Alt+F4ing QM Que Until CC Bloat is fixed

As a mainly solo only que I started to Alt+F4 all my games where we don’t get a decent amount of CC in the loading screen (Edit) WHERE YOU SEE YOUR OWN TEAM BEFORE THE “MAIN LOADING” SCREEN.

Why? Because I have noticed that almost 100% of my losses occur when one side gets a massive amount of combo potential via CC.

So far almost 80% of my solo ques end up with almost 0 CC vs a tam comp of 3+ heroes with very active CC.

This game is ruined due to the amount of CC Bloat already. I believe the main reason why Deathwing himself is so strong is because you can’t lock him down. Add in the fact that CC comps just make him a billion times stronger esp if your team is lacking that aspect in the comp… it’s almost always GG.

Blizzard, didn’t you learn from WoW PVP that CC is a major breaking point in any team based game?

Slow’s are needed yes to catch heroes, but the amount of “Lockdown” where you can (In some cases) lock down entire teams for 10+ seconds is just ridiculous and just frustrating.

Sure the game is balanced around “Draft” Play Modes, but I think it would be rather easy for Blizzard to at least add some sort of matching filter that don’t put teams of 5 (with almost and in a lot of cases 0 CC/Snares/Roots/Slows etc) vs teams of massive CC and burst potential.



Enjoy your Leavers Queue life.


You don’t get leaver status if you Alt+F4 soon as you see your own team, which is what I meant by “Loading” screen. I will edit the post to be more clear for the simple minded trolls.

You’re not losing because of the CC. You’re losing because you quit the game at the start.

Do you also quit if YOUR team has more CC than the enemy?


Last hotfix Blizzard turned off log off button when game was found but exit game button is still active so you can within the next 5 sec countdown leave your game and not getting leaver status for it. I started to use it myself to prevent myself for wasting alot of time with a troll team like the last one i had. Qm found a team with 3 healers and Sylvanas as only dmg dealer with me as DW. I just saved myself alot of frustration playing with that troll team.


At least someone understands what I’m talking about.

No CC soon as you see your teammates, ALt+f4.


There’s no leaver queue for dodging QM’s during the 5s countdown, it can be done indefinitely.

They did remove the logout button during the countdown though, so it’s a bit more tedious to dodge now (you have to exit client and reopen it which takes 30-40 seconds unless you have an SSD)

The only time in my life I dodged a QM is when I saw Nova, Abathur, Viking, Murky on my side (I had Deckard). I was in a tired mood already and decided I don’t want to watch a 20 minute slow loss unfold.


It’s weak people like OP that make the game worse for everyone.


I still can’t get around this whole thing that there’s the assumption that QuickMatch is supposed to be balanced. I can only hope that the devs include something that monitors how often a player gets paired and doesn’t get loaded into the game someday.


Only weak people dodge games. Refuse to learn is one of the worst mentalities ever.


To learn what? Have you not learned CC is the main aspect to win those teamfights yet?

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“Its the game’s fault, not mine”


It’s basically a waste of 25 minutes If you have like Tyrael tank and like malthael/ragnaros bruiser, and some raynor dps against E.T.C, Kerrigan, Tyrande, Jaina, Maiev team isnt it?

hate ppl who give up in the early game…


To be honest, if this happens during the 5s countdown there’s 99% chance the match aborts so the worst the other 9 people get is to wait a while longer.
A number of people including me uses relatively potato machines so for us this technique would cost a few minutes which doesn’t worth the effort compared to just making it work. So I wouldn’t think this is awful in the grand scope.

Kinda assholish I suppose but some people may need such methods to keep their cool. In my eyes this is not that different from somebody disabling chat to avoid tilting messages.

I fail to see the problem, its like if you want to blame others to feel better with yourself.

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Who is blaming who? So dodging is considered as blaming someone?

The match making, the game itself.
“Since its the fault of the game, why to bother then”


I have always noticed the team with more CC wins. People were dicks to me when I offered better ways for QM to make matches. Including trying to make sure both sides have similar amount of CC.

“It’s QM, it’s NOT SUPPOSED blah blah blah” Always the same folk who probably don’t even touch the mode but have strong opinions on how it shouldn’t ever be improved. Because improving things is bad for video games!

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The moment when OP will spend his time altf4ing instead of playing.
Bonus stupidity if the guy only plays 0 CC heroes.

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