just like now. It’s not the whole world that’s the problem, it’s your approach to it.
It’s not even really the only one on the subject, I was going to comb through it and save a text file on my computer for every time a complaint about QM being unbalanced came up, complete with a counter for how many times I’ve put that up, but if you’re ahead of me, go right ahead.
So… in a post about CC and how I believe that CC Bloat is a problem in a game, is clearly me saying QM isn’t balanced so I gave up?
Go back and read my post. I’m voicing my concern about CC Bloat. This effects all game modes. I even said that I understand that the game isn’t balanced around QM Or did you choose to ignore that part just to validate your responses that make no sense?
WoW PvP suffered the exact same issue - Hence why Blizzard has addressed it (MANY TIMES).
The only reason people are putting their own opinions and words into my mouth is because they obviously don’t understand the post - hence must have terrible reading comprehension. Sorry that isn’t my problem, that is on you.
Me dodging QM que’s is not because I’m looking for “Perfectly” Balanced teams or because I think QM should be balanced out of the box. I’m just sick of getting a team of 5 with 0 Stuns/Snares/Sleeps vs a team of 5 with a decent amount of CC and loads of mobility. It basically turns into a match up where you sit on your bum for 20+ minutes because the other team can just “RUN AWAY” and never engage.
I’ve had 10+ QM games in the last 3 days where our team couldn’t land a kill. The reason being? We had 0 lock down (CC) vs teams of high mobility and CC. Every team fight was them dancing and dropping their sprays because they even understood we could not do anything because we had 0 lockdown. They proceed to a 5 level lead while most of the team gives up and waits at core to lose. I don’t blame them either…
The reality is - it’s a problem and if Blizzard don’t fix it, their failing game couldn’t die fast enough for me. If you can’t see it - then clearly you are biased and a Blizzard fanboy.